The Beginning

The Beginning

A Story by Lyghea

          It was a typical day for Lily when she had stumbled across the classroom list for this year. She would be starting sixth grade. She saw her class list, and again, she wasn't in the class she had hoped for. She was hoping to have Xavior, at least in her class. Or maybe even Annie. But no. They had to be in the other class. Sure she was devestated, but she really didn't pay attention Marcus, Gabe, Charles or any of the other guys now that she thought of it. It was her first school dance. No one really knew anyone, so they let loose and became themselves for once.


          Lily first danced with Matt. She also danced with Marcus, Alex, Daniel, Andy, Michael, and Xavior. She didn't think she would like any of them. Lily liked Victor before and she still kind of did. But after dancing with Matt, she started to fall for him instead because Victor liked Erin more than Lily anyways. Time flew by. All  of a sudden, Lily found out that her second school dance was coming up this Friday! She started panicing because her reputation was full of rumors and no one really excepted her for who she really was. But finally it was Friday. Lily was here, now, and was so excited to go out and start talking to her friends.


          This time she only danced with Alex, Daniel, Xavior, Gabe, and Michael. Lily secretly started liking Alex. Then she found out later that night when she danced with Daniel for a third time, that she was starting to like him, too. Lily didn't know what to do. Daniel and Alex are best friends. Lily decided not to tell anyone and just keep low on the profile. Lucky for her, she was still getting mocked by, by the other kids in her class about Matt. Even though she tried explaining it to everyone how she didn't like Matt, they still kept going at it. The teachers didn't help Lily or Matt all that much, either, sadly.


          They would always pair Lily and Matt up together for projects or they always say how quiet and well behaved Matt and Lily are, while the rest of the class would be loud and disruptive. After a while, everyone "dialed" down on teasing Lily and Matt on 'what use to be.' Soon Felix started saying other rumors. Felix thought Lily liked Matt (still), who thought she liked Andy, who thought she liked Daniel, who thought she liked Alex. But that seemed liked it would never end for Lily. The last dance for the year was tonight. Everyone was going with someone, but Lily. she could care less, though. She danced with Daniel six times, and then another six times with Alex and then once with Xavior.


          Annie got everyone to form a circle, since it was going to be Lily's last school dance, for the year. Everyone in the sixth grade huddled together to the last five song countdown the DJ was doing. Annie called "SNOWBALL!" at the end of like every song. Lily was inbetween Alex and Daniel for the first two songs. All the sixth graders put their arms around each other. During the end of the first song, and the beginning of the secoond song, Daniel gave Alex a thumbs up when all the sixth graders were hugging each other. Then comes the last song. It was a slow, rock song that the DJ put on for us.


          Lily got inbetween Daniel and her friend Annie. After the song, all the sixth graders were hugging each other good-bye. I hugged Alex, Daniel, Michael, Xavior, and Victor good night. I came to school on Monday morning, and it seemed like nothing happened at all. About two weeks later the sixth graders had another dance for fifth and sixth graders to welcome them into the beginning of Junior High School. There were a lot of injuries happening at the dance that night. Lily talked with Alex and Zeke a lot. She realized Daniel got hurt when Lily was trying to find him and he was sitting in a cornor, crying, with a bruise on his head along with a big bump as well. Lily couldn't just stand there and watch him cry.


          She asked him who hurt him and why. Daniel said Andrew hurt him by slamming him against a metal pole all for a hola-hoop. Lily got mad and went to find Andrew. Daniel and Alex followed her helping her find Andrew. When they found Andrew, Lily was furious! She dropped kicked him and then slapped him several times, and repeating. This made Daniel and Alex laugh hystrically. Lily saw Daniel walk away starting a fresh row of tears dripping down his pale, white cheek. Daniel had his back to Lily. Daniel didn't know Lily was behind him. Lily heard in a soft turned voice that Daniel was longing for ice.


          Lily asked a chaperone at the dance for some ice. She went into the gym, where the dance was being held, and gave Daniel the ice. Alex looked at Lily, smiled and walked away. Daniel took Lily's hand and had her sit down next to him. A little while later, Lily went to check on Daniel to make sure he was doing okay. Andrew took a video of Lily taking care of Daniel when he got hurt. They didnt like the fact how Andrew said they were dating. That got them mad.


          Daniel asked for Lily's phone. Daniel told Lily to take the phone from Andrew while he has it out. Daniel told her that he would have it out when he called him from Lily's phone. The plan would have been a good plan of Andrew didn't go into the boys bathroom. Lily went back into the gym to get her phone from Daniel and to tell him Andrew went into the guys bathroom. Lily got her phone back from Daniel. Daniel wanted to try getting the phone from Andrew again. Lily told him no, but he refused to listen. She put her phone in the plam of her left hand.


           Lily grasped her phone tightly. Daniel took Lily's phone. Lily yelled at him, or was actually about to yell at him when she realized he was trying to take it, but actually he started running his fingers through my hand. When Alex came over, he suspected something was going on. Lily stopped talking to Daniel and sarted off a conversation with Alex instead. Alex and Lily started talking for an hour or so. They sat on the bleachers and talked with each other.


          Moral of teh story (for Lily): Lily thought she liked Alex more than Daniel, when the truth is she likes Daniel more.



© 2011 Lyghea

Author's Note

If you want to get an "exclusive" on this story-I have a poem named "Who Are We"

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Added on May 30, 2011
Last Updated on June 2, 2011



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