tears of blood roll out my eyes
i live lies
for good or evil
of dreams past
of dreams to be
i live lies
not politically correct
not artificially or chemically
i walk the walk
i talk the talk
i live lies
i live in the reality
i choose
you live the lie that is you
but I know not your lie
artificially enhanced
or not
for good or evil
you live the reality
you choose
or do you
i live the lie of your reality
my lie is true
i live the lies of reality
yours, mine
when reality collides
lies unfold
broken hearts
shattered promises
or worse
lies of omission
outright lies
little white lies
lies of reality
i live my lie
do you
or do you lie
to you
this is deep right here... it's like you were relating something obscure just below the surface that I haven't gotten yet... that lets me know it's great art.... because I'm going to have to meditate on it and say ohhhh... I think he meant - and there, I'll come up with something either right on point or way off from what you intended to relay.
But the question posed at the end was what did it... do you live your lies or lie to yourself? If you live your lies, don't you lie to yourself? If you lie to yourself, don't you live lies? It's a paradox for sure...
Anyway, it made me think, so thanks for that. That's what great art does. I'll be back to read more.
Brilliant interplay between two people who live in a world of lies vs truth!
I like the style of the piece, and the interesting exchange of words, and thoughts!
Creative, and well done!
I had to read this out loud a couple times to get all the thoughts and phrases into the correct (I think) tone of voice. It was really hard to read and understand each little clause without any puncuation; you might want to go back through and make a few lines end-stopped--that way, it makes the reader slow down the reading and think about some of your images a little more. Overall, the content was very good except for your first line--I don't know why, but it just seems out of place. You have a very philosophical body to this poem, and then you add in that physicality of bleeding eyes, and it just seems really melodramatic. I liked this very much, though--with a little revision, it'd be that much better.