Amazing movement of words. I liked how you used the description. More the poetry colorful and interesting. Thank you for sharing the amazing poetry Nisreen.
It's possible that the part of the story that would have given a reader context never made it to the page, Because, when you say "Through and through all along," that brings up the question: "All along what?
Then you say, "Words could finally speak." But they don't. And, speak about what? You don't say.
You say, "A butterfly flew by Telling this tale of times When a smile filled the room" I have to ask: "This tale? This is a tale about someone's smile somehow filling an unknown room? But then you drop that, too.
Looking at your work, in general, it would seem that you're focused on impressing the reader with a spray of pretty words that seem to have been generated by an online poetry generator.
It kind of reminds me of Bunthorn's, Oh, Hollow! Hollow! Hollow!
What time the poet hath hymned
The writhing maid, lithe-limbed,
Quivering on amaranthine asphodel,
How can he paint her woes,
Knowing, as well he knows,
That all can be set right with calomel?
When from the poet's plinth
The amorous colocynth
Yearns for the aloe, faint with rapturous thrills,
How can he hymn their throes
Knowing, as well he knows,
That they are only uncompounded pills?
Is it, and can it be,
Nature hath this decree,
Nothing poetic in the world shall dwell?
Or that in all her works
Something poetic lurks,
Even in colocynth and calomel?
I cannot tell.
Such a beautiful poem that floats slowly downward until the blue moments seem to take over. However...just a bit sun will add enough yellow to that blue to create a wonderful shade of green and green is the color of new life so everything can be fresh again. I really enjoyed how you wrote this my friend. Tugged on my emotions.
Posted 2 Years Ago
2 Years Ago
You read it so well
There is always hope and everything finds a way of working out if only we.. read moreYou read it so well
There is always hope and everything finds a way of working out if only we could see the light
if only!
Thank you
a difficult but softer than not, landing .. ;) i like your work with blue and red .. and of course the petal metaphor .. "A theme of red with delicate throws" ,, love it! the lightness of your broken heart in this is by contrast weighing down on me .. good stuff says i! thanks for sharing Ms. Nis
I enjoyed the emotion contained in your lines. Started off with promise only to end on a blue note. Nice poetic expression Nisreen. Thank you for posting.
Posted 2 Years Ago
2 Years Ago
A blue ocean of words
A life never ending
Thank you Chris