![]() The years of my deppressionA Poem by The poetic childShe gets to a new school its ok not really cool and she starts to get used they treat her like a tool and they abuse her she becomes a puppy dog she goes along but she doesn't realize her heart is singing a sad song and she will soon have to dry her eyes she meets a friend she wants to be there to the end a hand she will always lend you see her friend needs her trust because after her daddy's gone love is a must She realizes her friend is a pawn all she does is play her saying shes graceful like a swan but all she is a viper soon she will stab her in the back and she will feel like shes having a heart attack She gets along teachers are a little scary but shes singing a happy song she dreams about boys she might marry she feels nothing can go wrong but she doesn't see all the burdens she can carry Her summer is hot its ok she has friends she runs around like a tot never knowing she would make amends or that her soul would rot so many people would be at her ends but she would not a hand they shall not lend She goes back her second year she is without attack having a pierced in her ear growing up no longer a little pup she learns some things and her heart a soul they sing She falls in love he is so pretty and she thanks above when he finds her witty they are together for along while she thought they would be forever his name was kyle soon the year became to a close sixth grade gone her spirits have not rose she is now as weak as a fawn with tiny legs she stays up til dawn and begs for a simple reason to be happy She stays up at night crying for a boy nothing she did was right she felt like his toy shes losing her will her might losing her joy giving up on her fight She hopes he is there next year she waits for him as she sheds a tear things are looking grim and she gains a fear she doesn't want to be alone She becomes depressed and hurt,alone always stressed nowhere feels like home not caring how will shes dressed her feelings as transparent as foam her feelings she should have fessed One night she takes a knife it feels so right as she tries to end her life she gave up this fight the red line on her vein and she frowns as she is numb not feeling any pain so she tries again on her thumb She gets up the next morning sad she wished she died she had felt so bad as she cried she covered her arms no one needs to know she self harms She has so much pain she thinks its what she needs as she cries her name out in vain with the blood comes many greeds she cuts more times hiding it easy and she slows as she feeds She thinks she is worthless stupid , not smart at all she wants to be lifeless but then she hears her name as a call she turned as she was flightless and for this new boy she soon will fall Its hard to hide her shame the cuts on her wrist always she takes the blame as her stomach gives a twist she hopes he won't see worried what his reaction will be One day he looks at her arms she pulls away and he finds out she self harms this ruins her day he is mad and it hurts her only making her feel more sad The next day she walks he turned away and she bites her lip as she feels the cuts fresh on her hip and he leave her he may and as her heart gives a rip He comes up and grabs her hand he holds it tight taking her to soft land he tells her it will be alright that she can listen to her sad band as long as she isn't bleeding late at night her skin paled not tanned as he asked to help her in her fight Then came that dance there she had her first kiss it put her in a trance she did not know those lips she would miss she did not know that her smile would no longer glow and her sadness would soon show Then came the the fight his note it made nothing feel right the words he had wrote crushed her light and around her she built a moat making sure no one got close She had tried to end her life times before not just with a knife not wanting more she tried to overdose tired of her sleepless comatose Then she went to a place safe and clean her sadness not leaving a trace no one being mean it felt great not sad she couldn't recreate her self hate © 2014 The poetic child |
Added on July 16, 2014 Last Updated on July 16, 2014 Author