This poem has a sensual, almost narcotic quality to it, as if it's a film being played in slow motion. I love the wake it evokes sense images, the sun spilling and the scent of the sage, the bluffs and the moss, the flowers. I think those are techniques some of my favorite poets use--Yeats, Neruda--where the imagery is so strong (and draws on so many of the senses) it lulls you into the setting of the poem. The alliteration is excellent, too. It all works together very well. Just a suggestion but you could subsitute other punctuation (periods or commas) for the dashes. I always struggle with that sort of thing in my poems, but overall I think the less I use them, the better. Just my opinion, and the poem is lovely. :-)
ah, special moments indeed... I'm on sea cliffs - that's where this has taken me - the last egg blending of sunset... free range... I was expecting gorse but got `gray brush` - so maybe inland hilltop getting the full benefit of the sunset - and not alone - shared special
like a painting... thanks
You have a fine sense of place. It is a real strength of yours. Your first stanza perfectly does this. At first we are drawn into the overall place of the gorge and the narrow ... then into the beautifully done detail of place with such phrases as "yarrow in feathers." You evoke perfectly this entire scene. I am able to sense, feel and touch those yarrow leaves so like feathers. I am glad for the comments below for the "surprise" was a place that I was getting lost. Then I tend to be a bit literal and that gets in my way. This truly is lovely.
This poem has a sensual, almost narcotic quality to it, as if it's a film being played in slow motion. I love the wake it evokes sense images, the sun spilling and the scent of the sage, the bluffs and the moss, the flowers. I think those are techniques some of my favorite poets use--Yeats, Neruda--where the imagery is so strong (and draws on so many of the senses) it lulls you into the setting of the poem. The alliteration is excellent, too. It all works together very well. Just a suggestion but you could subsitute other punctuation (periods or commas) for the dashes. I always struggle with that sort of thing in my poems, but overall I think the less I use them, the better. Just my opinion, and the poem is lovely. :-)
beautiful imagery. Again such a tender piece, that lay itself down softly on my heart strings and made a gentle sound....moments are like that aren't they?
The end leaves you breathless. I actually felt a fresh wind rush across my face, momentarily. Couldn't explain it. But wow. For some reason I thought it was going in a different direction through the first few lines. But it surprised me. And being surprised is good.
I teach art, I do art in spurts, in moments or minutes or maybe an hour. Avid reader. Now searching for my own voice through fiction (short or long) and poetry, and ramblings. I am exploring and exp.. more..