You are like a sage. Wisdoms packs the lines in a pill one can easily swallow. Yet, with digestion of thought, you provide plenty to nourish those with an appetite to learn.
I admire this skill.
Another thought provoking shot it is. Your poetry has numerous perspectives to be read across that says the flower (a life) needa live, no matter how many times. Well, if I go more into the depth of your poetry & twirl it with another theory of art then I guess, I find, it's a great message to everyone's life to re-start it around. Means, the world's no proverbial wicked.. what makes it entangled's people who tryna being proverbial smartasses but further, what makes 'em being bad's the situation they pass through. So, to grow up, everyone needa uplift their spirit with new start./. just like a flower re-births once it's wilted. Quite interesting. Keep it up. Your short & simple poetic stuffs're pretty good to read... along time.
Posted 9 Years Ago
9 Years Ago
Adams, Thank you so much for very in depth reviews :) I enjoy your visits, my dear poet :)
I love any poem that speaks of the cycle of life, whether it be the physical birth into the light and returning to the darkness of death, or the spiritual birth of emerging from darkness into enlightenment.
So much to contemplate in the brevity of this piece...
a wonderful allegory for the re-birthing of oneself, Lynn... like the flower we all come out of darkness and often enter many phases of darkness before continuing on our journeys toward enlightenment :)