His skin is soft. His hair is long. His smile is beautiful. My heart skips a beat every time he touches me. He rubs my cheek. He kisses my lips. What more could i ask for... for me to be his and for him to be mine. It is all i ask of him. Is that to much? He says he loves me. Is he honest?
The Emotion is there which is great! it seems to me you are trying to do a free verse poem, which means there is no set beat like AAB or ABAB. personally I love doing free verse because it allows the most creativity, anyway overall I like the poem but the way its written doesn't give the backbone for the emotions that you are trying portray. Here I'll give you an example that will help... I'll will be using part of my poem I cam currently working on.
Close to me, he found his death,
By my side he found no rest-
How I tried-I did my best-
To love him wholly, and forget the rest,
This is a good poem. Despite everything he does there's always a hint of doubt. We can't trust easily even though how much they profess their love. Keep up the good work.