Boy how I know this place...
Oh, but I know you well enough to say for certainty you are not gone.
We need to learn to be whole and present even within a relationship.
Then, with our lover or without we offer our fullness to ourselves and our love.
A hard lesson to learn.
When we use love interest to complete us the disaster is inevitable.
Posted 9 Years Ago
9 Years Ago
I wrote this shortly after my lover died. I was bleeding. Sometimes I still do. Thank you for your w.. read moreI wrote this shortly after my lover died. I was bleeding. Sometimes I still do. Thank you for your words, my friend
9 Years Ago
I'm so sorry for your loss.
I have not had a death, but I had to shut out and shut off a tr.. read moreI'm so sorry for your loss.
I have not had a death, but I had to shut out and shut off a true love...
I do know the pure suicidal feeling. The hopelessness is suffocating.
I had to learn to be whole. I was midlife and I was never even close to being independently whole.
Sorry if I projected. It was not my intention to minimize your loss.
:) It's ok, David. I appreciate your thoughts and what you are trying to do, my friend
9 Years Ago
Honestly, just trying to be a friend. No agenda other than to inspire and be inspired by transparent.. read moreHonestly, just trying to be a friend. No agenda other than to inspire and be inspired by transparent art and sharing.
Thank you for your tolerance and openness.
I wouldn't know what I know without having been there emotionally myself.
' And every night I stood there, - waiting for another sunset to catch-'
When someone you love with every part of your body and spirit disappears from sight, tis as if you've lost your shadow. How can the sun make sense of that, how can anyone else?
Your writing is extraordinary.. tis real, tis special.
Posted 9 Years Ago
9 Years Ago
Thank you my dear sweet Emma :) To have you say that to me, is special ((( U )))
"blindfolded by will?" What a beautiful & astounding way to express the emotions of heart. I must say, very intellectual write you've come up with. Around the world, there's so much love, light and peace, though somehow, there's, of course, nothing "left" love, light and peace", but the stereotypes of "memories". I believe, if there's no love, there's no memories so quite obviously, the "GONE" portraying here the conversation of one love-heart with lost-mind .. what all spirit wants is love, but the love's lost in the midst of time so you ask to yourself:
"I was alive, Ah.. ohh.. was I alive?
What all I see are clouds, & sun that's gone... "
Wonderfully expressed. One of my fav. writes, after all, it's drooled with so much insights/envisions & labyrinths of ones mind/heart. Beautiful write. Great job! ;)
i get much enjoyment from reading your .. read moreyou are a terrific, writer, lynn,
i get much enjoyment from reading your have your unique way of phrasing...of putting things together....always a whole that comes from the well drawn together parts.
9 Years Ago
Jacob...((( you ))) that means a lot to me. Thank you!