A friendship...........
A Poem by tina edwards
A friendship...........
A friendship is a precious thing
One not to be taken for granted
It is something that takes time
It takes being able to look past
Someone else's short comings
A friendship if it were to last
needs caring and understanding
But for those that think true friends grow on trees
You are sorely mistaken
A friend is some you can talk to
About almost anything
And you can go to when you have
A problem or
To tell them when they have done something
That hurt you
Normally if they are truly your friend
They will understand and say something
I really didn't mean to upset you
But some just dont get the true meaning of friendship |
© 2008 tina edwards
Really good poem, very well written and smooth and flowing, it was
easy to read. And what you wrote is so true and you captured it
very well in your poem. True friends are very rare and to be charished
as something special.
Posted 16 Years Ago
1 of 1 people found this review constructive.
2 Reviews
Added on June 5, 2008
tina edwardsdingmans ferry, PA
A mother, wife and good friend to many A published author by publish america My book will be released in April 2008 The Imagination of a Stay at home Mom more..