National Economic Reform's: Treasury Reform

National Economic Reform's: Treasury Reform

A Chapter by Dr. Tim Williams

How to reduce our national debt and reform the US treasury dept.

The history of this nation is being written in the annals of debt that has become almost to insurmountable. There have been two critical factors that have derailed the sovereignty and stability of the United States. In all our recorded history of over 200 years this nation has seen only small periods where our armed forces were not engaged in some conflict or another somewhere around the globe. From the time of John F. Kennedy's death all the way up to today the national debt has continued to climb. There are two important factors as to why this nation still can't grasp the concept of elimination of our now catastrophic national debt. A nation at war and a nation that relies on the creation of money by privately owned banks like the Federal Reserve Board. Believe it or not the Federal Reserve is one of the biggest contributors that has continued to cause our national debt to increase every year. 

In two distinct periods in our history has a sitting President tried to empower the public while reigning in the Nations debt. One during a time of the greatest internal struggle for national preservation namely the Civil War and another were we were headed into one of the greatest challenges that perplexed a nation primarily the Vietnam conflict. In 1861 President Lincoln needed money to continue to fund the Civil War. Bankers at the time were charging over 28% interest. Rather than pay up that high interest Lincoln pressed congress to authorize the Treasury Department to print full legal tender treasury notes [this is what the Constitution originally implied with no interest attached] to pay for the costs incurred form the war. When congress passed this legislation Lincoln stated " We gave the people of this republic the greatest blessing they ever had. Their own paper money to pay their won debts." Thus Greenbacks became the name this currency was called. To Lincoln's credit the passage of the Merrill Tariff Revenue Act in 1861 along with establishment of the first ever income tax, a flat 3% on incomes above $800 [today equates to $19,000] all increased financial revenue to fund the Civil War. 

Lincoln's troubles began almost from the time he took office. By 1862 congress repealed the flat tax and instead established what was to become the basis of the complex tax system that we have today. A more progressive tax structure putting more of a burden on the less wealthy. Another set back was the National Bank Act of 1862. This act let banks become national in that they are charted by the Federal Government and authorized to issue interest bearing notes secured by Government bonds similar to what Alexander Hamilton did after the Revolutionary War in the creation of the First Bank of America. Passage of this bill ensured a market for the Federal Debt since the new National Banks would now be required to buy those bonds. 

Had the National Bank Act failed to pass Congress Lincoln stressed that "Money is a creature of Law and the original issue should be maintained by the exclusive monopoly of national government. the Government should stand behind it's currency, credit, and bank deposits of this nation. No individual should suffer a loss of money through depreciation or inflated currency or bank bankruptcy;" would have benefited the American public in a time of great uncertainty. Look what happened in 2008 with the Federal Reserve Bank running the show. Millions of our citizens suffered great financial loss. All the Federal Reserve does is loan money to the government at interest. What drives up our national debt higher are privately owned banks, the Federal Reserve, and a nation that continues to be engaged in armed conflicts anywhere in the world. 

The London Times in 1863 who favored the Bank of England's monetary policies wrote " If that mischievous financial policy, which had it's origin the North American Republic, should become indurate down to a fixture, then that Government will furnish it's own money without cost. It will pay off debts and be without a debt. It will have all the money necessary to carry on it's commerce. It will become prosperous beyond precedent in the history of the civilized government of the world. The brains and the wealth of all the countries will go to North America. That government must be destroyed or it will destroy every monarchy on the globe." The wealth of the United States is in the hands of the private bankers not the American public. It is no wonder that the English were trying to help the Confederacy. When Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclamation in 1863 the British populace quietly withdrew their support of the Confederacy while Russia grew more supportive of the Union cause which helped the North and Lincoln preserve the Union. 

In repealing the greenback law congress passed the National Bank Act in it's place. All national banks were to be privately owned and the national bank notes they issued were to be interest bearing. The National Bank Act also provided that the greenbacks be returned as soon as possible as they came back in the payment of taxes. A hundred years later the United States Treasury Department computed the amount of interest that would have been paid if 400 million dollars would have been borrowed at interest instead of being issued by the Treasury Department as Abraham Lincoln initially did. Because of the greenback resolution the United States Government saved 4 billion dollars in interest. President Lincoln followed the exact interpretation of the United States Constitution by the government creating it's own money interest free. 

More recent President Kennedy in 1963 almost one hundred years after Lincoln undertook the gauntlet of reducing our national debt again following the Constitution issued Executive order 11110. This order circumvents the Federal Reserve Bank and makes possible the Federal Government not the banks print interest free money. In 1963 the Treasury Department under President Kennedy issued $4,292,893,825 interest free money. What is so startling is that not long after Kennedy's death all the United States notes, which Kennedy had issued, were called out of circulation. 

The only time in the history of the United States that our National Debt was eliminated occurred when Andrew Jackson stopped the charter of the Bank Of America in the 1830's. Today just imagine the trillions of dollars saved by interest free currency if the United States Government actually followed the original Constitution. The reduction of the debt of this nation starts with the elimination of interest on the currency used and loaned back to the government. Reinstating the gold standard where one dollar is secured with a dollars worth of gold is one way to start. Another is what President Kennedy was trying to accomplish gave the Treasury the authority to issue silver certificates against any silver bullion, silver, or standard of silver dollars in the US treasury. Now, in 2011 the United States is still operating under the Federal Reserve System. A system that is arguably most instrumental in contributing to this countries trillions of dollars in federal debt. There is more truth in what Abraham Lincoln once said that is so true today "There can be no peace without justice, and there can be no justice without a reform of our economic system, for the financiers are behind most of the corruption in our Government." 

With the Presidential election coming now would be a good time to really educate the American public that their is a fast track to reducing substantially and even eliminating both the national debt and the budget deficit. These are the most potentially lethal aspects of our current economic crisis, The present Administration has a golden opportunity to seize the moment sort of speaking by outlining specific ways in which our nation's debt can be eliminated for the first time since Andrew Jackson. Sadly, though Trump is still fixated on his boarder wall which will only contribute more to our increasing national debt.

Many firmly believe that the Federal Government is to top heavy and burdened down by to many duplicating agencies. When one agency is almost a copycat of an other as is the norm today in Washington only encourages more wasteful spending of tax payers money. The Federal Deficit is only getting wider because the government still has to supply now limited funds to keep programs such as Social Security and Medicare to name a few going. The only problem though has been for the past 30 or so years the taxes from income, excise and social insurance as well as payroll deductions of Social Security and Medicare and Medicaid all have been decreasing at alarming rates. The sheer number of jobs lost in these 30 years as made this deficit only grow year after year. Money from a dwindling tax base has only increased Washington's need to either borrow more from China { as was the case in the 2008 bailouts}, or in many cases recently just have the Federal Reserve print more money. In either case this only further exasperates a continually depressed economic climate. The nations debt is actually the accumulated deficits that have grown over the years. So today our national debt is astronomical to say the least. 

In a time of financial uncertainty especially with the economic deterioration in Europe the United States is still ill-equipped to deal with another financial debacle. The status quo of too many millions of Americans spells a continuation of an economic climate that is not conducive to easing the many financial burdens that are currently plaguing so many. Against this backdrop the President has an obligation to spell out a detailed plan of direction that would go a long way is securing the nations financial future. This starts with a prescription that focuses on our nation's debt reduction. Again, Trump and his Republican's continue to only ignore this mounting crisis. The national emergency we really should be focused on is our national debt and the way to decrease it.

A few years back when the so called Super Committee failed to even come up with a semblance of a workable plan only set the tome for more bipartisan politics. Now, the government is set again to where nothing gets done and our debt only gets worse. That prescription for eliminating our national debt and the budget deficit is going to take an informed public that hard decisions have to be made for the greater good and future prosperity for the United States. Where all citizens will be beneficiaries of policies that will invoke a revival of economic commerce and stability for generations to come. Those difficult choices have to be made. 

The President already has the means available to inform and educate the population what is actually needed to secure our nations financial future. So far the current Administration is still missing the boat on what needs to be done. Like a spoon full of sugar that makes the medicine go down approach if probably the best analogy in preparing the public of the reforms that will dictate the financial and economic future of America as a debt free country. 
One of the biggest hurdles facing the country today is already in the hands of the Supreme Court. The Affordable Health Care act of 2010 has been under constant attack ever since it was conceived. A grandiose plan, very ambiguous to say the least, but nevertheless still misses the boat on what this country really needs to have health insurance available for every American and still reduce our national debt. 

When the late Senator Edward Kennedy took up the gauntlet of establishing Universal Health Care a single payer plan that would insure every American only to have after his passing a completely watered down version hence the Affordable Health Care Act of 2010 has pushed the economy in a way that only encourages less economic forward momentum. Had the President carried on with the late Senators plan and pushed for the elimination of Medicaid and Medicare while establishing Universal Health Care as outlined by Senator Kennedy the government would have already saved billions of tax payer's dollars today. 

By educating the public that the fear of change from two very antiquated and costly government programs like Medicaid and Medicare to Universal Health Care is unfounded. Establishing Universal Health Care would be far less expensive while targeting those millions of citizens who continue to be without any insurance at all. To further support, like in Canada, an additional 1 cent tax on every bottle of alcohol and pack of cigarettes sold in America would go directly to Universal Health Care. Employee deductions instead of the percentage taken out for Medicare and Medicaid in each pay check a 10% less deduction combined for Universal Health Care would also go directly to support Universal Health Care. The billions of dollars saved from all the fraud and over billing that is currently the trend today in Medicaid and Medicare would be eliminated. Thus a real substantial reduction in America's overall national debt would result. More people are afraid of change but we have to remember that the government is only funding Universal Health Care not the insurance industry that are currently running the hospitals. It is up to the medical professionals that will direct the functioning of Universal Health Care. Our for profit health insurance industry is only causing more financial strife for millions of Americans who are unable to afford any type of health insurance. Universal Health Care is a vital first step in reducing this nations national debt. 

There is much talk today about reforming the antiquated and over complicated tax code. A tax code that favors the wealthy. A simple yet effective measure in that second step in reducing our nations debt is establishing a flat tax across the board at 10%. This, and the elimination of the Capital Gains Tax would go a very long way in not only reducing the nations debt but would generate positive economic forward momentum as well. 

When many people think of the Federal Reserve they think it is run by the government. It is not. It is a private entity. To realize the significance and importance of just how influential the Federal Reserve is in maintaining our nations debt to heights never before seen we have to learn how such a private institution has been able to grasp such a large piece of the equation in the financial markets that ultimately control our economy along with the rest of the worlds. It starts with the constitution itself. In the Constitution it outlines that only the Treasury has the authority to print money, not the Federal Reserve. All the Federal Reserve does is charge interest on the money it loans to the Federal government. When Thomas Jefferson stated upon the founding of the First Bank of America "A private bank using the public currency is a greater threat to the liberties of the people than a standing army." Jefferson realized that the central bank of the United States much like today's Federal Reserve the private bankers would have unlimited funds to control how lawmakers voted, control the media, and continue to garnish more wealth, power and control over a population. 

To trace back to how the Federal Reserve came about is to look at our own Constitution and the history of Europe. This excerpt at the bottom of this article gives a little explanation of how the Federal reserve came into existence. There were only two instances when a President literally followed the rule of the Constitution in the issuance of currency. One when Abraham Lincoln and the only other time when John Kennedy both sought to circumvent in Lincolns' case the major banks in New York at the time during the civil war and the other time when John Kennedy issued an executive order allowing the printing of currency by the treasury interest free instead of the Federal Reserve. In President Kennedy's case so that the debt this nation pays alone in interest to the Federal Reserve would decrease. In both cases some might call a coincidence but both Presidents were assassinated soon afterward. The deep reaches of the money changers is to apparent to ignore any longer. 

Today, the United States pays in interest over 370 Billion on a federal debt of over 9.5 Trillion dollars last year alone. To help fund that 370 billion I.O.U. the government will have to again sell 30 year bonds. The congressional Budget office released the Budget and Economic Outlook to the year 2016. This report predicts that interest payments on the Treasury Debt Securities, in other words, the gross interest will increase to over 680 billion by 2019. Many question where does the government send that check for our national interest payments? For years the Federal government's Treasury borrows money from the public by selling securities in the capital markets. Our debt is then bought by various buyers, including foreign investors, mutual funds, state and local governments, commercial banks, insurance companies and individuals. Of those groups it is the foreign investors {governments, business and individuals} that own over 50% of all federal debt issued to the public. Nearly 2.1 trillion dollars of the over 4.6 trillion dollars is currently outstanding. Japan, China, and Great Britain have the biggest holdings of U.S. debt. 

When it comes to foreign aid to help poor nations climb out of poverty currently the government only allocates less than 20 billion dollars annually.. But, we have no qualms about sending a $250 billion as a transfer payment to Japan, China and any other cash rich nation, business or individual. It is time that the people acknowledge that the only way out of the impending financial disaster about to engulf this nation that will send practically every American down into the abyss of financial and economic degradation is without wholesale reform of government. It is time to follow the rule of the Constitution and let the Treasury and not the Federal Reserve be the sole provider for the issuance of currency interest free. 

History of the Federal Reserve

Nowhere in the annals of history has a nation produced a document so profound in it's purpose for the betterment of mankind than the United States Constitution. This document does codify inalienable rights, government by the people for the people, and the right to keep and bear arms. These principals that were never heard of before now were the hope of mankind. Thus the United States came into being. 

Slowly and steadily thou the United States Constitution has been under attack to dismantle it and pave the way for a totalitarian and socialist state run not by the people, but by a few of the wealthiest and most powerful. Through-out history wars and major conflicts have been pre-planed and orchestrated for the sole purpose of garnishing vast amounts of wealth and power by a very select few. 

In 1776 in Bavaria, Austria Adam Weishaut organized what is called even today, the Illuminati as a front organization to hide a syndicate that actually minipulates policies ,politics, media, finances and wars of countries around the world. Together with the Rothchilds financing, this organization quickly gained complete influence of all the countries of Europe. The Rothchilds knew that if they could control a nations finances then they could control that country. "Banking community members are able by control of a nations finances to affect important events that benefit the person or group that controls them." 

The Battle of Waterloo in 1815 proved to be most significant in that the outcome of waterloo gave the Rothchilds complete control over the Bank of England which enabled them to control the British Empire and the rest of the countries of Europe. By controlling each countries central bank the Rothchilds and the Illuminati used their dominance to control countries and events to gain even more power and wealth. 

In the United States Alexander Hamilton's Bank of The United States was established using 80% of private investors funding. Some of this funding came indirectly from the Rothchilds. Thomas Jefferson quoted as " A private central bank using the public currency is a greater menace to the liberties of the people than a standing army." Jefferson realized that the central bank of the United States much like today's Federal Reserve Bank was established the private bankers would have unlimited funds to control how lawmakers voted and they would control the media as well. Even with this stern warning the Bank of the United States was established. Not until Andrew Jackson successfully shut down the Bank of The United States in 1836 that the United States deficit was eliminated . 

From the mid 1800's to the beginning of 1900 the international bankers { the Rothchilds and the Illuminati } were regrouping in the attempt to reestablish the Bank of the United States. Only this time following the meeting on Jekyll Island in 1913 would the Federal Reserve Bank replaced the name of the Bank of The United States. The Federal Reserve Bank was set up and owned by a select few of the wealthiest people in the world and would have a complete monopoly on money. President Woodrow Wilson was used in allowing the formation, the implementation, and the completion of the Federal Reserve Bank. JP Morgan Jacob Schniff and the Rothchilds were all part owners of the Federal Reserve Bank from which they could control the policies of the United States. 

The Constitution of the United States gives congress and only congress the authority to coin money. If the United States Congress's coined it's own currency as the Constitution requires we { the United States Citizens} wouldn't be required to pay the hundreds of billions of dollars in interest that we now pay on the national debt. Money coined by congress would be interest and debt free. The Federal Reserve Bank continues to make billions off of the citizens of the United States. The Federal Reserve Bank produces inflation and Federal Debt whenever it desires, but not federal stability. JP Morgan, The Rothchilds and the rest of the international bankers at Jekyll Island knew that all that is needed to effectively control the United States Government is to control the nations money. A central Bank with a monopoly over the supply of money and credit. Through the manipulation by this group in congress and President Wilson the Federal Reserve Bank was established. 

Today the Federal Reserve Bank continues to influence members of congress and the President. Two of the most recent Bills that have passed that are blatantly unconstitutional are The U.S. Patriotic Act and The Homeland Security Act. These two laws are significant in that the United States is slipping away from a republic toward a police and socialistic state where the people have no voice in the laws that are passed. If the United States citizens continue to allow the Federal Reserve Bank dictate our future then the United States will cease to be a republic and we will most surely end up like the Roman Empire and the liberties of man- kind will cease to exist. 


© 2019 Dr. Tim Williams

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Added on January 10, 2019
Last Updated on January 10, 2019


Dr. Tim Williams
Dr. Tim Williams

Tampa, FL

A feature writer for the Tampa Bay Examiner. Founded the Department of Economic Development for the cities of Salem and Brockton, Mass. more..
