A Free or Low Cost College Education is Possible!A Story by TomCollege courses can be very costly but there are many free alternatives for postsecondary education.Courses Public and private institutions offer free college classes. Universities, libraries and nonprofit organizations all provide courses for advanced learning. Many of the free courses are provided online, although classes are also held on campuses. Some companies also offer tuition reimbursements as part of the benefits packages. Classes are provided through the company or reimbursements are provided for classes taken at colleges or universities. Top Colleges Offer Online Classes Some schools may be out of reach for many students eager to receive an education from the best and the brightest. Factors such as grades, location and finances may prohibit students from actually physically going to a college campus but online courses provide opportunities for advancement in education without sacrificing quality. Many of the courses offered online at top colleges are the same courses taught by the professors themselves. While a degree may or may not be earned through these courses, free education can be accessed by many. The Education Portal lists many colleges and universities that offer online courses. Libraries Offer Free Classes Libraries are a wealth of resources for obvious reasons but many people do not take advantage of the plethora of practice exams for state and national tests or other courses located on library websites. According to Fox5vegas, Henderson Library in Las Vegas offered computer classes for free. Local libraries usually advertise free classes and librarians are a great source of help in providing more information for classes offered through their websites. Often, a library card is needed to access course information on the websites. Nonprofit Organizations Provide Free Courses The internet has provided various opportunities for education to be delivered in a much more cost effective manner to more people. Saylor, a nonprofit company has a full range of college degrees that provide courses taught by top professors for free for anyone, anywhere in the world but the courses are not accredited. However, Saylor has partnered with an accredited low cost college to gain credit for the education completed at Saylor. According to the Hechinger Report, traditional universities may be challenged in their current format and cost of instruction, especially because of the internet and education being delivered in other forms and venues. More organizations are providing free education which may not necessarily lead to a degree but enhances learning for employment and educational advancements. Many Accredited Schools Offer Free Education Through Scholarships The federal goverment has a plethora of information regarding scholarships and programs which help to fund college educations. Local communities and employers provide scholarships to students who meet certain criteria. Colleges and Universities provide information on scholarships through their career centers and libraries.
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