![]() Dragon SongA Poem by Harris![]() A narrative poem with an irregular rhyme scheme tells the story of a dragon slayer who breaks his vow and reaps the consequences.![]() Dragon Song by Harris Tobias Our hero casts his gaze upon his foe His sword poised on its naked breast He feels remorse for what he knows he has to do But not so much to stay the final thrust His sword plunges almost to its hilt The dragon, dying, writhes in pain. So magnificent a beast he killed Its life’s blood so casually spilled Instead of joy, our hero feels ashamed. By his hand, a dragon’s heart was stilled By his hand, and so he bears the blame. As fearsome as the dragon was Awesome in Its beauty and its size Magnificent in form its fiery jaws Became something noble in his eyes And so he put away his sword And swore he would not kill for gain He raised his eyes to heaven and proclaimed A dragon’s right to live in peace with men And raised his arms up to the skies And swore that he would not kill again. Still the grateful Mayor paid him half a crown And praised him for his service to the town He begged the knight to come and dine “I knew that you would never let us down. Come celebrate with us for I would have it known That for us you laid your life upon the line. Come, We killed a boar and have it roasting now Come sit with me there is something I would know “Can I call on you when next a dragon comes To burn our fields and drive us from our homes?” Our hero having vowed his vow Thought long and hard before replying, “No. Next time a dragon visits woe upon a town,” He said, “My sword will no longer be for hire. For I have made a solemn vow, I own Nevermore to quench a dragon’s fire.” The Mayor asked again when he was done But the young man just sat staring at his crumbs And said no more about the matter. “You would let a dragon do his worst?” The Mayor asked, “And threaten all and sundry with abuse? You would not lift your hand to rid us of this curse And put your sword to its intended use?” “A vow’s a vow,” our hero said, “and must not be broken.” Then he shook his princely head and walked away Leaving so many words unspoken. But the Mayor was nothing if not persistent Relentless and insistent in his way He made another stab at the lad’s enlistment “Come now lad, you know that we can pay.” The Mayor showed him chests of jewels and coin And handed him a ring as a small token “In case another dragon comes this way.” But our hero wasn’t tempted by the Mayor’s art And said that no more dragons would he slay When all his machinations failed, the Mayor tried another play, And called for Kate, his daughter, and a beauty of sixteen Summers. By far the fairest girl the knight had ever seen Her shy smile sent a shock wave through his heart. The Mayor beats his fists upon the table “You like her, I can tell,” the Mayor boomed “She is the fairest flower in the shire What a pity it would be were she consumed, Reduced to cinders by a dragon’s fire.” Would you not save her were you able?” “Why not dance with her?” The Mayor says “Hear how brightly the music plays.” Our hero stands and in a daze He takes Kate’s hand and leads her to the floor. When the dance is done the two young lovers Sit and gaze longingly at each other. “She could be yours, you know?” he tells the knight “She is a jewel,” our hero sighs, “I must confess.” “I’ll take that as a yes,” the Mayor chuckles with delight And so he sits them side-by-side The handsome knight, the lovely maid It does not take much cunning or much guile To see how Kate’s beauty turns the tide As she melts his icy heart with her warm smile. As they gaze at each other, true love blooms And for them all they know is their desires. That very night he takes the Mayor’s bribe And slips the ring upon her tiny hand And asks Kate if she would be his bride The Mayor grins as things go as he planned Kate agrees and so the two are paired The Mayor knows he has the young man snared And the boy would do what ever he requires It’s not so long after they are wed And settle down to make a home He works hard to be the kind of man she needs Before long they have children of their own He looks for work in town but there is none He tries tilling fields and planting seeds Though dragon slaying was all he’d ever known, He tries his hand at other means He tries milking cows and planting beans But he has no skill and certainly has no fun It’s clear he does not love the farmer’s life But he tries his best to make things grow And by his toil feed his growing clan Though he wilts beneath the blazing sun What can he do but mop his brow And turn another furrow with the plow He has a wife and children now And so he tries his best to make the Earth Nurture those hopeful seeds he’d sown But a drought comes and withers every leaf He begins to doubt his fitness as a man The only thing he has of any worth Is slaying dragons and on that he took a vow He feels trapped and prays for some relief So when a young dragon bursts upon the scene His neighbors come to him with hats in hand “Please sir, can you chase the dragon from our land? He’s blackened everything that once was green.” It is for him a great relief though it seems They cannot offer much in terms of treasure Some fruit some cattle and a hen Still he said that it would be a pleasure To quit the plow and take up his sword again. And do the job for which he was the measure Kate and the children help him find his gear It’s been some years since he needed them His shield turns up beneath the marriage bed They find pieces of his armor in the barn His sword they find hanging in the shed Kate polishes every piece until it glows Like silver in the morning light And when no one is around to hear She prays her man will not come to harm The armor no longer fits so well But he still has his strong right arm He’s put on weight and it clearly shows But really only he and Kate can tell He still looks fit and ready for a fight The dragon is quite small as dragons go A baby maybe sixty feet no more Still big enough to tear a man to shreds And send a brave man running when it roars The sound makes the farmers hide their heads And keep their families safe behind locked doors Only our hero dares to face the beast He advances on his trusty mare He feels young again to say the least The dragon expects a tasty treat And stands confused when this human doesn’t scare Our hero charges, sword unsheathed The dragon rears and roars but does not yield Its deadly fire deflected by his shield Our hero runs the dragon through His vow unkempt, he leaves it lying there And just like that he is again employed Even though he swore he would eschew it It was the one job he enjoyed When dragons came along he got right to it He rode out bravely and just slew it He dispatched them left and right Though he knew that it was wrong But once again he was a knight And his heart was filled with song If he thought about his vow he’d shake his head And say that he was sorry and yes he had a few regrets But he’d somehow manage to get through it What could he do he had five mouths to feed? What matter if he made some dragons bleed? Oh sure he made a vow but that was then He had a chance to be a hero once again The Mayor urged him to provide For his family and his bride And so his promise was conveniently forgotten You might think that was the end but it was not A promise is not something a god forgets Nor was it something that the gods forgot Instead it festered in the air and turned quite rotten Gods you know are not easily betrayed They knew they would have revenge one day To them a vow is not something lightly made And so the gods looked down on him dismayed That a man who would allow his pledge to fade And so they waited 20 years until the knight was old And brought his son into the family trade For some years now he took his son along And oh what a team they made His son grew up lithe and strong And at seventeen he had a dozen kills Their fee was always paid in gold Five crowns for every dragon slain Demand was high for their special skills No one else could do what those two did They were so good it’s said the dragons hid Their heads in shame because they were afraid But of course that is just a tale to make a sale Before long the old knight thought he would retire And leave the dragon slaying to his son Besides, there were hardly any dragons left to slay He began to think their bloody work was done One last call in a neighboring shire And our hero would put his sword away “One last dragon, boy, and then I’m through. Whatever dragons may be left I’ll leave for you.” Of course the gods would save the best for last This dragon was the biggest ever A hundred feet of snarling scales and bone It could melt steel with its fiery blast But what our heroes didn’t know was it was clever In a thousand years it learned a thing or two For one thing it was not alone It was a mother With two hungry cubs hidden near “I’ll lure it out,” the old knight said “You attack her from the rear. I’ll wave my sword before her head to attract her Then you pierce her with your spear, What do you say?” The young man seemed reluctant to obey “Be careful, father, this might be her nest” “Don’t worry, lad, have no fear One dragon is very like another No match for us, we are the best.” The boy rode his horse around behind And waited for his father to distract her He did not expect the two cubs in the blind Who cried a warning of their attacker The dragon spun around to face the threat And sent a blast of fire at the lad He threw his spear to no effect And with it the only chance he had He was gone before he had a chance to call And warn his father of the brood Quickly devoured horse and all The boy became a dark spot in the road The old man cried out in pain and rage He charged but he was too late To save his boy from his fate The dragon and her cubs turned to engage Our hero, out numbered three to one, He was staring death square in the face And chose to run. In the months that followed He had to live with his disgrace And explain to Kate how he lost their son He was not the same his heart was hollowed His remaining years he kept to his place A broken man, silent, numb He never forgave himself for what he’d done One day he left without a trace That’s all we know END © 2011 HarrisAuthor's Note
Author![]() HarrisCharlottesville, VAAboutWriting away in Charlottesville. Two crime novels published so far, a dozen children's books and piles of short stories. more..Writing