Painting of Two Murals
A Poem by tina edwards
Painting of two murals
Painting a mural of our friendship
the painting is full of sunshine
It would be full of happiness
Because then you did bring
Happiness and sunshine into my life
But that was then
But now the painting of the mural
Is full of emptiness
Like a part of me is missing again
That you have taken a piece of me
With you when you left without a sound
Now to find out that you have found
someone to make you truly happy
I am very happy for you and my mural of you
is filled with the ocean and the sunshine |
© 2008 tina edwards
well my friend I am very happy to see your poetic muse is alive and well-well done!!
Posted 16 Years Ago
1 Review
Added on June 17, 2008
tina edwardsdingmans ferry, PA
A mother, wife and good friend to many A published author by publish america My book will be released in April 2008 The Imagination of a Stay at home Mom more..