Winding road
25(mph), all alone
turn off the music
turn off the noise
tune out the world
as you pass it all by
listen intently
you will hear
the gentle roar
as you steer
engine purrs
keys clank
wind goes by
sweet. Soft.
not enough.
45? 60? 95.
oh yeah...
it rained last night
tight corner
flooded road
breaks squeel
not a chance
two wheels?
one? none.
roof. Wheels.
corn field.
Dead? no.
upsidedown? sideways.
bleeding? yes.
phone? no.
who will help?
who will find me?
isn't there someone there
beside me? no.
all alone. Listen
water. peaceful
look. soft colors
feel. warmth
beautiful field.
restful waters
restless mind.