Planetary Poison

Planetary Poison

A Story by Totw




            “Quildi Kanse, the Kage requires your presence at The Hospital.” The voice came from behind the shoji screen. Quildi understood instantly that it was an elite shinobi. She did not question the figure, since he’d already have gone.

            As she moved towards the door she tightened the belt on her yukata, then pulled on her sandals and tied the intricate rope work around her calves. Her footwear secure she left the house. Quildi and her brother lived to the west of Yamigumo’s main body. The village was only a few minutes walk away, so it wasn’t really an inconvenience. Quildi took the path at a run; one did not keep the Kage waiting.

            Using her Chakra to strengthen her muscles she was soon leaping from rooftop to rooftop towards her destination, Medical Center One, or as it was commonly known, The Hospital. It was the central hub of all seven other medical centers in the village. The only patients sent to The Hosptial were those who were going to die, or those whose chances were so slim as to make no difference.

            Quildi was a powerful medical kunoichi so it wasn’t uncommon for her to be summoned to a medical center for assistance. However, she hated The Hospital. On the battlefield she could accept death, one could not always saves lives in the middle of a struggle or after when so many were hurt. But in peace she could not stand to see people die. She could not stand to fail in her duties as a medical kunoichi to save people. In peaceful times there was no excuse for failure. And The Hospital was a building filled with nothing but failure. Quildi hated everything The Hospital represented. Only the Kage or Dosil could have gotten her to even approach the place. If the Kage was sending for her it must indeed be important.

            She landed in the courtyard of The Hospital pausing a moment before approaching. Noticing the shoji door was already open she slipped inside without removing her footwear.

            No one was in the receiving room, a strange occurrence. Calling out brought no response. She called louder and, after a moment with similar results as the first, louder still. Without warning a shoji door near the desk slammed open startling her.

            “Shut up! I did not summon you here so you could awaken all of my patients!” the old hag snapped. The combination of a place she did not like, a sudden surprise, the old hag’s tone, and the appearance of a person she disliked brought a sharp response from Quildi.

            “You old hag! Why would you have the Kage summon me here, you know I hate this place!?” Quildi raged.

            “We have need of your brother. And I have need of you.” Her calm voice eased Quildi, but it could not completely dispel the anger.

            “If you need my brother why not just get him yourself. As for me, what need could you have for me? You’re the great medical kunoichi with the vast amount of knowledge and physical energy. Plus Dosil says your Aura is growing. What need could such a mighty kunoichi as you have for me?” Her tone was insolent and highly offensive. Every word that many would say in praise Quildi said in a tone of derision.

            “Kenpa! We cannot find him! And what good is my knowledge when I have no Chakra with which to use it! I am old, dying as surely as any of my patients. Each day brings me that much closer to death! Each day my Chakra weakens while my spiritual energy grows! It is all I could do to simply get out of bed this morning!” The words and the tone sobered Quildi up quickly. Kenpa was a term denoting a foolish person who had missed the important points of life due to willful ignorance. Also, Quildi always though the Old Hag a braggart, better at running her mouth than a medical center.

            “I am sorry.” She could not quite bring herself to calling Tsunami by her name or ask for forgiveness. She still didn’t like her.

            “Bah, come child. We have no time to waste.”

            “Whatever, you old hag.” Quildi’s nerves where on edge again after the child comment. The old hag chose to ignore the old hag comment and walked on. Quildi followed her in to the room.

            The first thing to strike her upon entering was the four elite shinobi standing at each of the four corners of the room. They were marked clearly by the masks each more hiding their identities. When she realized that it was the Kage who lay upon the bed stripped to the waist she understood. The Black WolFox, a special group of black operatives that served as the Kage personally. The Kage’s left arm had a black band around the middle of his bicep. Quildi knelt beside the arm as the old hag knelt at his head.

            “What happened? How could the Kage get hurt like this?! Where’s the WolFox with him?”

            “Only the Kage knows for sure what happened upon his return yesterday.” One of the WolFox said moving forward, “He nhever made it back to the village. This morning upon finding that the Kage was not yet back, nor were the WolFox sent with him, we mobilized. The entire WolFox force searched for him. He was found near Heero’s Fang, the WolFox agents that had gone with him were all dead. We rushed him here immediately.” The WolFox angent retreated to his corner.

            They sat in silence until the old hag reached down and struck the Kage in the temple. “Keitaro, she is here. Tell her what happened.”

            “We were attacked. Don’t know by what, seemed human at first, wasn’t in the end, more monster than man by then. We thought we could take him The Kage and four WolFox should be able to handle almost anything, no luck. Killed the WolFox instantly, a single blow. No techniques or attacks touched it. Defeated us all.” His voice began to fade as he drifted towards unconsciousness. “Grabbed me, demanded to know where Dosil was. Didn’t know, told him so. Gave me two messages, said Dosil had to have them. First, was that he’d be waiting for Dosil tonight. If he didn’t show, he’ll kill children. Said Dosil…had…had something that…that belonged…to him.  Second…Sec-“

            Quildi leaned down shaking the Kage’s shoulders,

“What is the second message?” she shook him a little harder when he didn’t answer.

“What is the second message?!” Before she could stop herself she slapped the Kage’s face making the WolFox draw their weapons. They stayed at a motion from the old hag.

“What is the second message!” His eyes flew open and for an instant he was fully focused, completely there. And he replied with no hesitation before falling away again. “The second message…is me.”

Quildi felt herself shaking, she needed to even out her breathing or she’d pass out. She worked hard to calm her pounding heart. Her racing mind was making connections so fast she didn’t even know where to start. The monster was sending messages to Dosil, to her brother. Dosil hadn’t returned home the night before. Anger and fear, worry and assurance were combining in her heart and mind, fighting for control. Dosil was the only family she had left. They’d lived through everything together. They’d survived their father hunting them, their mother dying. He had been there when everything went wrong, when everything turned dark. He had brought her through the dark cavern and into the light again. He was all she had left in the world. She needed to find him, needed to know he was okay. She would damn all of Sural Coras just to know he was all right.

“Take my Chakra, quickly. I need to find my little brother.”

 The old hag could see the emotions playing across Quildi’s face. She spoke no words as she took Quildi’s hands. Quildi herself felt her Chakra being siphoned off. Her first thought was how the technique for transference worked, the old hag was the last kunoichi to actually be able to use the technique, it was a very difficult move that required absolute control of one’s energy. Her second thought was why the old hag needed her Chakra with four WolFox at hand. When she glanced around she understood. All four WolFox were males. Female and male energy was different and didn’t transfer well. Quildi steeled herself to be patient. The transference seemed to take hours, though in reality it was only a few minutes. As soon as the old hag let her hands go Quildi was on her feet heading for the door.

“Hold on!”

“What!” Quildi snapped glaring.

“Return here when the sun is at its peak. I may have need of you.”


“And Quildi. Do not let your emotions cloud your mind, be as tranquil as your brother’s blade.”

Quildi didn’t even pause for that comment, nor did she consider it. Her mind was racing so fast that she ended up simply running around with no aim, questioning random people in random places as to if they’d seen Dosil or not. It seemed to her as if she’s been from one end of the village to the other and no one had seen him. She knew this wasn’t true and her mind told her so. Deciding to heed the old hag’s advice Quildi sat down to collect her thoughts.

            She made a mental list of all the places that Dosil could be. Obviously he wasn’t at their house, she’d checked that morning. The tea she’d left out the night before had been ice cold and untouched. So excluding that one area that list was still fairly long. Arranging the list by most importance Quildi headed out with a good idea of where Dosil might have gone the day before. Moving from roof to roof she closed in on her target.

            As she leapt down in front of her destination she felt her choice was right. At least once a day Dosil made it a point to visit Kubo’s Teahouse. He did like tea, but there were nicer places than Kubo’s in the village. Although she couldn’t prove it beyond a doubt Quildi suspected that Dosil frequented the shop more for Kubo’s daughter than his tea.

            Kubo’s shop was like most in the village, door less. The only partition between the inside and the outside was a cloth banner that hung at face level stating the name of the establishment. Quildi used her arm to push the cloth out of her way before entering. Like most people she didn’t care much for the thought of cloth in the face blinding her.

            The teahouse was mostly empty; it was too soon for it to be more than a quarter full. At noon the business would pick up before people went back to work. Early evening would bring most of them back as harder drinks than tea were sold.

            “Don’t see you around here much.”

            “Sorry, Kubo, you know I get busy. Besides I’ve always preferred water to tea, no offense.”

            “None taken. So what bring you in today?” Kubo was a round man with a pleasant attitude. No one could say he was a bad sport about much of anything.

            “Business, looking for my brother. Is Ayaka around?”

            “Yea, she’s in back. Ayaka, come out here!” this last part he yelled towards the back. “She’ll be out in a minute. She’s just getting ready to serve the tea.”

            “Changed her schedule huh? Guess it’s not surprising you don’t want her working at night anymore after what happened.”

            “Actually, we haven’t had any of those problems since Dosil came in that one night and put his foot down. He’s quiet but when he puts on that serious face people sure know better than the fool around with him. That feeling he exudes when he does that is more powerful than the biggest bouncer.” A few weeks before Dosil had forgotten a book he was reading at the teahouse. He hadn’t realized until later that he didn’t have it because he was so busy. Upon returning to the teahouse he’d found a few clients getting more hands on with one of the serving maids. He’d stepped in and put a stop to it. At first it had only been words, but one of the guys threw a punching thinking because he was bigger than Dosil that he’d lay him out in a blow. Dosil was a hardened veteran of battle and easily put them all out on the butts. The incident hadn’t been repeated since and although Kubo thought it would start up again soon enough he was grateful for the reprieve.

            “What is it, Dad?” Ayaka inquired as she came towards the counter. Her hair was pulled back in a horsetail and she was holding a round wooden serving tray in front of her lap. Obviously she thought she was being called for serving duty.

            “Quildi just wants to talk to you that’s all. I’ll leave you two alone to talk.” Kubo smartly went into the back. Quildi had a feeling he was hoping that sisterly type bonding was going to happen. It was no secret he was drooling over the fact that Dosil paid attention to his daughter. She was a beautiful girl, but Quildi doubted if it would turn into anything. Cute as she was Ayaka was still soft.

            “You wished to speak with me?” she bowed politely. Napatians were always overly courteous.

            “Yea, I was wondering if Dosil came in here yesterday. Her reaction told Quildi all she needed to know. Ayaka’s cheeks turned pink and she looked down clasping the tray in front of the lower half of her face.

            “He did come in. Why is something wrong?”

            “No, not really. He just didn’t come home last night so I’m looking for him. Did he come in for a drink or just to say hello?”

            “Oh, well he did drink a cup of tea. He wasn’t going to, but I’d already brought it to his table before he could decline; Dad’s orders. Your brother gets a cup of tea every time he walks in. No charge for it either since he helped Kurosaki out.”

            “Did you two do anything private before he left?” Ayaka’s face turned sunset red and she covered all but her eyes with her tray. She stammered seemingly lost for words and Quildi felt her cheeks start to grow hot. That hadn’t been what she’s meant. She had no inclination to find out about her brother’s intimate activities, if he even had any, which she doubted.

            “That did not come out right. Did he stay around after he finished his drink or just leave?”

            “Oh…he stayed for a bit. He asked me to go for a walk with him.”

            “Where did you go? Not too far I’m betting.”

            “No, not far. I was still working so it was a short walk. We walked around back, there’s a nice little stream in the trek of woods back there; a grove of flowers too! I remember because Dosil tried to get me one.”

            “Really? Do you still have it?”

            “No, he only tried. He told me the roots were too deep. He doesn’t like to cut their stems. He apologized and said he’d get me one and have it sent to me.”

            “So you’re still waiting?”

            “Oh, of course not. I got it that evening with an apology that he couldn’t get me one earlier.” Quildi figured that it Ayaka got the flower in the evening than Dosil probably didn’t have it sent until the sun started its descent. If he’d gone to any of the florists around the district the flower would have been at Kubo’s in short order. At least she could skip all the middle work and get toward the end.

            “Did you happen to see what shop the delivery guy was from?”

            “Sorry, the kid who brought it didn’t have on a shop coat. Guess he was just hired for the single run.” Quildi felt like screaming. There were dozens of florists who sold flowers with their roots attached; hundreds who hired street kids that got paid per run.

            “Thanks, Ayaka. I’ll send Dosil around as soon as I find him.”

            “I hope he’s okay.”

            “Dosil’s fine. They did not start calling him Divine Wind Dosil for nothing.” Quildi walked slowly towards the exit. This had been her best shot, a veritable mythril mine, but instead it had turned out to be a waste of time.

            “Oh! Miss Quildi! I don’t know if it’ll help, but I just remembered that the flower’s roots were wrapped in a silk square.” Quildi paused looking back.

            “Actually, that helps more than you think. Quildi rushed through the exit and leapt onto the roof.

            Moving from roof to roof Quildi headed for Iruma’s shop. Iruma took his flowers very seriously. He only sold live flowers with their roots attached, and only the best he had at that. If so much as a single petal were ruined he would give it away for free. Lastly, he never wrapped the roots in burlap as other shops did. He always said burlap tore the roots ruining the plant, only silk, which held the plant gently, could be used.

            With the mystery solved Quildi’s mind drifted home. A fact influenced by her heading west. She could see the Mountain of the Angry Fox in the distance. Around Yamigumo the mountain was a legend. Children told ghost stories of it, and adults claimed sightings of monsters. Every story spurred from a single fact about the mountain. When the sun was in the right position during it’s rising and setting the shadows on the mountain fell in a special pattern. The pattern was clearly the image of a snarling fox.

            Dosil had been the first to suggest that they build their house near the mountain. Everyone had tried to warn them against it, but they couldn’t understand. They hadn’t survived as she and Dosil had.

            “Quildi!” the voice derailed her thoughts throwing her off her gait. She barely managed to get her foot on the next roof and was forced to drop to her knees to keep from falling. She looked around for the source of the voice and saw Iruma standing on the ground below.

            “Iruma, you nearly got me killed!”

            “Sorry, wasn’t my intent. Just hardly see you in this district.” The comment made Quildi look around. Seeing the weaponry and armor shops around her she realized she’d passed Iruma’s shop. She leapt to the ground joining Iruma, who was carrying a cloth bag.

            “What are you doing around here anyway, Iruma?” She started heading back towards his shop with him. Iruma took quicker steps to keep up. Quildi was tall for a woman (nearly six three), which made her very large by Napatian standards.

            “Just picking up an order. Needed Raizen to make me some more pots. He told me they were done yesterday. I was so busy though I couldn’t go pick them up. What brings you here?”

            “Oh, I was just heading to your shop. Guess I god a bid distracted and missed it.”

            “It happens. I don’t see much of your anymore.”

            “Sorry, can’t stay for a friendly chat today either, I’m on business.” Iruma held up the cloth to let her in his shop. He followed her inside and they made their way to the counter. The shop was lined with waist high rectangular boxes. Each box was filled with dirt and contained a few different types of flowers. As they reached the counter Iruma circled around it placing his pots on the ground.

            “What business brings you here? Surely you aren’t buying flowers. Gorgeous think like you must have men throwing them at you.”

            “Shut up, Iruma, that’s not funny. I’m just looking for my brother.”

            “Oh? Did he run out on his chores this morning?” Iruma leaned on the counter grinning. Quildi sat back on the edge of one of the flower boxes.

            “No, he didn’t come home last night. I need to find him, it’s important.”

            “That’s not like him. No note I’m guessing.”

            “Nope. It’s not unusual for him to disappear for a day or two. He normally warns me though.”

            “Did you try following his trail from yesterday?”

            “That’s what I’m doing now. I just came from Kubo’s; his daughter said you delivered a flower to her last night. I figure Dosil came in here kind of late if she didn’t get it until evening. Plus it wasn’t one of your normal runners.”

            “I should have known a kunoichi like you would already be following every lead. Dosil didn’t come late though. He was here a little after the sun reached its peak. The only reason the flower got there so late was that I lost two delivery people. One sick, one hurt. Everything was so late yesterday I had to hire some of the kids to run for me. If I hadn’t I’d have been here all night.”

            “Any ideas where he went after he left?”

            “Sure. He left with Tiny Mouse.”

            “Tiny Mouse?”

            “Well, that’s what I call her. Kid’s shy and doesn’t talk much.”

            “Iruma, how would you know that? You never even pay attention to children.”

            “Well, she is in here nearly everyday.” Iruma said defensively.

            “Since why do you let a kid in your shop?”

            “I know, I know, I usually chase them out. She’s a good one though. She never touches the flowers, just looks. The first time I saw her in here I was going to chase her out. When I went over to do it though she froze like a mouse cornered by a cat. I felt so bad I just walked by and faked I was checking on one of the flowers. I watched her really close those first few days. She never so much as stroked a petal so I let her be.”

            “Getting a bit soft in old age huh?”

            “You be quiet or I won’t tell you what happened with her and Dosil yesterday.”

            “Something happened between Dosil and this Tiny Mouse?”

            “I already told you he left with her.”

            “Iruma, spill it already. I don’t have time to sit here all day.”

            “Well you see, Dosil came in wanting to buy a flower for Kubo’s girl. While we were talking Tiny Mouse came in with this really determined look on her face holding a little moneybag and a flower card. Dosil was writing the letter he wanted to go with the Pinwheel flower. After he was done he handed it to me and stepped aside, like he knew the girl was behind him even though she hadn’t made a single noise.

“She came forward and put the moneybag and the card on the counter like she had to or she’d lose her nerve. Then she says, real polite mind you, ‘I want to buy this for my mommy. She’s sick.’ Well, I thought that was a pretty sweet thing to do. So even if her moneybag was looking especially light I figured I’d giver her a discount.”

“Also unlike you, Iruma. Are you getting sick?”

“Give me a break, I’m not some ghoul. Anyway, when I look at the card my stomach clenched. I couldn’t believe she’d chosen the flower she did. Quildi, she wanted to buy the Phoenix Feather!”

“I’m not understanding this. I’m not into flowers.”

“I guess I shouldn’t be surprised. It’s a rare flower, few people know about it. The flower’s very expensive because you can’t buy seeds. The flower only grows in one place in the world. No one quite agrees where that is, but that’s not the point. Seeds from the flower won’t grow outside of its native habitat. The only way to get the flower is to transport it after it first blooms. Even then no one can guarantee it won’t just die when you plant it. I didn’t dare remove it from the pot I bought it in.”

“Come on, it can’t be that expensive. It sounds tough to get, but it’s not so special.”

“That’s just the tip of the mountain. The flower’s nectar can cure most illnesses. In extreme cases of sickness the petals can be ground down and mixed with milk and honey. If that’s done it’ll cure anything, and I do mean anything. It would just figure she’d choose that one. Well, I couldn’t just sell it to her. She didn’t even have a thousandth of its cost. So I glanced at the coins in the bag, at the girl, then at Dosil. The girl was getting anxious since I wasn’t saying anything. She asks, in a small voice, if she has enough. I was getting ready to tell her no when I glance at Dosil again and he shakes his head real light. So light I wasn’t sure I even saw it. Then he smiled that damnable smile of his.

“He bent down so he was on eye level with her and takes her moneybag in his hand. ‘Wow, this sure is heavy. You must have saved up for a long time.’ He says smiling. ‘I saved for a whole year!’ she says proudly; opening right up to him, like she knew him forever! ‘A whole year! That must have been hard for you to do!’ The girl nods with this solemn look on her face; the kind of look that has no business being on a little girl. Then she says that it was very hard but she saved every coin because her mom was really sick and she needed to make her better.

“Well, right off I know the family ain’t too rich. Can’t be if a whole years worth of allowance amounted to what she had. If there was a penny in there for every week of the year I’ll eat every flower I have in stock. But Dosil just asks her why she chose that particular flower. She says because it promised it could make her mother better. Dosil says that it was a noble reason. The girl obviously thought it was a stall tactic and says, ‘I have enough, don’t I?’

“Well, that brother of yours says she does! I bought died right there! I’m stammering; gasping for air as he calmly tells her to go get the flower and bring it back. Well as soon as she’s out of earshot I told your brother he was crazy, I wasn’t selling it to her for such a pittance. He stands up and calmly, with that authoritive tones he’s got, tells me I will be selling it to that girl. So I tell him I don’t care what they call him, I’m not doing it.

“He slides me a coin and says I’d sell her my shop for just the one coin. I choked when I saw what he was handing me! Dosil took his finger off it saying, ‘It’s not worth anything compared to what the girl will be getting.’ Well I didn’t understand that! But I wasn’t going to turn down a Silver Tenja. Only three exist in all of the Empire and he just hands it to me like it was nothing!”

“So Dosil was right. You would have sold everything to her for that. And you did end up selling her the flower.”

“Course I did! I’m going to turn it in at the end of the year and let the royal family take care of my bills. I’ll at least break even no matter what I do the rest of the year!”

“You’re so cheap.” Quildi snorted

“Hey, he gave it to me fair and square!”

“I bet he did.” Iruma didn’t know that of the three in the Empire only one was no longer in her or her brother’s possession. The only way that Dosil would have given one of his two away was if he saw something that amounted to more value than keeping that kind of power out of a person’s hands. What was it that he’d seen? Surely not just a single life.

“To finish the story, the girl comes back with the Phoenix Feather held tight against her chest. Dosil hands her back her moneybag and tells her he’s going to walk her home. She asks him why and he tells her he’s going to protect her from bandits. She smiled extremely nervously and asks him if he really things bandits wand her flower. He tells her that he does, but that he’ll protect her because that’s what friends do. So she gets this big teary smile and asks if he’ll really be her friend. He says yes and she acts like she ain’t never had a friend before. After that they left heading back towards Kubo’s.”

“Thanks, Iruma. I have to get back to see the old hag that runs The Hospital.”

“Quildi, you should show more respect to Lady Tsunami. She was a great doctor in her time.”

“Whatever. See you later.” Quildi quickly made her way back towards The Hospital. She didn’t want to hear the old hag’s mouth, but she did want to get a status report on the Kage. The Hospital’s courtyard was eerily silent without the chatter of insects. Quildi didn’t bother to think about it as she entered the Kage’s room. The old hag looked exhausted and worn, her age was really showing.

“Hey, are you all right?”

“I’m just tired. Don’t feel very well at the moment. Must have over done it with the Kage. Not that I made any progress anyway. I can’t even get through the shell of this thing. It’s not only infecting his body, which is slowly being overtaken by it, but it’s also infecting his energy. All of his energies have woven together with a type of energy I’ve never felt before. I can’t break it with Chakra. I need your brother, he knows far more about the different types of energy than I could ever hope to.”

“I’m working on it. I’m going to get you a glass of water then go back to looking for my brother.”

“Thank you, Quildi.”

Quildi look a quick look around the room to find the WolFox sitting against the wall. Their breathing was labored. She felt a throb pass through her head as she closed the door. She said nothing until she returned with Tsunami’s water.

“Tsunami, the WolFox don’t look well either.”

            “No, they’re slowly been getting worse. I can’t sense anything that would explain it. I’m guessing it came from them touching the Kage. It’s all I can think of since no one else who enters the room is sick. You’re fine, and I only feel tired.” Quildi said nothing. She understood that Tsunami couldn’t accept that she was failing. She couldn’t accept failure anymore than Quildi herself could.

            “Tsunami, are you feeling better?”

            “Yes, a bit.”

            “I’m going to look for my brother. Hold on.”

            “Go, I’ll be fine. I’m a tough old bat.”

            Quildi left understanding that something was wrong. She had to find the little girl, and thusly her brother. She visited the neighborhoods between Iruma and Kubo’s shops first. No one, child or adult, could remember the little girl or any new families that moved into town. No information appeared, no recognition or any kind, no clues. She could almost feel the time dropping away. Every second counted if she wanted to return in time to find the Kage, and Tsunami, still alive.

            Switching tactics she decided to visit shops around Kubo’s. None of them had seen the little girl or Dosil. None remembered having seen any new family or children in that part of the village. Frustrated Quildi stopped in front of Kubo’s shop. How could no one remember a family, at least a little girl and her mother, who were new!? How could they go undetected? Sweat was beading richly on Quildi’s forehead and she swept it away.

            “Your brother sure is accurate.” Came a voice. Quildi looked to her left to see Kagura Kurosaki looking at her. From the way her hair clung to her face Quildi bet the girl was serving the rush crowd.

            “What do you mean by that?”

            “Well, yesterday I was sitting on the bench out her catching a bit of fresh air. He told me that when the shadow of Kubo’s shop reached right there,” she pointed to a line that had been slashed into the ground, “that you’d show up. And here you are, just like he said!”

            “When did you see him?”

            “Um…shortly before sunset. He said to tell you that the one your looking for is in the grove out back. I was going to check it out, but he said not to. I wished I could, but when Dosil says things a certain way you know to listen.”

            “I know that feeling. Did you tell anyone?”

            ‘Sure, I tell Ayaka everything.”

            “So why didn’t Ayaka tell me earlier when I talked to her? It would have saved me a lot of trouble.”

            “I told her not to. Dosil said I had to be the one to tell you and only at the right time. Said it was super important.”

            “Thank you.” Quildi decided she was going to kill her brother. He’d already known she would be looking for him. Which meant he could have left a note. As she made her way to the grove she couldn’t help but plan how she was going to kill him. She’d hug him, then drive a dagger into his back. No, no, she’d just smash him with one of her mighty fists. That’d teach him to mess with her.

            It took her sometime to find the grove; it was covered in flowers. A little girl was kneeling in it’s midst beside a woman. The woman was lying very still and breathing shallowly. There was a wet cloth on the woman’s head and the little girl appeared to be rubbing her fingers on the woman’s lips. It was obvious the woman was very sick.

            “I know you’re there. The flowers told me already. I even know who you are, but the flowers didn’t tell me that.” The little girl turned around; she couldn’t be more then seven or eight. Her clothes were torn, stained, and very old. They were either very poor people, or on the run.

            “Of course you do, you’re a smart girl.”

            ‘That’s what Sempaido said too.” Iruma was right, her expression was one that should never be seen on a little girl, ever. She moved back towards the center of the grove and Quildi approached slowly. She almost forgot to breath when she saw the flower in the center of the grove. It’s petals looked like feathers. At the base of each petal was the color red, but as the color climbed it turned into the colors of an ever-increasing flame. She looked at it before kneeling down mesmerized.

            “This is a beautiful flower!” Quildi exclaimed.

            “Sempaido, that’s your brother, told me it’s called a Phoenix Feather!”

            “Did he tell you anything else?”

            “Yes, he told me how to make mommy better. She was really, really sick yesterday. Daddy spent all our money trying to make her better. But what’s making her better didn’t cost anything at all. I wish I could tell daddy, but he’s gone now.”

            “Where is he now?”

            “He had to stay behind, he had to make sure mommy could getaway. Mommy was so sick, but she ran because the bad men wanted to hurt me.”

            “Did Dosil tell you where he was going?”

            “Not at first, but later Sempaido did! I can’t tell you yet.”

            “Why not?”

            “Because he said so!” she said this as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.

            “So what has to happen before you can tell me?”

            “You have to smell the flower. Sempaido said you would be sick.”

            “I feel fine.”

            “He said you wouldn’t know. And I can’t tell you if you don’t do it.” Quildi didn’t understand what was going on, but she knew that the little girl wasn’t going to tell her until she did what she was told. Leaning down she put her nose near the center of the flower and breathed deeply. The rich pollen made her sneeze hard. Spots burst behind her eyes leaving colored smudges dancing before her.

            “That was funny!” said the girl giggling. Quildi smiled, she really did feel better. She wasn’t sure what had been happening to her, but it was good that it was gone now.

            “I can tell you now. He said to tell you he was making a smile. He told me you wouldn’t get it right away. Do you?”

            “No, I don’t.” she said smiling.

            “Good, he said you can’t find him too early. Not before the sunsets or he won’t be ready.”

            “Ready for what?”

            “I don’t know! He said something bad was coming, something really bad. He said he’d have to be extra strong to fight it.”

            “I see.” So the White Blooded Lion was sending Dosil on a mission again.

            “Quildi, will Sempaido be alright?”

            “He’ll be fine. He’s very strong.”

            “So was my daddy. But he’s not strong anymore. Mommy says so.”

            “Once I find Dosil and we beat the bad thing we’ll come back to see you. Okay?”

            “Do you promise?”

            “I do. Nothing on Sural Coras is stronger than your aunt Quildi and Uncle Dosil.”

            “So, you’ll beat the bad thing?”

            “We will, and after we do you and your mom can come live with us where you’ll be safe, alright?”


            “Really. Now I have to go. You just keep taking care of your mom like Dosil said.”

            “I will! I will!”

            Quildi left still upset with Dosil, but she knew she had to listen. Until sunset she couldn’t look for him. He was doing something very important and she couldn’t interrupt that. She leapt onto Kubo’s roof to lay down looking at the sky and letting her mind wander.

            The sky slid lazily by as the hours passed. Quildi thought of all that had happened to her and Dosil. She thought of her father, of his terrible wrath and the abuse she’d seen her mother endure at his hands. Not that he was often home; a pirate by trade he had been at sea for months on end. Oh, but how her mother bled when he had been home.  Her mother had endured to keep her children safe. Then she had become pregnant with Dosil. Her father had left then going to sea for years. He hadn’t returned until Dosil was Six years old, she herself ten. As big as Quildi had become it was Dosil who drove their father off. He had been powerful even at such a young age. But their father had not been killed and so their mother did the only thing left to do. She ran. They’d taken a voyage to Napa Jaik, but their mother got sick during the voyage. She didn’t survive long once they landed. From there she and Dosil had been so close.

            As the sky began to change color she thought of her brother. How she loved her irritating little brother, of how he was always so positive and strong. She was the older sibling yet he led. Always confident in his path, so sure of himself. When he’d chosen the spot for their house she had argued, but he insisted she’d love it; she had. She did. Soon she realized that she enjoyed it and Dosil didn’t. She’d asked why he’d chosen the spot, been so adamant about building there if he hadn’t really liked it. But he just gave his signature smile and replied, ‘Because I want to make the fox smile.’

            She sat up suddenly pulling awake instantly. The sky had lulled her nearly to sleep. She knew now though, she knew where Dosil was. She looked towards home, and the face of a snarling fox.

***                                      ***                       ***

            “Quildi, so you found me.” Dosil said calmly. He stood up and turned walking towards her.

            “I still want to know how you do that.”

            “I don’t know.” He said smiling. That was Dosil’s style; never questioning how he could do something, just accepting he could.

            “For awhile there I was planning on hurting you.” Quildi never noticed how different they were in appearance. Quildi took after their mother and had the rich brown skin of the East Islians. Dosil had the peach skin of their father, but the hazel eyes of their mother.

            “I thought you might feel that way. I had no control over the matter though.”

            “I know, I got that much. Which is why you’re still standing.” Quildi marveled at Dosil’s height. She was so use to towering over him but the distance in height was barely a foot now. He may overtake her yet. Suddenly Quildi was sobbing while Dosil held her. She wasn’t sure why she was even crying. Dosil always had that effect on people. His very presence could bring to the surface emotions you didn’t know you were even having. They stood that way for a time before Quildi backed up wiping her eyes. Dosil himself was letting tears flow freely. Mirror emotions he called them, his ability to empathize with other people’s emotions, even to the point of tears.

            “I am ready.”

            “Are you strong enough?”

            “No, but the Crimson Coated Lamb is. Let us go.” Quildi nodded.

            Before she was aware of it they were moving as one through the light of the setting sun. Quildi never had to glance ahead or behind herself. She knew Dosil was beside her keeping stride. Dosil never fell short or outstripped people, he always kept pace with them.

            They landed in The Hospital’s courtyard and Dosil dusted off his hakama. The night was coming alive as the slivers of light faded from the sky. Inside candles had already been lit illuminating the building.

            “No insects break the silence of the night.”

            “They’re all dead. What infects the Kage is more than just an illness. It is a poison that corrupts all it touches.” Quildi felt the light breeze rolling off of Dosil. He had summoned the Divine Wind. She followed him inside, Dosil already knew where he had to go, and entered the Kage’s room.

            “They’re been this way since the sun started setting. I am growing very tired.” Tsunami wheezed. She knelt beside the Kage.

            “Lady Tsunami, I require your assistance.” Dosil moved to kneel beside her. He indicated that Quildi should sit on his other side. She did apprehensively. Dosil had told her nothing on their way to The Hospital, but she felt the difference as soon as she knelt.  Dosil created a barrier around them with the Divine Wind. The wind bent in and a small whirlwind touched the Kage’s chest.

            “I’ve sealed this area, though as we speak the poison tries to fill the air and break the barrier. I will continue to hold the poison at bay and cleanse the air. Quildi, you will need to provide the Chakra for Lady Tsunami. Lady Tsunami, you will have to work to find the central cell of infection. We will call it for P. Cell for now. I am unsure where it will be at the moment.”

            “Me? Dosil, surely you’re better suited than I for such a task. You have the power to handle such a simple task.”

            “The power, yes, but not the concentration. Your knowledge is needed. Quildi will be the tool you work with; I will be the muscle. You must be the hand. Before I entered I used my aura to seal this area. Right now I am holding in the poison that escaped the building. Because the poison must form a chain it has not gotten far, but it is powerful. While the two of you heal the Kage I will work on the WolFox and the air born toxin.”

            “Dosil, you can’t spread yourself so thin! Expending your energies in so many areas could destroy you! It’s risky to use even two energies at the same time, but judging from the information Tsunami was able to gather you’ll have ouse every kind of energy you possess! In different areas at that!”

            “Do not hinder me, Quildi!” he reached into his Gi Top and pulled out his Seven Souls Gem. “Planetary energy is volatile without an encasement. That’s the energy that is infecting the Kage. I must destroy it, or it will cause a great disaster. Now, begin Lady Tsunami.”

            “I cannot! The energy you speak of has formed a shell around his body. Anything I put against it unravels instantly.”

            “I see. I will have to use my own technique to break it.” Quildi had seen the power that Dosil held. His most valuable techniques were powered by no energy, but by his very essence.

            “I am ready.” Lady Tsunami reached through Quildi’s Chakra and felt the shell break. She dove in hard forming a wedge. The shell tried to close, but she was already analyzing. The answer hit her like a diving falcon hits its prey. The infection invaded energy cells of its victims. Once inside it formed a link to other infected cells and hardened. When the mesh was strong enough it began to project each of the cells energies into a shell. The planetary energy wove into this web hardening it until it was beyond the power of anything but the strongest energy to break.

            Forming Quildi’s Chakra into a cutting weapon she began to slash through the weakest of the mesh connections. With each cut the infected cells became weaker, the mesh loosened. She worked quickly using precision and intuition to break the formations. The infection was fast, but Tsunami was clever, able to decipher it’s patterns and attacks.  She was destroying its defenses before it could form them. And to add to it she could feel her own power growing with each passing moment. Something was making her own body stronger.

            Quildi followed Tsunami’s movements learning as she saw the older kunoichi act. Quildi’s respect for Tsunami soared. Her ability to drain strength from the infection and turn it into a sure was amazing. She truly was a great healer. At every turn the kage’s cells were turning to fight against the infection. Lady Tsunami’s reinforcing energy and attacks were allowing the Kage’s cells to gain an edge. Every saved cell seemed to be resistant to the infection’s advances. Soon the infection below the elbow was dissolving on it’s own. She was fighting her way up the arm, driving a wedge into sections and breaking the web formations. Quildi thought that a two-sided attack was the best course of action.

            “Lady Tsunami, could you fight on two fronts? If you can we should try cutting the infection off at the shoulder. If the P. Cell isn’t in his shoulder the mesh will fall apart on its own. Look, it’s happening below his elbow. Without the P. Cell to enforce the infection his cells are destroying it.”

            “Let’s try. Dosil, can you break a spot near his shoulder so we can wage a two front war?”

            ‘I can do one better. Catch it between an hammer and an anvil.” Dosil’s headband was soaked, but he sounded fine. His gem began to flash with a golden light. Dosil formed a wall around the Kage’s shoulder stopping the infection from advancing beyond it. Quildi watched as Lady Tsunami forced the infection back. The closer to the wall they went the harder it was to make headway, but Lady Tsunami fought until the P. Cell was isolated and the red angry eye showed itself.

            Suddenly golden energy flashed out from Dosil’s gem ripping the P. Cell from the Kage’s body leaving a gaping hole. Quildi focused on healing energy and worked with Lady Tsunami to repair the Kage’s shoulder. It was a grueling task that took them a long time to finish, but they did with no complications. When they were done they turned to Dosil.

            “It is nearly finished.” Sweat was pouring down his face, and he looked tired. Using his power Dosil guided the Divine Wind into the P. Cell. It began to turn black like the rising of some long dead beast. It shook with the dark energy before dissolving as the Divine Wind dispelled.

            “Is it over?” one of the WolFox asked.

            “Almost, there is one last task. Lady Tsunami, can you watch the Kage?”

            “Right now I think I could defeat him!” she laughed. She felt wonderful for an old woman.

            “Then I must take Quildi and the WolFox. I must be shown where the Kage was attacked.”

            “Very well. But I have a request of you, Quildi.”


            “I need to pass my knowledge on to someone, it cannot die with me. Will you accept it?”

            “I will, Lady Tsunami.”

            “I am glad, now go.”

            As with everything important, there was no time to spare. The WolFox led the way while Quildi and Dosil followed.

            “Do you know what caused this?”

            “I believe do. Kasei told me how my Seven Souls Gem was formed once. It’s compiled of nine planetary powers, seven souls, and one body. The ninth Warrior Knight of the circle betrayed them all. When he did everything he owned became cursed. I think it ties back to that. The Kage was just caught in the middle. He wants my gem.”

            Quildi remembered what the monster had told the Kage. Dosil had something that belonged to it.

            “Could his soul have lived on though the years? Your gem was formed long before any of the current Warrior Knights were even thought of. Long before any of the past three generations of Warrior Knights were thought of!”

            “Yes, but there is one way. You have to remember that sometimes things get lost. There are still things of the betrayer unaccounted for.” That was the last thing spoken on the journey. The WolFox brought them to where they found the Kage and pointed near the rock. Dosil motioned them back.

            “Come out. You smell of the cursed naga, you cannot hide. The moon shone brightly down near Heero’s Fang. The man-monster thing came forward shambling.

            “Give it to me! I know you have it!”

            “It is not yours, nor was it ever. I have come to take you back to the Black Rose Kingdom.”

            “I’ll not go back, not without my gem! Now give it to me!” the hump backed figure lunged extending it’s right claw. It’s black eyes blazed with obsession. Dosil danced away keeping his hand on his weapon. He would have to be careful here. He could not attack right away, could only draw the power he needed in minute bits. He would assemble his attack piece by piece. If this thing was what he thought it was, then it held great power. Dosil could not risk it unleashing such power, not in his current state.

            He ducked under a swipe from the things stunted tail and rolled away creating space. He would not draw his blade until he was ready.

            “If you fear me, then give me what is mine!”

            “I will not be goaded, fiend.” Dosil evaded swiftly, but the naga was right behind him. Dosil knew then how close this fight would be. The monster was matching him, gaining abilities it needed to face him. Even his speed wasn’t so superior now. Docil could not underestimate his opponent, not even for an instant. He had to assume his adversary could do everything he could, if he didn’t he would be dead in seconds.

            Each moment brought more power into his right hand. He focused on that, used that to spur on his tiring body. The monster wasn’t tiring and Dosil truly wondered if he could win. Then the naga made its mistake. It lunged with its left arm. Dosil dodged just enough, feeling the air of the blow as it passed. For an instant the naga paused; Dosil paused. There was a pulse of energy. Once, twice, on the third Dosil recognized it. Not a single pulse, but twin pulses beating in time. One from Dosil’s gem, the other from the naga’s arm. Dosil slid his foot around until he faced the beast and leapt back.

            The naga turned to attack as Dosil smiled. The pulse had given him cover to draw the energy he needed. As the beast bore down on him he put his hand on his katana and pushed with his left thumb to break the thumb lock.

            “Suisei style, Sealing White Sword!” Dosil vanished with a silver flash that struck the naga. Quildi watched it topple with a shriek. As it hit the ground she caught a glimpse of Dosil sheathing his blade. No one could beat Dosil’s speed. She was moving towards him before he even motioned to her.

            As Quildi arrived Dosil bent down tearing open the man’s sleeve. There, glittering on the man’s arm was an armlet. Dosil pulled it off and held it up to the moonlight. He tossed it to Quildi.

            “Look at the crest, it’s Suisei’s. Notice anything odd about it?”

            “There are two naga engraved on either side. The mark of a corrupted Warrior Knight.”

            “That’s right. The WolFox can take the man for questioning. We’ll hold onto the armlet and get it to Kasei.”

            “You mean the Solar Queen, right?” Dosil said nothing making Quildi smirk. Dosil and Kasei had gotten quite close during the War of Repulsion. Closer then she had thought it seemed.

            “So basically this guy stumbled on the armlet, put it on, and got corrupted.”

            “The corrupted piece of soul locked within will burn for all time with the need to possess my gem.”

            “So, is it over?”

            “For now. But until we get Kasei to deliver the armlet to the Solar Queen we must be on our guard. I sealed the spirit, but since the seal and the spirit have the same energy it can unravel it if it finds a crack.” Quildi turned and headed back towards home as the WolFox took the body of the man. She looked up at the moon and knew that Dosil would be right beside her. She couldn’t help but smile. The night air was warm, her brother beside her, and Kasei would be in the village soon. Now if only she could get Kasei and Dosil alone. That would be perfect. He was always nervous when he was alone with Kasei. Quildi smirked at Dosil.

            “What are you smirking for?”

            “Oh, no reason. Come on let’s get the little girl and her mother. It’s time to go home.”

© 2011 Totw

Author's Note

I hope you enjoy it. Tell me what you think. Umm...I'm not too confident in my grammer but I think I did okay.

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Added on March 12, 2011
Last Updated on July 12, 2011



New Bedford, MA

Name's Chris. I'm 23 and into Anime and Manga. I play Video Games and write in my spare time. That's about it. I'm pretty boring at the moment. Mainly because I'm really bad at this kind of stuff. Giv.. more..
