![]() National Economic Reform's Universal Health CareA Chapter by Dr. Tim Williams![]() Another article in National Economic Reform's Ten Articles Of Confederation![]() To paint an accurate picture of the state of the union today we have to come to terms that the United States is far cry from being fiscally and economically stable.That being said, America is and has been in a free fall of instability for too long. Our core values have shifted over the past 35 years in that they have completely undermined this nations ability as a whole to prosper. Backward mobility for millions continue to prevent the United States from achieving the success that America had economically following World War II. To actually achieve economic stability, long term financial prosperity, and to ensure our national security it is imperative that the United States pass and implement Universal Health Care for all it's citizens. How this is accomplished is by no means an easy task. Our elected officials at every level of government must break away from the special interest groups, the lobbyists, the insurance industry, and their own self absorption by succumbing to the financial pressures for their elections and re-elections. We have to remind ourselves that an educated, informed, and participating public is the only way for democracy as put forth by our founding father's when they penned the constitution to continue and to flourish. To rid ourselves of the quandary that our elected officials have been allowed to create in our society today We the people must take an active part by educating themselves on the long term consequences this country faces without Universal Health Care. Projected by the year 2016 the number of Americans without health care will still increase even though the Affordable Health Care Act is in place. Today, there are about 60 million adult that can't afford any type of health insurance. When it comes to our youth and children the rate of those without adequate health care will also have increased by over 27%. The long term prognosis is that these numbers will continue to grow every year. To continue as we are is catastrophic for the future of the United States. Back in 1988 Senator Edward Kennedy introduced a Universal Health Care proposal based on the English and Canadian systems. A single payer plan similar yet different form the European plans. This plan was a serious step in trying to get every American Health Care coverage. No longer would the United States be held hostage by the bureaucratic way that Medicaid and Medicare are not providing all that is needed to take care of all Americans. If this bill had passed back then this country would not be in such economic peril. Today, the best way to actually achieve prudent fiscal policies, lasting economic growth, ensuring our own national security, guaranteeing health care for all, restoring Social Security, and bring prosperity to all Americans is to adopt National Economic Reform of which Universal Health Care is a major component. National Economic Reform's ten Articles of confederation with each one contingent on the others for their success is the direction this country needs to follow now. The magnitude and scope of National Economic Reform is the modern day version of the New Deal and the WPA of the 1930's. Universal Health Care of National Economic Reform will be the major reason the United States prospers for generations to come. With more than 300 Billion of Americans tax dollars wasted on our existing health care systems, the growing number of citizens being without health care and now with the increasing rates of insurers to provide employers health coverage for their employees it is time for this country to rid ourselves of the financial disaster that is plaguing the United States. When Congress passed legislation on health care they did so without without Universal Coverage. As it stands this country will never regain the economic security that once enable the United States to be the biggest and most robust economy in the world. Instead with the provisions that are now this Affordable Health Care Act have only only kept employers from expanding and and thus created more underemployment and unemployment in the process. Only through total coverage with a single payer plan will the United State avoid any further decline in the economy, and in fact Universal Health Care will propel this country to economic prosperity for all Americans. The Affordable Health Care Act of 2010 didn't do any of this. It only exasperated the ongoing problem of no insurance for millions of Americans. Here are 8 reasons why Universal Health Care is so essential for the future of the United States. 1) The elimination of Medicaid and Medicare will greatly aid in the efficiency of Universal Health Care. Medicaid and Medicare have become so blotted and cost ineffective that these programs have long become so ineffective where Universal Health Care will cover every American with total health care. 2) Funding for Universal Health Care will come from the elimination of Medicare and Medicaid with their budget allotments shifted toward Universal Health Care (the deductions in payrolls that were for Medicare and Medicaid will now be one deduction with about a 10% reduction while the remaining portion of what was originally taken out will now be added to employees gross income). Medical Marijuana will be taxed at 5%. Just like the Canadians an additional $.05 tax on all alcohol and tobacco will aid in additional funding. A $.02 tax on all non consumable items will be shifted to Universal Health Care. Reforming the nations tax code to a 10% flat tax and put 1% toward Universal Health Care. Establishing a massive public works programs so that the nation unemployment rare reaches under 4% will be a critical link in funding for Universal Health Care. ( Not only with the unemployment rate reduced funding Universal Health Care will increase with each person employed and the nation's infrastructure will be restored because of the projects that are now being addressed by the government sponsored programs will put more people to work. 3) The elimination of the capital gains tax will spur more economic growth and create more employment in the process. 4) Imposing a cap on all malpractice claims will greatly aid in keeping the funds for Universal Heal Care available with-out liquidating funds to cover malpractice claims. 5) Will provide additional tax revenue to all cities and states whose budgets are failing to provide all the services that are now mandated by law. Which will spur more employment and thus create more revenue for Universal Health Care. 6) The restructuring of our trade agreements so that jobs that were eliminated because of cost constraints will now be reconsidered to hire more Americans and keep our jobs secure. When it is more cost prohibitive to employ people here than it is to import products that used to be made in the United States then we have an obligation to ensure that this situation is rectified. 7) Will help provide more tax revenue to cities and states because of the increase number of those employed. " The more people with more disposable income to spend and pay down debt is the greatest economic boost any society can have." This also adds to Universal Health Care funding. 8) In order to provide this nation with more general practitioners student loans will be greatly reduced and in some cases eliminated altogether if individuals practice in areas in the United States that don't have any or are very under staffed with general doctors. They will serve for two years and after that time they may choose to stay or be free to practice any where in the United States with-out penalty. With these 8 factors that are all integrated into the success of Universal Health Care the United States can finally achieve the economic stability, ensure the nations health and in doing so will enable every America the opportunity to achieve more prosperity and security. This is why Universal Health Care is so vital for the future of the United States. With all the debate focused on the repeal of the President's Affordable Health Care Act of 2010 it is a very good time to focus of the true nature of health care in the United States today. In all actuality our nations health care well, there really isn't a national program for taking care of the health of all Americas. What there is, are for profit industries that focus solely of the bottom line rather than provide any semblance of continuity of providing effective health care let alone proper preventative health measures. More apply named our healthcare in America today is in reality nothing more than death care. A multi billion dollar racket that fosters unnecessary pain and suffering to millions of Americans all over the country. It is said that Physicians practice medicine. That is true. Their practicing alright, but very rarely ever get it right. If there was one entity that anyone could invest in today it would be the pharmaceutical industry. This billion dollar industry continues to pump out more so called life saving drugs faster than a speeding bullet. Practically ever TV add is for some drug or another that promises great results. Unfortunately, most of these drugs are more devastating than the disease or aliment that one has to begin with. But that doesn't matter, the advertisements themselves promote and promise a world of relief. What is actually taking place today are so many individuals continually caught in this drug mill. They are now at the mercy of the pharmaceutical companies bound not by loyalty but by sheer dependence on these drugs like an addict whose sole existence is the replenish himself with more drugs. A nicotine habit, one in which they can't quit. An industry that cares so little about the health of the individual and instead continues to focus on how much profit can be gained has amounted to what our nations health care has become today. It is kind of ironic that the pharmaceutical industry supported and endorsed by our own government are always seeking a cure for the latest disease while begging for more even money from those who are caught in the web of addiction spun by the pharmaceutical industry itself. Take the advertisements for certain drugs that are promoted to fight cancer or any other know disease. We have yet to benefit from all that funding that is funneled into the same drug manufactures that promise a cure is just around the corner. For over close to 30 years or more American citizens have continually sacrificed their had earned money that has been donated only to fall victim to what has to be one of the biggest scams in recent memory. An industry which are always seeking a "cure" for the latest disease: seeking but never finding. Physicians now are brainwashed by the pharmaceutical industry. An industry which now controls practically every medical school in the country. Too many practicing doctors are being bought off by these same drug manufacturers. Today, organized medicine is the third-leading cause of death in America. Drug companies routinely rush new money-making medications to market before they´re fully tested for safety and ignore or worse cover up their harmful side effects. Doctors continually recommend unnecessary (and possibly life-threatening) tests and surgeries. This, just to pad their pockets by over billing Medicaid and Medicare. Hospitals administer the wrong medicine, or the wrong doses, or operate on the wrong patient in too many instances today. It is practically epidemic. Doctors prescribe medicines that conflict with other medicines the patient is taking or that are not recommended for the ailment from which the patient suffers. Pharmacies commit dangerous errors in filling prescriptions. All happening today at alarming and increasing rates. The whole concept of health care like the Hippocratic oath has turned into the antithesis of what every doctor should do. Healthcare should be called symptomology, as the goal of organized medicine is to treat the symptoms rather than the cause of the disease. Health is achieved through proper diet and exercise. A diet of natural not processed foods, particularly organically grown foods, is the road to good health and a happy life. Eliminate processed foods and foods containing high fructose corn syrup and chemical additives from your diet. Consume primarily fresh preferably raw vegetables, supplement with small amounts of fish, free range chicken and beef, add natural supplements of vitamin D and we have a pretty good diet. These are just of the few things that can lead to a nation whose health is vital for it's future. The stability and security of a nation rests in the overall health of it's population. As we can see by the alarming rates of obesity, diabetes, and cancer just to name a few the United States is in real peril because the health of this nation continues to decline. It is vital that this nation ushers in National Economic Reform which includes a single payer plan of Universal Health Care for all Americans. In this way the United States is able to return this nation's health and restore it's stability. The United States is the only industrialized country that does not have comprehensive Universal Health Care for all its citizens. There are countless number of insurance plans available but not one that covers all of Americans. In fact there is so much duplication of these that it so so confusing many people simply can't figure out what covers what. With the vast number of citizens who have lost their jobs, still unemployed, homeless, have their wages stagnant or even reduced simply can't afford to have any health care coverage. Sure, if you happen to be a millionaire then money would be no object in purchasing the kind of quality health coverage that the United States Congress now receives from the tax paying public. The rest of us, the majority, are left to make drastic decisions regarding whether to sacrifice one thing or another just to be able to afford some sort of health insurance. Financial devastation has made it all but impossible to have quality health care insurance. The staggering cost, the needless suffering of our citizens, and our jeopardized national security are all due to the fact that the United States has failed to provide Universal Health Care for all. With the current debate on how to solve the Health Care Crisis so far the President and congress still can't come to agreement on one single payer plan that covers every American. It is vital for this country's future that now is the time to agree and put aside the petty differences and support Universal Health Care similar to the European plans. It should be quite obvious that with over 300 billion wasted dollars each year Universal Health Care would eliminate this financial debacle. There is, in establishing Universal Health Care a way to eliminate the federal deficit, balance the budget, achieve national security and in general achieve National Economic Reform so that every citizen would be assured of financial security and actually being able now to prosper instead of facing financial and emotional turmoil. The first step in securing Universal Health Care is putting together a comprehensive single payer plan with these provisions. 1) Eliminate the Medicaid and Medicare insurance plans now and use the allocated funding that the federal budget provides toward Universal Health Care funding. Shift the tax deductions from payrolls from Medicare and Medicare deductions to one deduction for Universal Health Care. 2) Additional funding will come from a $.01 tax on alcohol and tobacco, 5% sales tax on medical marijuana, and a $.02 tax on all non consumable items. A reform of the current income tax system to a 10% flat tax will aid in the funding of Universal Health Care. By recouping part of the over 300 billion wasted will also aid in additional funding. 3) Imposing a cap on all malpractice insurance claims will aid in eliminating the staggering amount of needless test and procedures that are consuming time and money because of concerns of liability. 4) Guaranteeing physician choice for all. 5) Using the technology developed in computerizing all orders will eliminate the costly medical errors when drugs and medications are prescribed. 6) Having the physician determine when to discharge a patient. The current systems now have made it more costly because patients were returning because they were discharged too soon. This costs more and creates more human suffering. 7) Producing standard claim forms will aid in elimination of costly errors. 8) To provide this country by having more general practitioners available to where they are needed insuring that medical students will only be required to only pay back 50% of their student loans if they agree to serve two years after they finish medical school in areas of urgent need because of the shortage of general practitioners in that area. With these provisions and there will be more it is apparent that Universal Health Care will push this country to a secure and prosperous future because with the establishment of universal coverage business that now provide health coverage but deduct the costs from there employees payrolls will be no longer required. Instead the funding that is deducted now will be added into each employees paycheck as additional gross income. Business will now be able to expand. This will have a domino effect across the entire country in that more people will have more income. "When more people have more disposable incomes to spend or pay down debt the greater economic impact on all economies." The elimination of Medicaid and Medicare will greatly ease the costly and complicated bureaucracy that is plaguing and draining this countries revenues. This country can ill afford to continue the way we have. The time to move forward is now. Let's prove to the rest of the world that the United States stands behind Universal Health Care and is now taking care of our own citizens. The years between the late 1960's till today the United States has been evolving slowly at first then more rapidly into a nation that ceased to learn from the lessons of the past as to what made America the greatest nation. This noble experiment democracy; a republic under god, one nation indivisible. Today our founding fathers would look down upon this nation and probably say "What the hell happened? No longer are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness available to all but a few. Most of us now are so caught in a vicious cycle of financial, emotional, physical, and cultural decline. Our elected officials now rule by way of obtaining millions of dollars just to get and stay elected. They can no longer take the time to focus on meaningful legislation that if passed will ensure every citizen is better off because they are in office. Just once we would like to see a candidate or elected official start by having a plan of direction short and long term that will produce for every one of their constituents financial improvement, better employment opportunities with real living wages, health care coverage, greater educational opportunities, and a real sense of security. This Plan must include four phases one for their direct constituency, one for the state they are elected or serve in, one for the nation that they represent, and one for the world that we all share. The late Senator Edward Kennedy was probably the only one elected official that tried and succeeded in part of all that he tried to accomplish. He had a concise plan of direction for all four phases short and long term. Now the question do we finish his most important work that he started, That being Universal Health Care. The nation owes it to his legacy and for all that he accomplished and all that he tried to do. When the Affordable Health Care Act of 2010 was passed it was a disappointment for all America. It has since failed to address and really reform a most drastically inept system that focuses still on our for profit health insurance industry. The true reality of what is happening today is still overlooked even if the Supreme court rules on the Affordable Health Care Act, and that is to many millions of Americans will still be unable to have health insurance. Congress and the President must decide now that tough decisions must be made now for the future of the nation. Now is the time to really put our differences aside and actually achieve Universal Health Care. The United States is financially almost insolvent. Having Universal Health Care is just part of a total economic plan that will ensure the solvency, the national security, a growth in living wage jobs, and in general more economic prosperity for all Americans. Let us all realize that the fear of change or of the unknown is the greatest obstacle toward improvement. Remember that quote by President Franklin Roosevelt " What we have to fear is fear itself." That is very apropos today. Education is the best way to rid ourselves of fear and anxiety toward changing from what we have grown accustomed to, but is failing the whole country. To propel this nation toward a brighter and more secure nation, Universal Health Care is the key to that future. © 2017 Dr. Tim Williams |
StatsAuthor![]() Dr. Tim WilliamsTampa, FLAboutA feature writer for the Tampa Bay Examiner. Founded the Department of Economic Development for the cities of Salem and Brockton, Mass. more..Writing