Chapter 1

Chapter 1

A Chapter by Triana Fray

Darya Page is discovered to have no ability. She makes a trip to the higher society to figure out why she gained no power.

        In the land of Gvontem, each individual discovers a special ability in them at age fifteen. An authority helps them as they develop in their ability till age eighteen when they learn to live on their own.
        Gvontem is divided into ten territories, yet united as one. They are led by a group of people that remain unseen called the Eminent. This group of people have been the leaders for many years, and pass down their leadership once every thirty years when they find others worthy of the position. The event is called Revelation Day.
        In the Atryd territory, lives a young girl named Darya Page. Her father, Daniel Page, has the ability of echolocation, in which he can determine the location of objects and individuals. Her mother, Charice Page, has the ability of healing. Her older brother, Emil, just recently discovered his ability of reactive adaptation, in which he can develop immunity against injuries and disease. Her younger sister, Aimee, has not yet discovered her ability, but is very good at making a mess.
        Now, Darya Page is age fourteen and has been trying to figure out what ability she might have. Invisibility? Superhuman strength? Precognition? She can't wait to see what's in store for her future.
        Darya sat silently on her bed, looking around her small, gray bedroom, trying to figure out what her ability will be. Suddenly, her brother burst through the door, interrupting her thoughts.

"Emil!" she yelled angrily.

"What?" he replied with a smirk on his face.

"At least knock before you come in my room." she said, as Emil had entered in that way many times in the past.

"Whatever. You aren't doing anything anyways."

"Yes I am."

"What are you doing then?"

She looked down at her hands with excitement in her bright, brown eyes. "I'm trying to figure out what my ability is."

He scoffed. "You have to wait. It won't come until you're fifteen, duh!"

She looked at him with annoyance. "Aren't you supposed to be training?" she said, trying to get him out of her room.

He dropped himself on her soft bed. "I'm taking a break. I've been training all day." He looked at her and knew her mind was flying somewhere else.

"What do you think is my ability?" she asked.

"Probably being super annoying." he said bluntly as he chuckled to himself.

"If anyone is annoying here, it's you!" she replied.

"Only when you're around." Emil smiled, knowing he won that battle.

Darya went back to her thoughts, still curious of what she'll become. "But really. What do you think I'll get?"

"Well, I had a hint of what my ability would be. Injuries didn't bother me much. I stayed strong as best as I could whenever they came my way. Do you have any hint at what you think yours is?"

"I tried thinking, but I can't think of anything. Is that normal?"

"I guess some people are like that. But don't worry about it too much. Just wait until the right time and it'll be revealed to you." Emil said with wisdom.

Darya let out a big sigh. "Man, I wish I was fifteen already."

"It's okay, you should at least enjoy the freedom of being who you are right now, because once you get your ability, that's your focus for the rest of your life."

She looked up at him. "Do you like yours?"

"Are you kidding? I love mine! I get stronger through each injury or loss. It's incredible." he said, truly loving his ability.

        Darya was happy for him. She thought of her other sibling, curious of what her family would be like when they all finally have their abilities.

"I wonder what Aimee will get."

"She's a super baby. She's great at crying right now." he replied, inferring that she has super cries.

Aimee immediately burst through the door. "I am not a cry baby!" she whined.

"Aimee!" exclaimed Darya. Everyone just loves coming in her room without knocking.

"Well, you're whining right now." replied Emil.

"That's cause you're making fun of me." Aimee said with a pouty face as she crossed her small arms.

"Were you eavesdropping?" Darya asked, already knowing she was.

"No." she quickly replied, making it obvious that she was lying.

Emil kneeled in front of her and held her arm, looking straight into her eyes. "Don't lie or else the Eminent will send a secret spy to steal you away in your sleep." he played.

"Stop it!" she yelled as she pulled her arms away from him, hoping he was lying.
    He stared her down until she confessed.

"Okay, I was ear-dropping."

"Eavesdropping." Darya corrected.

"That's what I said." Aimee said, so sure of herself.

"Uh huh." Darya replied with sarcasm.

Mr. Page knocked on the door and opened it. "Come on, kids. Dinners ready."

"I'm not a kid anymore, dad." Darya replied.

"Yeah, neither am I." said Emil.

"Whatever you are, let's go." he said and closed the door.

        They left Darya's bedroom and went downstairs, racing each other to the bottom.

"I won." Emil said proudly as he reached the bottom of the stairs. Darya gave an unsatisfying smile.
          Mrs. Page pressed a button on a device and the food appeared on the table, delivered from the Food Service.

"Can you turn on the news, dad?" Darya asked as she sat down.

        He leaned from his comfortable spot, grabbed the remote, and switched the screen on.

        On the news, a fifteen year-old girl just discovered her incredible power to control the weather and got hired for the atmokinesis team.

"So, Darya, you know what happens when you get your ability, right?" her dad asked as he took a bite of his food.

"Yes, yes, I know the whole routine. My chip activates and the Eminent send an authority to help develop my power and then they help me find the group position I will be working with." she said, having been learning it over and over again in school.

"She's ready, then." he said with a smile to his wife.

        They finished their food and went on with their day as they usually do. Mr. and Mrs. Page, and Emil go to work, and Darya and Aimee go to school. It's Darya's last day of learning the basics of living in Gvontem. Tomorrow, she'll start a new life and develop in the ability she'll receive.
        As the day comes to an end, Darya lays on her bed, full of excitement for what awaits her tomorrow.
        After a good night’s rest, Darya awoke from her sleep. She looked down at her hands, knowing it's time to find out what her long-awaited ability is.
        She tried every ability she ever learned about in school, but no result. She kept trying and trying, but nothing happened. She didn't know what to do. She dropped herself on her bed and thought of what she should do.

Emil burst through her door again, but more excited. "Happy birthday!" He ran and hugged her. "So? What is it?"

She felt nervous. "Did you figure yours out right away?"

"Well, I knew I had a power in me, because I felt it inside. But it wasn't until I actually got hurt that I figured out what it was."

"Oh, okay. I guess I'll just figure it out sometime throughout the day then." she replied with a small smile.

         But deep inside, she didn’t feel anything. She didn’t feel power or as though she gained a new ability. She felt ordinary. Completely ordinary.
She walked out of her room with her brother behind her.

"Congratulations, sweetheart! It’s your big day!" her parents greeted.

She smiled. "Thanks mom, thanks dad."

"So what ability does our Daring Darya have?" her dad asked.

Emil saw that she didn’t know what to tell them, so he said replied to them for her. "She hasn't figured it out yet. But don't worry, it'll come to her," he said as he sat on the couch.

Her mom hugged her. "It's okay, honey. The day just started!"

Darya smiled and tried to stay positive, "Yeah, there's still time. Well, I'm gonna go to Feidrn to hang with Kay." she said as she got ready to leave.

Her parents looked at her with concern. "Oh, honey, we forgot to tell you. You can't visit there as often as you do anymore. The authorities said that they want people to stay in their own territories."

Darya turned to them, shocked. "What? That makes no sense. I thought we're all united together."

"We still are, but they just want to keep us safe and not make things complicated." her dad explained.

"It's not that complicated to visit the neighbor territory. We're coming right back." she replied as anger fueled inside her.

Her parents knew how upset she must be, but they had to obey the authorities no matter what.

"Be careful. They might build dividers and pretty soon you might not be able to go there at all." her dad replied, knowing how Darya is.

"Why do they do things like that? Whatever, I have to go there today at least. After today, I'll keep it short." She said as she went towards the door.


"See you later."
        She started walking when a transporter appeared.

"Where would you like to go today, Miss?"

"Feidrn, please."

"I'm sorry, but according to Eminent, we aren't allowed to cross territories anymore. I'll take you to the entrance and no further."

        Darya was surprised at how much was changing, but she just went with it.
        They transported to the crossing of Feidrn and the transporter left as she walked towards the entrance. She stopped in her steps. They were building a divider and had a security guard by the entrance. She was shocked that they are actually building dividers between the territories like her parents said they would. Darya slowly started walking toward the entrance to go inside.

"Good morning." the security guard said as he stopped her.

"Morning. What's going on?" Darya asked, referring to the wall they were building.

"We're building dividers between each territory."

"Really? Why?"

"It's our orders from the authorities. It's best not to ask too many questions."

"Okay, I'm just curious."

"Did you want to cross?" he asked.

"Yes, please." she replied.

He looked at her strangely. "You don't have a trainer with you. Do you have an ability yet?" he questioned.

"Not yet, but I will get it today. It’s my fifteenth birthday." she said proudly.

He smiled. "Well, then, you just made it. We're not allowed to let anyone under fifteen cross territories."

"They changed that, too?"

"Yes. Now, I need to scan your chip." He said as he held out a scanner.

        Darya turned around and moved her hair out of the way. The man scanned the back of her neck where the chip was and let her pass.

"Have a good day." he said as he let her through.

"Thanks. You, too." she replied as she started walking.

        Inside awaited more people with portal and transport abilities. It was their job to help people transport places.

"Hello! Where would you like to go?" a transporter asked.

"I'm going to visit my friend Kay Verity in Sector 8."


        In a flash, they were already there.

"Thank you!" Darya said as she started walking towards the door.

The door opened. A man in his thirties was standing there.

"Hi! I'm-"

"Yes, I know. Come in." he said quickly with a short smile.

She stepped inside and Kay started running towards her. "Darya!" she said excitedly.

        They hugged.

"Did you get your power yet? What is it?"

        Darya looked at her, hoping she would read her mind. Kay stared back, waiting for her reply. In the midst of this waiting, the trainer decided to interrupt.

"No, she didn't." Kay's trainer said, then he turned to her, "Verity. Always have your mind wide open. Use opportunities like this to enhance your ability."

"Oh, right. I knew that." She put her fingers on her temples and concentrated so hard that she was making a ridiculous face.

"No." her trainer said as he went to her and put her hands down.

"What?" she said confused.

"Let it come naturally. You don't want to make that face every single time you read someone's mind, do you?"

        Her eyes drew to the floor, knowing he was right.

"Page," the trainer called, "do you mind if she practiced on you?"

"Sure." Darya replied willingly.

He turned back to Kay. "Okay. Concentrate, but not so much that you’ll make that ridiculous face again." he said having hope in her to master this.

"Okay." Kay replied as she gently closed her eyes and concentrated.

Darya: Kay, hello? Can you hear me?
Kay: Yes! I can hear you! Finally! Man, my trainer is so pushy.
Trainer: I'm right here, Kay.
Kay: Oh, yeah. I forgot you can read minds, too.

"Okay! That's enough. That's good you can read Page's mind. Keep practicing, though - whoa," he stopped for a moment to try to clear his mind, "Page, you have so much going on in your head right now. I'll let you two be alone to talk. But, Verity, I want you to use your telepathy for exercise. I better not hear any of you talking. I won't use my ability just so you can have a private conversation."

"Yes, sir. I got it."


        He went upstairs while they looked at each other and laughed.

Kay: Okay, he's gone. So what did you want to talk to me about?
Darya: Kay, I'm scared. I don't have an ability.
Kay: That's nonsense. Everyone has an ability. It'll just come to you later.
Darya: No, Kay. My brother told me that you will feel it when you first wake up. And I didn't feel anything. I feel ordinary.
Kay: That's impossible.
Darya: The only explanation I can think of is that maybe today's not really my birthday.
Kay: But your parents wouldn't lie to you.
Darya: I know, but that's the only explanation I could think of.
Kay: You should ask them when you get home, then.
Darya: Oh, yeah, and did you know they're building a divider between each of the territories?
Kay: Really??
Darya: Yeah. And before you can pass, you have to go through security and they have to scan your chip.
Kay: What's happening? Is it Eminent?
Darya: Who else could it be?
Kay: We've been living in peace. Why do they need to build dividers?
Darya: I'm pretty sure they're power-proof, too.
Kay: Ugh! ...By the way, do you wanna go see the omniscients, so you could know why you don't feel your ability coming in?
Darya: I want to, but I'm scared.
Kay: Why?
Darya: We don't know what they might do to me. I'm the only one to not gain my ability. The only one in the entire history of Gvontem. We never learned about this in school.
Kay: Maybe there are others and you just don't know it.
Darya: No, Kay. If there was, it'd be on the news or something. The only thing on the news is people with abilities. And if anyone finds out that I don't have one...
Kay: One blink and you're locked up...
Darya: Exactly.
Kay: ...What if you hide in an anti-power place. You know, where no one would be able to use their ability on you. So they could never track you down.
Darya: Is there a place like that?
Kay: We could ask the omniscient.
Darya: No, we can't. No one can know about this.
Kay: We could ask them to keep it a secret.
Darya: No one can keep a secret. We're all projects used for Eminent.
Kay: We still have a free will, though. They don't completely control us.
Darya: Tell that to the chip in your neck.

        The trainer came down the stairs.

Darya: Wait, he's coming back.
Kay: I thought he was gonna leave us alone.

"Excuse me, I just got a reminder from the Eminent. There's a meeting with all the trainers, so I have to leave. Do you need a force field to keep safe?"

"We're not little kids. We have abilities already."

"Alrighty then." he said as he headed out the door.

"- wait!" Kay stopped him, "Mind if we, uh, hitch a ride with you?"

"Yeah, I'll let your parents know, but what did you have in mind to do?"

        She looks nervously at Darya, but he already read her mind.

"You could've just said so. The Information Dome is right next to my meeting place. Come on, the transporter's waiting."

        They arrive there and see huge buildings before them. Darya and Kay have never really been to this part of Gvontem, they only learned about it in school, so it was somewhat new to them.
        The trainer waved to them as he heading to his meeting.

"Okay, there's Info Dome. Let's go." Darya said.

        They took few steps and Kay stopped.

"What's wrong?" Darya asked.

"Whoa. I cannot handle this. I'm getting too much nerd signals to my head. Maybe I should just stay here." she said, feeling weak.

"What? No. I need you with me. You know I'm not that good at talking with people. Especially these kind of people." She said as she tried to help her.

Kay turned around and found a place to sit. "I'm sorry, but I can't. I think my head's gonna explode. I promise that when I learn to control this, I'd go in big places like this with you. Just not right now." She said with her hands to her head, as though she had a migraine.

Darya saw how much pain she had and understood. "Okay, I don't wanna torture you. But what do I say? How do I say it?"

"Just casually ask if there is any history of a person that never got their ability. If not, ask if it's possible that they can get it later after their birthday is already done." Kay replied.

"Okay. What if they suspect something of me and arrest me?" Darya worried.

"Well, unless they have mind readers in there, I doubt that'll happen. Your birthday's not done yet." she tried to reassure her.

"Okay." she said as she started walking slowly, but Kay stopped her.

"Oh and ask about the power-proof shelter, too."

"Alright. Okay." She started walking again, nervously, then Kay stopped her, again.

"Oh, and, don't be so nervous. They answer any crazy question people ask in there." she said, trying to help her stay calm.

"Okay, okay. I got this. Don't go anywhere, okay?"

"Don't worry, just go!"

"Okay, okay." she said nervously as she walked towards the building.

        Inside this huge dome structure were millions of different omniscients. A woman in brown glasses immediately walked up to her with a welcoming smile.

"You're Darya Page. Nice to meet you. I'm Anabel Hayes, I currently professionalize at knowing each and every person's name and family information. "

"Oh, that explains how you know my name. It's nice to meet you."

"So, just tell me the nature of your question and I'll direct you to that station."

"I actually have one question I'd like to ask you."

"Sure." she said openly.

"Is there any history of a person who never got their ability?"

There was a short pause before she answered. "Rina Faue. The Faue family all had an ability, except her. On her birthday, no power came. Not even a slight feeling of power. They gave her a chance and waited a few days until it came to her, but it never did. She was gone in the blink of an eye."

"I see. Is she the only one?"

"Yes. Don't worry. I doubt any more will come." she assured her.

"Are they that bad?" she asked, hoping that won't happen to her.

"From what I've learned, they are seen as a threat. But we don't have much information on them, considering that there has only been one in the entire history. Also, I don't specialize in that area. So that's all I know right now."

        Darya was a little disappointed. She wanted to ask for someone who does specialize in that area, but she knew that would be too suspicious. Especially after hearing what they think of people with no ability, she knew they could arrest her.

The lady continued, “After the experience with Faue, they made a rule that whoever doesn’t get an ability the day after their birth day will be executed.”

“Really?” Darya felt a chill throughout her body. If she didn’t get her ability soon, they would execute her.

“Yes, it is a known fact.”

She turned to the lady and smiled. “Well, thank you so much. Oh! Wait, I have another question for you."

"No problem."

"Is there any history of people who got their ability late? Maybe after their birthday?"

"Yes, actually. But it's very rare. Right now there are three people that have gotten their ability after their birthday. Caris Norris got hers the day after, Nicholas Woodson got his the day after, and Laztan Russell got his ability three days after."

"I thought that the day after they take you away. Why was Russell an exception?"

"Apparently, he disappeared. They didn't take him away because they couldn't find him."

"But that's impossible. Wouldn’t the authorities be able to track anyone down?"

"It didn't make sense to me either. On the third day, he reappeared and no one could believe it. They would've taken him away but they saw that he got his ability."

"Did they question him or tried to find out how that happened?"

"I'm sure they did, but that's all I know for now."

"You've helped me a lot. Thanks for answering my questions."

"Thank you for asking them. I've known about these things for a long time and I've never gotten to talk about it like I did today. So thank you."

Darya smiled. "By the way, do you know where I could find Laztan Russell?"

"Yes. He lives in the Vhane territory, Sector 7. I'll have a transporter waiting for you when you're ready to leave."

"Thanks. I'd also like to ask some questions about history of structures and buildings first, though. Do you know who I could speak to about that?"

"Yes. Right here on the left. It's the one with different models of buildings."

"Got it. Thank you!"

As she walked towards the building section, a young man approached her. "Excuse me, Darla?" he asked.

"Darya." she corrected.

"Sorry, I'm still working on names."

"It's okay. What is it?"

"I overheard your conversation a bit with Hayes. And, well, I want to ask you something."

"Really? I thought that's why people like me come to people like you. And by the way, I was just asking those questions out of curiosity. I guess I think too much." she replied, hoping he's not getting suspicious of her.

"Oh. I was going to ask you why you asked those questions. Are you a mind reader?"

She chuckled. "No, but I have a friend who is. Anyways, I need to talk to the man in that office over there. So, please, excuse me." She tried to walk past, but he stopped her again.

"Um, I'm sorry, but you can't go in there right now."

"Why not?" She asked, puzzled.

"Because, uh, just trust me it's not a good idea."

"But - "

"I can help you find a transporter, though." He said as he directed her to the exit.

"It's okay, the lady already has one waiting for me."

"Well, I'll escort you home so you won't be alone."

"I'm not a little kid. Plus, I'm not alone. My friend is waiting for me outside."

"Everyone's just waiting for you outside, aren't they?"

        They walk outside and a group of people are waiting for Darya.

"Darya Page?" a man in a suit and dark sunglasses called.

"Yes?" she answered as she stepped forward.

"We're going to have to ask you some questions."

        Darya looked at Kay, who was being held by two other men in suits. Kay looked down in worry.

The man that was with Darya began to speak to her, "Page - "

"Excuse me, sir, I shouldn't hear you talking to her right now." the man with sunglasses said firmly.

"Oh, I'm sorry." he apologized as he stepped back.

"Exactly, who are you?" he asked, approaching him.

"I'm her friend." he replied.

"No, you're not." Darya said quickly.

"That's not what I asked.” The man said as he asked once again, “Who are you?"

"I'm Sam Porter of Omniscient, sir."

"Miss Page, is he a friend of yours?" he asked as he turned towards her.

"No, sir. He's just a worker that was helping me."

"Okay, then." he said with authority as he turned his back on him.

The men in suits directed Darya and Kay away from the Info Dome. And in a flash, they were gone.

© 2014 Triana Fray

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Added on July 1, 2014
Last Updated on July 1, 2014
Tags: superpower, ability, superhuman, fantasy, family, teen, teenagers, friends


Triana Fray
Triana Fray

16 years old. Been writing since primary school. Left-handed, right-minded. more..
