The Veil

The Veil

A Chapter by TL Boehm

inspired by Mark's "A Journey"


Before you tore the veil

And the scales fell from my eyes

Was I a child of the lesser light

Burned out echoes in ashen skies

The thundered rush of blood

Was I deafened by the lies


Before you cast the crown

Set diamonds sparkling at my brow

Did I crave the baser things

Found in the here and the now

Wrapped up in my thicker skin

Screaming where and why and how?


If you give perfect pleasure

Why would I require pain

What purpose does the deluge serve

For seed drowned out by rain

Why would I surrender Heaven

Just to go through Hell again


I can’t unwork the simple truth

Of a destiny unearned

If I step into the fire

I know I will be burned

Sometimes the seminal lesson

Is the lesson left unlearned 

TL Boehm


© 2016 TL Boehm

Author's Note

TL Boehm
there are several schools of though about our existence. Did we exist before we were born here? Do our souls continue on? Do we lather rinse and repeat til the water runs clear? I found Mark's poem fascinating and was inspired to write something. What ever the truth is - I personally struggle with the thought that I "chose" my situation so I could learn something from it. And if I did - Darwin gave us hominids too much cred. Here is Mark's Poem

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Featured Review

A amazing poem my Poet friend. Many lessons to be learn in your words.
"If you give perfect pleasure
Why would I require pain "
I believe no-one learn the easy way. We must fall down a few times to learn to appreciate the good things. A strong ending to a outstanding poetry.

Posted 10 Years Ago

2 of 2 people found this review constructive.

TL Boehm

10 Years Ago

True words, Friend. thank you.


"If you give perfect pleasure
Why would I require pain
What purpose does the deluge serve
For seed drowned out by rain
Why would I surrender Heaven
Just to go through Hell again"

Beautiful !

Posted 10 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

TL Boehm

10 Years Ago

thank you Sasha
Beautifully penned. Truth is a relevant concept. Most people's truth is composed of whatever they believe. Forget that our mind's are fallible and optical illusions abound and it's easy to believe the earth is flat and we all aren't upside down. ;o)

Posted 10 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

TL Boehm

10 Years Ago

Thank you so much. Yes the earth is round. My feet though, my feet are flat.
Thought provoking to say the least. So many questions that beckon so many answers. Life brings about defining moments, ones that leave an imprint in our subconscious....I often wonder about these moments in time and can't help but think that maybe we must return again in another life to try and try again.

Nicely done.


Posted 10 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

TL Boehm

10 Years Ago

That is a profound thought that we may return again and again. Thank you for your kind review
First Tammy, I want to say I am happy the "veil" and the "scales" are gone... It is a blessing beyond measure. I like how you try to share it here in a quality poem as well. Many will read this and at least be stimulated to consider what you are talking about. I do not know what you "eyes" have seen, but I suspect and I have felt the same hand in my life "casting the crown".

Second, I have read many of the responses. I usually do not read others writers reviews at all. Especially before writing my own thoughts. Just to keep the review purely my own reflection... However, here I made and exception. I wanted to know how your words affected other readers. What I read seemed to show both a desire and willingness to learn and listen, blended with a stubbornness to stick with philosophies their personal life experiences have "taught" them. I too have a stubbornness at times... ha.
I think we all want the security of either "knowing" what we know, or just saying nobody really can know anything. Yet the fact is, it takes a degree of faith to believe any philosophy we can contrive... Even to say we think this is all just chance takes a great amount of faith in our own thoughts and experiences. Anyhow, I found it very interesting how your poem seemed to bring out of others what they think rather than what trying to see more clearly what you have experienced. I probably do the same thing... It is human nature to keep our filters in place.

Lastly, I think your last stanza was a pure truth. The "destiny" did not feel like some pre planned or controlled path to me, but rather a gift of an alternative to the path this life has dealt. An "unearned" opportunity to escape the destiny of darkness that covers Earths history. Nobody can earn it, but all can accept it. I agree with many other reviewers who contend this life does not look like some grand plan of a benevolent God. This world's path is in fact evidence of what happens when His plan is not followed. I believe God is blamed or "given credit" for destinies of our own choosing or dealt to us by other's evils. I wonder why it is so hard to accept this perfect alternative destiny.

Also, you show me a little of my own thick-headedness in the last line. Kind of like curiosity killed the cat, but you wrote the idea with sophistication. We (at least I), do not need to experience everything in life to be whole. Some things are better off unlearned... Of course, it takes faith in something or someone to believe we don't need to know or experience certain things... We have to give in to something outside of our full understanding to be willing to leave Pandora's box unopened. Usually I find all of us are stubborn and curious enough to want to find out for ourselves and then wish we had not.

Well, I have gone on enough... ha.
Love the write. Love the declaration. Love the heart and soul I see in the lines Tammy!

Posted 10 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

TL Boehm

10 Years Ago

Wow. I have to tell you I read this and I cried. Sometimes I cave to girl moments and t.. read more
 David Scott

10 Years Ago

You obviously moved me as well...
Much love!
I don't think I'm here for a purpose and if I am I lived it out in the corps. All that crap about everything happens for a reason and some kind of divine plan died in me along time ago. Bad s**t happens to good people from being in the wrong place at the wrong time. Circumstances and luck rule our lives more than we want to think about. Obviously this poem struck a chord in me because I said more than my usual one line flip remark. Good poem TL

Posted 10 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

TL Boehm

10 Years Ago

Rico - sometimes I think part of your purpose is to wake people the Eff up to the truth of things - .. read more
This is an excellently crafted piece of pondering, Tammy. Your last stanza will stay with me... lessons unlearned... I like the seamless flow of this poem, too.

Your note brings to mind a line from a song written by my brother: "I don't like to think about what people call paying dues; I like to say that every day I live the way I choose..."

Seems like we all are just trying to figure it out...

Posted 10 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

TL Boehm

10 Years Ago

Rita that is an excellent line. It took me YEARS to accept personal responsibility for my actions. Y.. read more
Glad your "little banshee" found her sea legs, TL! I think my favorite part of my WC experience has been being compelled to swim where previously I was barely wont to splash in a puddle, and that annoyedly!
We shall never know, until the Final Curtain, what roles we have played, or been cast to but neglected to rehearse, or in my case, could never find the theater! You express beautifully the frustration of knowing we're meant for something, but never being more than tangentially aware of what it might be...Lovely!

Posted 10 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

TL Boehm

10 Years Ago

Thank you Mark. Self awareness is a double edged sword. Studded with grappling hooks and coated with.. read more
Indeed a lesson left unlearned. How can anyone know the truth? Those of faith believe they know the answers, but somehow I need a bit more proof. "If you give perfect pleasure why would I require pain?" A question I have asked the Rabbi often. Why do such bad things happen if there is a benevolent guide "up there?" You pose some wonderful questions here. This is one to read over and over again...and to debate! The rhyming flows easily and is not forced. Great work, Tammy. Lydi**

Posted 10 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

TL Boehm

10 Years Ago

yes, it is a fascinating subject to debate that's for sure. I am a simple soul - I think sometimes i.. read more
We are the highest form of beings endowed with Gods soul breated into us. It is only when we reduce ourselves to earthly and bodily pleasures, we stoop lower than a beast. The triology of mind, soul and spirit completes us, with the soul acting as the balancing agent between the two and the body their keeper. the spirit is divine and pure, the mind earthly and desireous, and the soul our true sacred self, which lives beyond the body when it dies. The most unfortunate person is the one who waits for death to discover God, because that is the ultimate truth.
Thats what I have learned, and I too ask all kinds of questions, ....................dont mind the tirade.
And superb poem, which got me going in the first place........................Thanks

Posted 10 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

TL Boehm

10 Years Ago

Thank you for the "tirade" ( big smile) I believe that too we are spirit - we have a soul - we live .. read more
and sometimes we learn from our situations and for some reason end up in another just like it...maybe we crave consistency..

very thought provoking piece...causes lots of introspection.

Posted 10 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

TL Boehm

10 Years Ago

I've been in those looping moments myself. Thank you Jacob!

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37 Reviews
Shelved in 7 Libraries
Added on January 3, 2014
Last Updated on March 5, 2016


TL Boehm
TL Boehm

a stones throw or two from Big Blue, MI

My heart loves you even if my words fail me. Married, middle aged, fluffy, and deeply missing my grand bean. By day I work from home for a foundry. By night, I spend too much time playing around w.. more..

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