![]() 3. Non-existent InvitationsA Chapter by - Dreamer *![]() I had a lot of ideas for this chapter, but I decided I couldn't put them all in one chapter. It's long enough already. Enjoy! ^-^![]() I woke up to the continuous pounding of the rain on my window. I looked outside, finding that the weather wasn’t any better than yesterday. It was still all grey and wet outside, but even so, I still found the energy to jump out of my bed. What had happened yesterday seemed like a dream. The note passing, the smiles, all the apologies just seemed so unreal, yet I knew that it all happened. I was excited to get to school today, waiting to tell Mary about my half accomplished mission. I took another look out the window and I was glad I had accepted Mary’s offer to drive me to school for the rest of the week. Looked like the rain wasn’t going to let up. I quickly took a shower, dressed myself and went downstairs to eat breakfast. My parents were always almost headed out the door when I come downstairs to get breakfast, so I was surprised to find my mom sitting and reading the newspaper.
“Mom, what are you still doing here?” I asked her. “Don’t you have work?”
She looked up from the newspaper. “No, not for the rest of the week,” she explained. “Mary called and she said she couldn’t pick you up because she’s sick. And by the sound of her voice, she won’t be able to come for the rest of the week. I didn’t want you to have to walk all the way to school in the terrible weather, so I just stayed home so you can use the car.”
Oh. My mom would be the only person who ever does that for her children. “Mom, I could have walked,” I told her. “You didn’t have to miss work for me.”
“It’s fine,” she assured me. “It’s only two days anyways. Now, go eat breakfast. I don’t want you to be late.”
I nodded and walked into the kitchen. There was already a stack of pancakes ready to eat on the table. I smiled. My mom loves me. I finished eating the pancakes and quickly washed the dishes. I looked at the clock, and decided that it was too early for me to go, so I finished copying the notes that Seth let me borrow. I smiled a little at how neat his writing was. I really, really, really didn’t expect much from this guy.
Just as I was about to pack my things for school, the phone rang. My mom called for me to answer it, so I picked it up.
“Hello?” I said into the phone.
“Alex,” It was Mary. And she did sound sick. “Sorry, I know I called before, but I forgot to tell you that someone’s already picking you up.”
“Huh?” I was confused. “Uh, no. My mom is staying home for the rest of the week so I could use the car.”
“But Seth should be coming soon.”
“You asked Seth to pick me up?!” I said loudly, almost yelling. I know we sort of made up yesterday, but it didn’t mean we were friends. To me, we were just project partners, nothing more. I’m sure he felt the same way.
“Well, I didn’t want you walking to school in this horrible weather,” she explained.
“You sound like my mother,” I told her. Then, the doorbell rang. My mom got up to answer the door. I sighed. “That must be him now. Okay, bye, Mary. Feel better.”
I picked up my bag and walked to the door. I heard Seth introducing himself to my mom.
“Good morning,” he said brightly, with a smile on his face. “I’m Seth, Alex’s friend from school. I was asked by Mary to pick her up for the rest of the week.”
I was in shock. He introduced himself as my friend. I spoke up. “Yeah, Mom. Mary just called,” I explained to my confused looking mom. “She told me Seth was coming.”
“Alright,” she said, still confused. “I guess I will go to work then. Have fun at school.” We walked out the door and my mom walked back in the house to get ready for work.
As Seth and I walked to his car, I realized the silence was getting awkward. I decided to break the silence. “Uh, so, I’m your friend?” I didn’t know what he was going to say, and honestly, I was curious of his response.
“I introduced myself as your friend, didn’t I?” he stated, looking down at me. I smiled at him. I couldn’t believe the progress I had made. I honestly thought it was impossible for me to change him, but I seemed to be doing fine.
“But, really, Seth,” I began. “You didn’t have to come. I could’ve taken the car.”
“Well, I’m already here,” he said, smiling. “What are you going to do? Send me back home and have me pretend I didn’t come?”
“Fine,” I agreed. He opened the door for me and I slid in. I buckled myself in as he started the car. “But I don’t think it’s fair that Mary asked you to come pick me up.”
“Actually, I offered,” he explained. I looked at him curiously. “I called Mary and found out that she was sick. She told me that she picks you up in the mornings, so I offered.” Oh. That was nice of him. Unless…
“Does this have anything to do with us being even?” I narrowed my eyes at him. I remembered our note passing yesterday and how I had told him that we’re far from being even.
“Maybe,” he said, smiling. I knew it.
“Well, at least I’m getting a free ride,” I said. “For the rest of the week.”
“Who said it was a free ride?” he asked his eyes bright, a smirk on his face. I put a fake pout on my face.
“You’d demand money from the poor?” I asked him, keeping the pout on my face.
“I thought you weren’t poor,” he said, keeping his eyes on the road. “‘Just because I work, doesn’t mean I’m poor.’” His voice was mocking. I had nothing to say.
“Stupid, rich, obnoxious guy,” I mumbled, loud enough for him to hear.
“Well, I guess I can make an exception…” he said. The rest of the ride was spent in silence. I just sat there, watching the rain pour on the window of Seth’s car. When we got to school, everyone was inside because of the weather.
“Are you sitting with as at lunch today?” Seth asked me.
“Are you inviting?” I asked. He nodded. “Well, I don’t know if that’s a good idea. I’m practically invisible to them. Mary always tries to make me sit with her, but I always refuse.”
“Why not, Lexi?” Ugh. Not that again.
“Mary?” I asked him about my nickname.
He nodded. “Mary.”
“Ugh. Don’t call me that. I said you can call me Alex, but never, ever Lexi.”
“Well, just sit with us for today, see how you like it. Please. We’re friends now, right?” he begged me, giving me a pleading look. I tried not looking at him, but I just couldn’t.
“Fine,” I sighed, completely giving up. “Just for today though.”
As we walked in the school, he smiled at his victory. “Alright, see you at lunch, then.” He smiled at me and went off to his locker.
As classes dragged on, I couldn’t stop thinking about what I would do next. It seems like my job’s done. Seth has been nothing but nice to me for two days. I couldn’t help but wonder if I should still continue being his friend, but I guess I couldn’t help it. We’d have to work together for the rest of the year, so we might as well be friends.
When lunch finally came, I became quite anxious. I was honestly looking forward to see how things went at their table, but I was also nervous to be spending time with the most powerful students in the school. This group included the richest of the rich, the beautiful and the jocks, including Seth, who, as I’ve heard, was now part of the football team.
As I approached the table, tray in hand, I looked for Seth. Would he notice if I didn’t sit at their table? But I knew that would be wrong. He was nice enough to invite me and I already told Lisa that I wouldn’t be sitting with them at lunch. I just left out the fact that I was invited by Seth Sanders to sit at their table.
“Uh, hey,” I greeted everyone quietly, but brightly. Half the people at the table turned to look at me while the other half continued their conversations.
“Who are you?” one of the girls asked me. I hesitated. The girl was pretty. She had light brown hair and fair skin.
“Um, I’m Alex Daniels. Seth invited me to sit here,” I explained lamely. “It’s nice to meet you.” I offered a smile and my hand for a shake, but she turned away from me with a disgusted look. I let my hand go back to its original job of holding my tray. “Right,” I mumbled to myself. Wow. I was really beginning to feel welcomed.
I looked down at my tray and I heard someone, a guy this time, talk to me. “Seth invited you?” he asked, doubting it. “Let’s ask him, shall we?”
I looked up at him when he called Seth. “Hey, Seth! The poor girl says you invited her to sit here. Did you?”
When Seth came, the guy started to laugh. “Did you really invite her to sit with us?” He laughed some more. I had nothing to worry about. All I had to do was wait for Seth to tell him that he did invite me.
“Sure, I did,” he said sarcastically, slightly laughing as the others joined him. I stood there, thinking it was a joke.
“Seth, come on,” I said. “Tell them I’m your friend.” He looked at me. I looked at him. The silence was deafening. Then something happened. For the short while that I have been looking at him, his eyes seemed to change. Then, I knew he had decided. I was about to be hurt.
“Who are you?” he asked me in his best I-don’t-care voice. The rest of the group snickered.
“Right. Um, never mind. I was just being silly.” I walked away. I didn’t expect to be hurt this much. I saw it coming after all. I didn’t know why, out of all the things he’d said to me, this one affected me the most. I felt the tears stinging my eyes.
I walked over to the table where Lisa and Kathy were sitting. I sat down but unfortunately, I haven’t fixed the expression on my face. Of course, I got their attention.
“I thought you weren’t sitting with us today,” Lisa said, but when she noticed my expression, it seemed like her thought changed completely. “What’s wrong?”
Kathy’s head snapped up and took a look at me. “What happened?"
“Um, it’s nothing,” I said softly. “Forget about it.” I looked to where Seth was and found him looking at me. I quickly turned away. Just when I thought I changed him, just when I thought he’d finally found and was able to rake out some of the good in him, he decides to throw it all away. So much for “mission accomplished.”
© 2009 - Dreamer *Reviews
1 Review Added on January 11, 2009 Last Updated on January 11, 2009 Author![]() - Dreamer *About- 3sha Marie * Hey, Im Trisha. I was born in the Philippines, but I am currently living in Canada. I love writing, but I absolutely adore music. I find writing to be relaxing, though som.. more..Writing