![]() The Hopeful manA Poem by mrbigteddybear![]() A story of having hope when others have none![]() The Hopeful Man "The hopeful man sees success where others see failure, sunshine where others see shadows and storms" - Orison Swett Mardon The hopeful man is one who no matter what happens in life, he always keeps a positive look on life. This is how I am no matter what obstacles that come my way down this long road of life, I always try to be like the hopeful man and see sunshine when dark times come. Although I am only nineteen years old, I have already gone through many tough trials in my life. In the second semester of my sophomore year, I started having many medical problems and it was hard for me to keep going;" but I did." Many people told me that I should drop out of school, but I said no. Although I am a fifth year student now many have told me that I have failed already, so just quit while you are ahead. I tell them that I have come too far to turn back no, I did not work this hard just to quit now. The hopeful man sees success where others see failure, sunshine where others see shadows and storms. I am this hopeful man, the man who will see sunshine in those who others see the shadows and storms on the outside of them. I am this man, where I see someone who is sitting sadly away from everyone else and I invite him or her to come into the sunshine of life. You ask me why I do this; I will answer you because life is much too short to be alone. I am the hopeful man who lights up the lives of those that do not know me. I am proud that God has given me this gift to give to others who are sad, or in need of a friend. I am this man the hopeful man who calls everyone he meets a friend. When the shadows and storms of life get my friend down, I tell them to let me take some of their burdens away from them. I tell them this is because two people can a burden better than one can. I am this man the hopeful man that has friends all around him. Being this man was a long harsh road that most are too afraid to go down but in the end, your rewards will be well worth it. The hopeful man is the man that goes through the harshest trails, but no matter how harsh the storms of life get I will be able to get through them with the help of God. I will be able to get through them because I shall not bear these burdens alone. If you ask me, why will I not bear these burdens alone? I will answer you because God along with those who I have helped to bear a burden will come and help me bear mine. The hopeful man sees success where others see failure; I am this hopeful man the man who has a dream that many say is impossible. Nevertheless, I have learned about many hopeful men and women of the past who many people said that their dreams could never become reality. They said this to many great names in history. My dream is a hard one to reach bit all that I have met has told me that they believe I can make it happen "if I have faith in God." I am this am the hopeful man that sees success where others see failure, sunshine where others see shadows and storms, the man who has faith in the lord and savior Jesus Christ when others have none. I am this Hopeful man.
© 2009 mrbigteddybear |
Added on December 31, 2009 Last Updated on December 31, 2009 Author