![]() WillA Poem by TrivénWhen something gives, does it give lightly What is the weakest link, the lie or the truth Where lies your faith Whom stands closest to your heart When rain pours and the sky is dark, to whom will you turn Will you search to the end of the earth for your one, or will you stand alone and wait, hoping he will come to you Today or the next, a month, a year, ten For how long would you search For how long would you wait How long until you give up Would you No telling what, when and where will bring you together How, if ever, it will happen Would you give all you can, all you have For a chance that you might find what you are looking for For any chance, however minute or would you change with time Would you look back wondering wishing paths not taken took roads not traveled Would you go back or just look ahead memories withering away Would you let them Would you hold on let your past consume you or would it just make you stronger Help you embrace the beauty of tomorrow Will something give, your weakest link Intricate lies or humble truths Self told or told to the world Will they hold up to your faith With whom will you share, everything
© 2014 Trivén |
Added on October 13, 2014 Last Updated on October 13, 2014 Author