The phrase 'the woods' can conjure a foreboding feeling, where the Wolf chased Little Red Riding Hood. But your take has the woods being a comforting presence, embracing you in it's warm branches, leaves like a down pillow for the soul, the air's soft breaths sending breezing tickles through your hair. Very nicely done, young lady, and I hope you have a Happy New Year! take care...dan
Posted 9 Years Ago
9 Years Ago
Hello Dan :) Hope your holidays were full of peace love and laughter and I hope the new year is kind.. read moreHello Dan :) Hope your holidays were full of peace love and laughter and I hope the new year is kind to you and yours...thank you, always good to see you by
wow !!!! great start and ending too was lovely !!!
i like the emotions also !!!!
kissed by only your breath, your air
The wind, you blew through my hair
these are the best lines
100 points
Entangling romantically with a tree--wow. I've never heard it put quite like this, and you're the imaginative one who did it. Tolkien's ents would approve, I'm sure. Very nice writing, Lynn.
Posted 9 Years Ago
9 Years Ago
Hi Sam :) Thank you for your visit. Warms my heart seeing you here
When I was a bit younger I used to backpack alone into the White Mountains. Leaving the road and civilization behind me at the trailhead, after a few minutes into forest, I would get the sense of being swallowed up by another world, another dimension. The peacefulness of it all. Your poem brings me back there.
Posted 9 Years Ago
9 Years Ago
Thank you, SF, for stopping by. I'm glad it took you back to a favorite space :)