![]() Love Is the Religion of the WeakA Story by Tim F*****g McCormack
Love Is The Religion of The Weak
The First Night And then I threw up seven times. Not because I had a disease or a virus or anything. But because the thought of not having you makes me physically sick. And how pathetic is that. You know considering that you dont even care about me at all. And considering that I shouldnt care about you at all. But it doesnt matter. Two nights ago was horrible. I mean I guess Ive always known that you were better off without me. But that doesnt mean that it made it hurt less to hear you say it. And that certainly doesnt mean it made it hurt less to have you leave. Or me leave. I guess I am the one who left. The one who ended things and all, but it was only because you pulled away and I couldnt handle not having you anymore. I dont know why it even matters to me who left who. I mean youre still gone, and Im still terrified of living without you. But that night was horrible. And I guess because I want you to feel sorry for me and be hurt by how much you hurt me Im telling you how horrible it was. I mean I doubt that youll even read this far so I guess Im writing it more for catharsis than to hurt you, but I hope it hurts you all the same. So here it begins. Once upon a time I got off the phone with at 1:30 in the morning. Not 11:30 like you thought. Crying. Obviously. And hating myself. And thinking about how much of a piece of s**t I must be for you to be better off without me than with me, even though you love me. And so I called Sam. Because thats who I call when Im upset with you and want to hurt you. But her phone was off, and that made me even more upset, because it reminded me of all the times you wouldnt even pick up your phone because you knew I was calling and you were with him. And being as hopelessly in love with you as I am, being upset like that made me want to call you back. Its amazing how much when I say I never want to talk to you again, I go ahead and want to talk to three minutes from then. Its pathetic. And ridiculous. And every single other thing my love for you is. Hopeless. Romantic. Horrible. Dumb. And everything else that makes me sing along to those songs that dont seem quite like love songs but really are more like love songs than any of the s**t that is on the radio. You know all those songs that you would hate when I would sing them to you. Songs with lines like Sorry about the phone call and needing. Some decisions you just dont make. I guess its like breathing and not wanting to. Some things you just cant fake. You should know all the lines to them now. Youve hated me for singing them to you enough times. But for once I actually was able to hold my tongue and I called Winter instead. Because I knew she would talk me out of wanting to talk to you. And I heard her friend tell me to shut up and not call so late at night. But I didnt care. I needed her to talk me out of talking to you. And she did. You know what she said. Dont call her. Shes a liar. And shes using you. And I guess it worked for a bit because for a while at least I didnt want to talk to you anymore. So instead I made up this girl with green eyes. Because I sort have wanted to be able to relate to that one hook. Hers were green like July. Except when she cried. They were red. And because I really loved your eyes, and I knew that it would hurt you to make up a green eyed girl because Sam has green eyes and I know youre jealous of the fact that I care about her when I dont have you. I get so damn spiteful. So I made up this green-eyed girl. And I talked to her. In my head. And I tried to make her perfect so that I would want this girl in my head more than you. But I dont think that it worked. I mean for a while she seemed amazing. But she gradually became more and more like a refined version of you. And this refined version of you reminded me of how you acted when you were lying to me so that I would believe, because you thought you were acting perfect for me and giving me all I wanted. And I guess you were acting perfect for me, but you werent giving me all that I wanted because I just wanted you and for you to be honest. And Im pretty sure you were acting the exact same way for him, so I guess it really doesnt matter at all. Shes a liar. And shes using you. I said it over and over to myself as the green-eyed girls eyes became more and more brown. Over and over. As if by saying it over and over it became magically true. Well actually it was true to start with, but I guess it wasnt true in the sense that it made any difference to me. And thats when I started to get really sad. Because I realized tat after all that you had done. You know kissing him, then two hours later saying you love me and f*****g me, and then kissing him again an hour after that, after all that bullshit, you were still worth it to me. And even though I hadnt done anything but get upset because you had been with someone else, I wasnt worth it you. That you were still better off without me. And who knows maybe thats because you didnt ever really love me. Or maybe its because I made you too scared to get back into a relationship with me because you care about me too much. Who knows which one was the lie and which one was the truth. I sure as hell dont. And then it occurred to me that maybe you had lied to yourself so bad that you didnt even know, and I felt sorry for you. I felt compassion for you. I felt compassion for you because you f*****g kissed another guy. Hopeless. Romantic. Horrible. Dumb. Sorry about the phone call and needing. Some decisions you just dont make. I guess its like breathing and not wanting to. Some things you just cant fake. And I didnt understand at all why I would feel this way about you. And I didnt want to feel this way about you. So I just started to sing. Or rather scream at the top of my lungs Your lover is an actress did you really think shed stay. And then I realized I would wake someone up so I just got up, went to the bathroom, which still smelled like sick puke and walked out into the night. Into the wet grass with all the snakes slithering through it, and I really hoped one of them would bite me. Because I certainly wouldnt have minded dying right then. Not that I wanted to kill myself. But if I were to stop breathing, that would have been fine. And by now its probably around 4 AM. That horribly romantic time, that seems to be surpassing midnight as the time when lovers meet, and cries escape when you have to be clich and do things that lovers do at a certain time in the night to make it feel as though you actually are lovers. And I was out there, with all the clich lovers who never get into fights, or run away because theyre so scared of caring about someone, or become spiteful and angry and hurt because theyre so afraid of being hurt by someone they care about. And I was out there and I began to sing And youre screaming at the top of your lungs And then I screamed at the top of my lungs, THE FUNERAL WAS NOT PROPER, THERE WAS NOT ENOUGH PEOPLE, AND WHO CHOSE THE MUSIC, THOSE MELODIES ALMOST MADE ME PHYSICALLY SICK, and then I sang again, And Im screaming at the top of my lungs And then I thought about screaming this part, but it didnt seem like I should so I just sang it instead, and I sang it real soft, because thats what I would have done if Id been the singer and so I softly sang, Let it go, let it go,. And for some reason standing there with the moon over me made me feel better. Just a little bit. Actually it didnt make me feel better at all, but I pictured seeing myself out there and I thought that maybe I should think that this whole thing made me feel better. So I pretended to think that it all made me feel just a little bit better. Its amazing what people lie to themselves about. Or maybe just what I lie to myself about. But my feet started to get cold. And so I started to shiver in addition to shake from the pain of losing you. I dont think I really told you how I looked this whole night. I was wearing a pair of Winters sunglasses, with like these big purple lenses, and they look ridiculous, thats probably why I like them. But so Im wearing these ridiculous sunglasses, a band t-shirt too small like always, and that pair of boxers with all the hearts on them that I have with the big holes in them. And there are tears just pouring from my eyes the entire night. And Im shaking uncontrollably like I do when I think Im about to lose you, or when I do lose you. And I probably looked like I was on cocaine or heroin, or having a bad trip from acid or something. And so Im out there and I suddenly get really cold, and that makes everything so much worse for some reason. As if just adding this little bit of physical discomfort makes it so that I have nothing left to live for. So I walked into the house. Not because it was warm, because it wasnt really. My house is always at a constant 68 degrees Fahrenheit. But because I decided then that I didnt ever want to warm again. Because warmth was too much like cuddling, or sitting by a fireplace, or getting in a fight, or having sex. And all of those things are you things and if I dont have you than I dont want to think of you things. So I decided I never wanted to be warm again. And I never wanted you to be warm again. So I take a knife from the kitchen, and walk into the bathroom. And I take the point of the knife and put it so thats its actually in my skin. Just the point, and just a little bit. And Im actually about to cut my wrist open, when I start to shake really badly and I drop the knife. And I cant make myself pick it up again because I know that if I do and I do kill myself that it will hurt you so much. Hopeless. Romantic. Horrible. Dumb. Sorry about the phone call and needing. Some decisions you just dont make. I guess its like breathing and not wanting to. Some things you just cant fake. And then it scared me that I was about to kill myself, but what scared me worse was that it was the thought of you that kept me from actually doing it. I think I was more scared that I didnt do it than I was that I was about to do it. So I went and I called Winter. But her phone was dead. And I really wanted to call you, so of course I called Sam. And she picked up this time. I mean she was mostly asleep but she picked up. And I guess I started to tell her how I liked her and how much of a liar you are. And then I realized that I only like her because I know that it hurts you if I like her. So I got off the phone with her and I wondered why I wanted to hurt you so bad, because I know its not that it actually makes me feel better to see you hurt even if I am hurt. In fact it does just the opposite. So I thought maybe I just wanted to see you hurt because I want to hurt worse. And its while I was thinking about how it was all my fault that all this happened because I over react and make it hard for you to stay with me and am a general piece of s**t the sun rose. And that makes this the morning. Which reminds me of Gentleman Caller. Which reminds me of the days (oh how I speak of them as they were years ago instead of maybe two weeks ago) that you thought that I was worth it. The Second Night And I couldnt take it anymore. I just couldnt. So I put on a pair of sunglasses and just walked out of my house, to my friends car. I swear to God Id been on the verge of completely losing everything all day. And all that was in my head was my friends advice, You should get plastered. So there were my plans. And OK so we went to guitar center and I played a lot of piano and acoustic guitar, and I had to change instruments about every two minutes to keep my mind off of you, but my plan was to get plastered. And so when 5:30 rolled around, we got back into the car and drove over to this kids house for the University Of Georgia. And I dont even like Georgia at all. In fact I dont even really like football at all. But sitting there watching the people be excited by a ball being thrown and people running yards seemed exciting. And it took my mind off of you, so I suppose it did everything I needed it to. I mean its not like it affected me at all that one college had more people who could run faster, tackle harder, and throw better, than another college, and I dont think it really affects anyone other than the people playing the game. But it everyone watches it to get their minds off whats going on in their heads. So I watched. And then we brought out the liquor. And the shot glasses. And we began to drink. The thing about drinking is, it gives you the strength that everyone talks about. You know it lets you become a stronger person. And by stronger I mean apathetic, a liar who fakes acting happy, and an a*****e who will be more afraid of caring about someone you love. But with alcohol all this strength is temporary. It leaves you after a few hours. And then you can be weak again. And then you can drink and become strong again. So these shots gave us the strength to sit there and trade our life stories between shots. One of the kids father was in the hospital, and in the middle of dying. And his mother was an alcoholic. And he had forgotten how to care about someone the girl he loved was sitting there drinking next to him wondering if she was loved. Because he was just too damn scared to show her that he cared because he thought that if he showed her he cared than he would care. And he knew that if he cared than he could be hurt. So he pulled away. A lot like you do. To me. And my friend his dad is already dead. And he has a girl who is just as fucked up as you are. And she would never be with him. And all I have to drink about is you. But for some reason it feels like enough. Some maybe no one has it better or worse. At all. We all just have it. That same unknown it that is either worth it or not worth it. Maybe that it really is love. Love put into a pronoun so that we can pretend to understand it. But then my friend said, F**k. Everyone is fucked up. Everything is fucked up. At least youre honest with it. And he was right. I mean s**t look at this world. I dont think Ive ever met someone who wasnt fucked up. Some people are just stronger than others. So some people are just better phonies than others. And that I didnt want to be a phony. I mean I had been a strong person. I was raped by my brother when I was about 12. And the experience made me a stronger person. I was really good at pretending to be happy. And I became popular. And I didnt give a s**t about anything. Not a single damn thing. I was f*****g untouchable. I probably walked about five inches from the ground. And it was horrible for me. F*****g god-awful. And then I met you. And damn it even from that first time with you in your goddamn long little beige coat thing I was in love with you. And I cared about you. And through the next year you made me a weak person again. And I realized that I didnt want to be strong at all. And then you left. And I thought you were gone forever. And when you came back you were stronger. Or maybe you were strong all along and you just werent scared. But then it was hard for me to be with you. Because you put everything you could in-between us. And it turned out that I couldnt handle that. So I made things horrible for you. So you got f*****g drunk as hell so you could have the strength to not care. And you did. And so you f*****g kissed him. And then you left again. And then I had a horrible summer filled with all the things that should make a wonderful summer. I got drunk as s**t, and fucked plenty of girls. And some beautiful girls. But it didnt matter. Because it was all meaningless again. And then you came back. And said this time it would last forever. And that I was worth it. And that we would love each other for forever. And that we would have a white apartment. With no furniture except a bed. And we would have sex in the shower, and all over the apartment. And you would just paint. And I would just write. And I said that I would just write love songs for you. And you said that you would sing them to me in just your panties. And I believe every single word of it would happen. And then I learned that you were still f*****g him. And then I yelled at you. And said I was leaving. It was a lie. And you said that you were better off without me. And then my friend told me that we were all going to go to Wal-Mart. And for some reason it seemed like a f*****g good idea. Maybe it was the alcohol. So we drove out to Wal-Mart. And we thought about getting some CiCis pizza for dinner, but it was closing so we wondered what was the point in going to an all you can eat buffet restaurant for like fifteen minutes. And for some reason when we wondered that it seemed like we had some key to life. But it doesnt make sense to me anymore. And in Wal-Mart we went to look for car paint. You know the kind that washes away. So we could paint a letter to airplanes on the top of the car, and mail it along with our bodies, but know that it would never reach its destination. So it didnt matter what we would write. Sort of like this. I know by now Im never giving this letter, story, life or whatever to you. So I can say whatever I want. Theres something freeing in that. But we never got the car paint. We got distracted by these helmets for motorcycles. So we tried on them on, and started beating each other up with baseball bats wearing them. And we couldnt feel a single thing. And I wondered if maybe I should wear sunglasses so that I cant fall in love, and a motorcycle helmet so I cant be hurt, and always be drunk so I can not care. And then that one kids girlfriend, she wanted to go look at cards, so we walked over there. And I forgot to take off the helmet. Or I didnt want to. So we went there and read the cards. And I read all those sappy love anniversary ones. And I wouldnt have written any of the things that they put in them. I wouldnt have put Never fear, dear, youll always have me near, because I knew that for you that having me always near would make you more scared than anything. And there wasnt a single card there that described how I felt for you. So I began to wonder if I even really loved you at all. And I completely took everything that I believe in and tore it apart to see. And I realized that it wasnt me who had no idea what love was. It was the people reading and writing the cards. If I was to write a love card, I would simply put Dont Leave. I love you. And inside it would show someone cooking meals for themselves with a bunch of beer bottle scattered around and a girl leaving the door. Or there would be one that you would, Youre worth anything. And it would show someone a picture of me being literally walked over by a picture of you. Or maybe one that says I want to hate you so bad, because I dont think Ive ever heard a line the expresses love so eloquently as that. And whats funny is that you didnt get it. I said I wanted to hate you so bad. And you left because you thought I didnt love you. But if I didnt love you then I would just hate you. Not want to hate you and not be able to. So I sat there and wondered if I was jealous of or pitied those people who read those cards and believed that what they said was what love was. Because that anniversary card kind of love sure would hurt less. So I sat in the card aisle of the Wal-Mart with a motorcycle helmet on and drunk off my a*s and I cried about you. Now there is the kind of love that you only see in the movies. Except in the movies they show it in some nice little setting for it, with appropriate costuming. But that is why life is life, and the movies are movies. And if this was a movie I would have fucked a beautiful girl that night and gotten over you, but instead I had my friend drive me home before it got to be 11:00 PM because people that are 16 cant drive past 11:00 PM. So I went home and I really wanted to give you a call. But instead I signed online and you said hi to me. And I didnt want you to say hi I wanted you to say Oh my god what have I done I need you come back please so that I could say ok or Oh my god its not your fault Im a f*****g piece of s**t and make it better for you to not have me than to have me, Im so sorry, and I actually had the whole conversation planned out. But instead I told you to pretend to not care about me. And I told you that we shouldnt talk. And then I went to bed. And I called Nicole because I remembered how good her tits felt pressing up against me when she gave me a hug. And I talked to her. Or cried to her. But I didnt tell her that I wanted her. Which is sort of what I wanted to tell her. Instead I told her how much I missed you. And I wrote a song after she left, and I whispered into her phone that I wanted her. I wrote a pretty song. About you and me and the whole damn world. And I sang it. It goes like this. I get fucked up To forget how fucked up I am And how fucked up you are And the things that fucked us up And how fucked up the people that did it were And how fucked up the whole world is That its no wonder we're all alcoholics And I love all this s**t In a fucked up kind of way But is there any other way To feel any other feeling? And then I crawled under the sheets. And I tried to pray to God. But like really pray to God. Not just ask him for something. And I realized that I doubted that there was a God sitting up in some kind of cloud listening to me at all. And its not that I doubted there was a God. Its just that I doubted that that is how he was. And then I realized how few people tried to imagine God at all. But just sit there in Church and sort of half believed. And if that is faith than Im glad that I dont have faith. But I dont think thats faith. I think its better for me to believe in my God and truly believe in him, than to have faith in that God. And so I thought about what my God was. And I realized I believed that God didnt answer prayers, but rather that you have to answer them yourself. But it was still important to pray because then you would know what you wanted. And I believed that God was in water. In fact I believed that God was a hydrogen bond. And sometimes he affects how we think by whispering what we need to hear in our mind by affecting chemicals in our brain. Its science Yeah you would have understood that one but not really anyone else. So I dont know why I said it. But I really dont want anyone else to believe in my God at all. And my God has only three sins, lying and faking, cheating on someone, and worst of all not following your heart. But I also believe that we all sin like f*****g crazy and God cant really punish us because hes just a little hydrogen bond, and that all this sinning will do is f**k up your life even worse on Earth. And I guess I think putting up walls between you and someone you love is a sin as well. So lets all get drunk and f**k. Whoo-HOOO! And then I tried praying to God to make the girl eyed girl come again so I wouldnt have to keep thinking about you, but I guess that wasnt really prayer, and that my prayer was actually more like I wish you would come back so I wouldnt have to try and think up the green-eyed girl. But then it hit me that I like blue eyes better than green eyes. So I got out of bed and walked into the garage. I think there was actually a reason for me doing it, but I really dont know what it is anymore. And when I walked into the garage I ran into the car. And it hurt so I thought, F**k, I wish I had thought to turn a light on. And then I realized that most of the things that I wish arent actually what I wish for at all but rather what I wish I could really want bad enough to try and accomplish. Like wishing that I didnt care about you. I wish I could want to not care about you bad enough that I actually stopped caring. But I guess that means I should stop throwing pennies into wells because I know no wish would come true ever in my whole life, and that if it did I would be horribly upset that the wish had come true. So I wish I didnt care. I wish I didnt care. It just turned 11:11 when I was writing this. Thats f*****g ironic. So I walked into my moms car and kissed the roof even though there was no yellow light that I had not driven under, so its not like it even followed the rules of a wish, but I made a wish anyway. I kissed the top of the car and wished that I could go back to believing in wishes but at the same time I knew that I couldnt. Because I know now that if I make a wish, its proof that it wont ever come true. So then I walked out and buried myself under the covers and tried to stop breathing. Not to die or anything, but just to see if I really couldnt live without air. Because I had really thought that I couldnt live without you, and I was wrong on that one. And Im pretty sure that air is just an acquired taste that we are far too dependent on. And that someday someone very strong will be able to free themselves from the need to breathe. Because one of the times when I had held my breath for a very long time, I saw that blue eyed girl that Id been trying to imagine, and that was the first step to making myself not need you so maybe shell go ahead and try and take me away from my need to have oxygen in my body. And I tried to tell her that I loved her, but instead I choked and coughed and took the sheets off my head. And through the window I saw the sun coming up, and I saw my room being lit up by its light, and I saw the break in the sky between the night and the day. And I saw the constant battle and wondered if night was in love with day. And I looked around and realized how much more I loved my room when I could barely make out what was in it. I thought that maybe if I could tear away the covering blanket of the night, and I could tear away the light that lets us see, than maybe there wouldnt be anymore lying or faking or not following your heart in this world. Then those people with their quiet desperation all built up inside of them would be able to wake up this morning and scream. Those strong people would suddenly become weak. And everyone would scream, and cry, and beg, and f**k, and say I love you. And somewhere in this mess someone would whisper I found quiet happiness. Not loud happiness that we just view as an opposite of our quiet desperation, those sins and horrors that we pretend never happened and make us stronger, but quiet happiness. Real happiness. And then we would both be happy. In the morning In the sober dawn of Sunday And I prayed for it to happen. So with every single word I write that will be my goal. To free the world from quiet desperation. And I wished for it to happen. But I knew it would never happen. © 2008 Tim F*****g McCormackReviews
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