So true we need to be on he watch so we dont make bad decisions on our journy in life. It is better to make a wise decision with understanding than to be introuble because we didn't think it through with guidance from prayer and reasoning. Awesome poem i like it!
I love it! I enjoyed this write very much! I love the words you used, and the impression I got on the beginning is not what I expected at the end. Amazing choice of words! I can't wait to read more of your writing!!
We truly do need to look within ourselves to find the answer to many question we have in this life. You poem speaks volumes of finding yourself and what you really want in life. Great write.
Seems we each see and interpret differently, Of course there's a difference between looking and seeing, the one's just a quick passing peep, the second is seeing what is there, why and how. I'm not sure if that's what you agree with .. 'Always keep in mind.~What we find,~Because~It May be more than we desire.'
Reading it again, perhaps you're saying the more we look, the more trouble we can find .. just as beauty's in the eye of the beholder, so is ugliness and pain. This needs a third read another time ..
Our journey will only be better for us keeping an eye to everything and remembering to take joy in the little things during the day. This is well written, nice work.
So true we need to be on he watch so we dont make bad decisions on our journy in life. It is better to make a wise decision with understanding than to be introuble because we didn't think it through with guidance from prayer and reasoning. Awesome poem i like it!
Like Ron commented earlier, it has this sense of rap rhymes, but unlike Ron, I LOVE rich-lyric rap. We always need to look with care, and understand more about what we're looking at, in addition to try viewing it from different corners, so that we reveal the complete picture, not just a part of it. Deep and thoughtul. Thanks for sharing. Keep writing.
I loved this writing. It's very creative. I like the style, the message and the voice. I hate those eye tests though. Especially when they dialate your eyes. Fabulous job Mauricio!