Dear you,
I’m trying to let you go, I swear. I try every day not to think about you. It would have been really nice to have you to talk to when my grandfather passed away. I feel like you would have known how it felt, no one else really did. I say this because I cared for you when your two aunts died. I loved you then and I was sad for you. I cried a few times over it.
The only reason why I think I was prettier back then is because you made me feel beautiful.
I have your number in my phone listed as “that guy” and that time you dialed my number my heart stopped, I literally thought I was going to die.
You tore me inside out, fucked me up, and basically ruined two years of my life. But you gave me the most beautiful ¾ of a year that I’ve ever had.
I’m basically always on the scout for someone new. I hope they can live up to you, or at least be a distraction.
Love always,