![]() Chapter 13A Chapter by t&l_louise![]() Chapter 13![]() I was wrong. It wasn’t how we were going to get out. It failed. The helicopter. Everything. The huge helicopter went down. In a new town 2 hours away from where we were. It was just as bad. Huge amounts of water. No way out. We were stuck like we were before. Except this time, we really did need to be in a hospital. We all had major 3rd degree burns. Arms, legs, face anything that wasn’t covered. It’s amazing how much fire can come from a little helicopter while its raining and flooded. We didn’t know what we were going to do next. Maybe camp in another tree, climb a building. Who knew. We had to find something to start a fire with. Everyone was sick and hurt, but Ethal was the worst. Half her leg was torn, nearly falling off, she was in pain, but there was nothing we could do. Jeremy gave her his crutches, but it didn’t make a difference. We carried her to a floating bed and laid her on it. Who ever said not to play in flood water was wrong. It nearly helped us, almost. We couldn’t control the blood. She was losing to much of it and even if we could, she didn’t have much of a chance, we had to get her to a hospital. But there was no way we could. There was no hospital close enough. She opened her eyes, blinked her last blink and smiled her last little perfect smile. She was gone. Another one of our friends. Gone to the world above. I cried, a little. Not much. Just a little. It wasn’t that important really. Our main priority was to get out and hope none of it gets to our families. I just wanted to get home. Wake up from this terrible dream. But I couldn’t. It was all too real. I couldn’t sleep that night. Knowing my friends were in danger sleeping in yet another tree. My great plans of sleeping in and on floating objects, but they all go for the trees. More dangerous, but fine. Don’t take my opinion. I needed to sleep, either way. I just hope I dreamt about something more interesting than water. _______________________________ I was in the water. floating away aimlessly, just like Elsie. But I could remember everything. Not just then, but my whole life. My whole world. I was an angel. Or even a ghost. I floated away on my back, so gracefully there was no splash around me. I couldn’t bring myself to look up at Elsie, so I just floated past. I caught a glimpse of her lifeless body. Her pale skin. Her deep, clear blue eyes. She was just like me. She was an angel. An angel from God to watch over. Watch over everyone, besides herself. Before I could picture her little body, I got pulled and dragged from the water. And it was black. Only black. _______________________________ I woke in fright. It must have been around 11:30 in the morning. Everyone was up and moving around as best they could. I whispered so no one could hear. “I told you a car would have been better” I pulled of a twig and broke it into little pieces. One by one I threw them into the water until I got to two pieces left. I looked at them for a few short seconds then threw them away. I flung around so fast I nearly knocked Jeremy from the branch. He reached and grabbed the branch above my head before he could. “Sorry” I said blushing. I heard a cry. It was a baby’s cry. “Did you hear that?” “Hear what?” Jeremy didn’t understand. “What is it Cassi?” “It’s a baby. It’s ... it’s in trouble” “Cassi, I think your just tire-” “I’m not tired. I’m not crazy. I heard a baby cry. We need to help it” I stood up, just missing the branch above my head. I slowly lowered myself into the freezing cold water. I shook. “I have to go. I’ll be back in a few minutes” I told them. I kicked off from the tree, trying to repel against the current of the water. Then I saw the baby. A little baby girl. I recognized her from the helicopter. Her mother laying next to her, pale as well as her older brother. She must have been about 1. Just old enough to walk. Her brother looked to be about 3. I fought back the tears. Trying not to picture that situation with my family. Her little whimpering cries could only be heard from a few metres away, but her scream could have been heard from miles. I swam over to the car she was sitting on top of. I didn’t have to ask her to come over to me. She just came. She was shaking, so cold I don’t know how she was still alive. I knew how she felt. “Hey there. It’s okay” I reassured her. “It’s okay. I’m here to help you. I won’t leave you” She had a little pink jumpsuit on and a little red baby blanket, just big enough to cover her. She continued crying. “Okay, we have to get over to that tree” I pointed to the tree that all my other friends were watching from. She understood. I let go of the car and let the current take us to the closet tree. I grabbed on and climb back to our spot. Dana was there with the blanket ready to wrap the little girl up in. Of course I got Jeremy’s arms. “Can I please hold her? I mean, I found her” I smiled. Dana handed the little girl to me. I looked down into her small mahogany eyes, like Mikes’, just a shade lighter. “I think I might call you Misty” I looked up. “Beautiful name for a beautiful girl” That was the first time Vince had spoken to me since the helicopter ride. He loved kids, just as much as I did, so I was glad we were at least on speaking terms now. “Do you want to hold her?” I offered Vince the baby. “No, I think I might go see how much food we have” “I’ll come” I gave Misty to Jeremy and followed Vince around the tree to the other side. “Vince, are you okay?” I tried to sound calm, but I wasn’t. “I’m fine. I just haven’t gotten very much sleep. After that thing at the camp site. I keep getting nightmares, that it’s happening again” “Tell me about it. I keep getting dreams that I’m an angel and I was following Elsie. “Well, you are kinda an angel” “What do you mean?” I didn’t understand if this was a compliments or if it was leading to something else. “I have to tell you something” I went to go say something, but I was cut short. “No, please hear me out” He paused. “I like you. I like you a lot. That’s the only reason why I haven’ talked to you, because I’m scared I’m going to say something wrong, like I did on that bloody helicopter” I couldn’t help but smile. I bit my bottom lip like I usually do when I’m either nervous or excited. I think I was both. Before he could continue, my phone beeped again. Thank goodness for long-lasting battery. I mean I haven’t used it that much, but it should be flat. I opened the newly sent message from one of our other school friends at home, Issy. ‘where are u cassi? were all so worried about u all. please come home soon. u have 2 catchup on heaps!’ “Who was that?” I looked over at Vince and he was doing his trick where he looks at the ground. Well, water even. “Just Issy, said we have heaps to catch up on” He laughed. “That’s true. I’m surprised none of them have sent out anything to help us” This time I laughed. I sat down on the branch and stuck my feet over the edge. Just enough to touch the water with my toes. I reached into the bag and got out the portable radio. Stuffed some double ‘A’ batteries in and turned it on. This was not happening. © 2012 t&l_louise |
Added on August 23, 2012 Last Updated on August 23, 2012 Author