Pentacostal Freak Speak

Pentacostal Freak Speak

A Chapter by TL Boehm

sigh...just read


The word of the day is CARNAL - say it with me - you know like the Taco Bell commercial:

"Say, Carne"

"Kar nay"

"No say it sexy like Ricardo Montalban, Carrrrrne" (God rest his Latino Soul)

"Kaaaar nay"

Some a yas already got the mind in the basement but basically carnal just means flesh. it's no more NC17 than ordering a nice bowl of chile con carrrrne at your local mexican joint. It's meat, people...and you know we're all just walking sacks of meat, right?

So here's my bent, lathered up and foamy as only a Tam can make it with the usual constraints and audits and trippin' I do. It doesn't have to be a sin to be stupid. It doesn't have to have "HELLBOUND" stamped all over it to be a roaring waste of time we ain't got. Satan ain't blowin' up the asbestos lined floaties just for you every time you eep out an ooey gooey poem or launch a blogattack against the latest ousted official with the "HIT ME HERE" tat between his brows. It's not gonna make one bit of difference in the mighty scheme of things if you choose to piddle away your gifts by posting electronic eros on the bandwidth and certainly the Al to the my T Big Daddy J isn't gonna flash a gangsta symbol at the door and tell you to bounce on down south with your extra crispy self cuz you spent your days feeding your never sated ego....He's gonna open his arms and welcome you in...cuz that's how He rolls.

But get this: You may be prime rib today - but tomorrow you're corned beef hash and the next day Holy Bovines you just may be a happy can of KenLRation. God never changes but people are freaks. People are fickle. And people will leave your broke down ryhmes on the curb. God doesn't have to put this dog on a chain. I've dealt with enough JERKS to get the correction, si?

If you've got talent and you are even remotely tryna convince the OP's, the PTB's and anybodys baby anybody that you are even THINKIN' about representing God - then SPEAK IT. Don't waste your precious ink or your limited time stroking any part of the masses. That's noise. Write with integrity. Write something that won't rust. Write something that wouldn't make you power dive under the pew if it was crawling across the big screen on Sunday. Cuz baby, your words....they wait in your future...and they will help you, or hang you. Your choice.  I know you're smart enough to know that nothing escapes God anyway. He knows what he gave you and the condition it was in when it was placed within....Pure, unblemished, beautiful, priceless....unique...yours.... 

Now if you're a pagan, an aethist, or just a stripey cat worshipper, do your thing....this doesn't apply to you.

I'm out. I got some floaties to blow up. Unlike God, my love and my time is limited and I don't have enough of either to waste. Peace.

© 2012 TL Boehm

Author's Note

TL Boehm
I know I know....

My Review

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i am pagan, loved it nonetheless. now, go blow up, and celebrate, you got in under the grandfather clause. all other reads were deleted for negativity,,,and catering to the fracas.....maybe one day all the trolls will be gone. i am sick of the hate disease infesting this site.......100/100

Posted 11 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

TL Boehm

11 Years Ago

thank you, Quin. Thank you.


i am pagan, loved it nonetheless. now, go blow up, and celebrate, you got in under the grandfather clause. all other reads were deleted for negativity,,,and catering to the fracas.....maybe one day all the trolls will be gone. i am sick of the hate disease infesting this site.......100/100

Posted 11 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

TL Boehm

11 Years Ago

thank you, Quin. Thank you.
Words to meditate on-the scripture Col. 3:17 came to mind: And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the lord jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him." I am guilty of not doing this, for sure. Thanks for the reminder of how important are our words.

Posted 12 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

the kids leave the tv on at night and early in the morning is one of those televangelists, i generally hear a few words while i tie my shoes - i'm generally not surprised by people in this universe - but when he told the viewers one day last week that if they didn't believe such and such 'Have a Nice Trip' i almost choked on my god-given air

i thought there were instructions somewhere about not wishing folks to hell

and then I look down the page and see Dale's review . . . miss him.

Posted 12 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

how about Tea and Nachos tomorrow..What is out since "Bethanys Crossing."...
i'll check your website for updates?..I used to be burned out and eclipsed too....

Posted 13 Years Ago

Oh my! That was a rollar coaster of life in a nut shell! Having just read through each entry, I couldn't help but chuckle at the honesty and querkiness of it all.

It's always intersting to have one's little thoughts pinned up on a wall so you can compare if your own little thoughts are normal or completly wacked! lol

Much Enjoyed
Aaron Maycroft

Posted 16 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

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Yes!!! Use your gift to make a difference!!!
So many use this inspired ability to complain about how many times their ex beat them or how much they miss their girlfriend or how bad they want to "do" somebody... People... get a clue and understand where this gift comes from...............!!!
Finally, somebody (Tammy) gets it! BRILLIANT!

Posted 16 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Relevant, street lingo of a sorts ... to the point. And may be that is the point. Be off sync enough to catch the eye to get a message across. Not all fish jump at the same bait. And...

Just say it. Don't wait until it's 'right.' It never will be 'just right.' So just say it. ... I like that sentiment.

Thanks for putting this out there, T.


Posted 16 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Words do wait for us in the future as well as actions. Here! Here! Good rant.

Posted 16 Years Ago

2 of 2 people found this review constructive.

Peace, sister. The living word as only you can spew it. Gotta love that.

Posted 16 Years Ago

2 of 2 people found this review constructive.

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9 Reviews
Added on February 8, 2009
Last Updated on June 11, 2012


TL Boehm
TL Boehm

a stones throw or two from Big Blue, MI

My heart loves you even if my words fail me. Married, middle aged, fluffy, and deeply missing my grand bean. By day I work from home for a foundry. By night, I spend too much time playing around w.. more..

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