Weeping willow sing your song to me so interred by love she weeps and weeps years and years she watches us grow and fall till her branch's no longer stand tall wisdom she could tell if only she'd speak deep rooted secrets she has no choice but to keep don't keep your secrets from me oh dear willow please sing to me 100's of years you've lived by this stream blood shed during famine has fed you like rain creatures roaming and snicker and playing lovers first kiss wars last quarrel has all happened around you willow your branch's sing with the stars as you both keep you're secrets your wisdom is over whelming if only i could have a peek into your sadden branch's into your gate like bark to see the secrets you hold of humanity
Great personification here. You are very creative in the way you describe and observe such a beautiful tree. Your curiosity has paid off with this poem. Great writing.
A amazing poem. I like when a writer use nature to make a story have reason and purpose. A weeping willow of 100 years old would have great knowledge of life and love. Thank you for the excellent poem.
Hi! My name is Sarah
I'm a little eccentric at times .. ☆
I am also very sensitive and strong
♡I have a lot of faults and imperfections
but I drive on them...
I enj.. more..