Melissa Barrera & Thomas Heath v Tanya Turner & Catherine TramellA Story by trokanmariel33The NATO robot, wants the Melissa Barrera cigar smoker to
not have just avoided joining the UK Monarchy, but, to have betrayed the UK
monarchy in the following form:
Being a Thomas Heath analyst. Indeed. To be a Thomas Heath analyst, i.e. somebody who,
when faced with the choice, chooses CNN bullets over Fox News cobwebs. The UK Monarchy’s stranglehold, over Melissa Barrera, her
cigar smoking, and her Mexican heritage, is this: Catherine
Tramell, and Footballer’s Wives’ Tanya Turner have both been turned into every
planet in the cosmos; the UK Monarchy’s ambition, is to force ransom over
Barrera, in the style of saying that if she isn’t part of the UK Monarchy, then
every Tramell and Turner planet will be used as a CNN bullet against Fox News
The Objective Can Thomas Heath, in his grey pin-striped three piece suit, equipped
with his own unlit cigar and cigar lighter, keep Melissa Barrera away from the
UK Monarchy, and simultaneously fail to suspend the balance of both Thomas
Heath and evil being correct? © 2024 trokanmariel33 |