Square,round windows, stained glassed, majestic, awsome windows, without them we would be in a box never seeing the outside beauty, never feeling the sunshine. Windows are also the depths to our minds, what we let in, what we share, what we see, feel and want to let out. Windows are grand, so many colors, shapes, beauty and history. The stories they can tell of what they have seen, they are the true peeping toms of our world and our minds. The windows on a ship, small and round take us on wild adventures, protect us, but surround us with so many question. The windows in a tall out in the sky building where the clouds are making their own windows, you look down and there are tiny fiugres roaming about more windows in a dark square we call cement, closing one and opening another, feeling the sun, hearing the rain, the rattling sound of the wind. The windows sometiimes are heavy and fragile, sometimes just transparent. We all live in a window, it is what we let others see, it's what we see in others. Windows are a world of beauty, secrets, love, hate, pure, innocent, and serrence. The windows in the church bring me closer to my peace of heaven, the color, the warmth hold me tight. The windows are always open there, the angel sits in three, the cross in another, always watching over me.