I Am Me

I Am Me

A Poem by Lyghea

My illnesses do not define me.
My illnesses are just a part.

Sweaty hands,

Days of spontaneous adventures,
Days of absolute nothing.

The little things go unnoticed,
At least to me and most.

Sometimes I'm unsure
Whether my sweaty hands,
Racing heartbeat,
Or nausea is from
You, or from my illnesses.

You find some of these
Quirks "cute,"
Even if I never knew I did them.

It's hard to find someone who
Respects, cares, and is
Intrigued by my illnesses.

I don't mind the questions
You ask or the curious looks
You sometimes give.

It's soothing knowing
You're trying to help;
To figure me out
And to understand better.

You don't dismiss me,
Make fun of me,
Or even treat me differently.

I am me.
You except me for who I am.
You accept all that I am.
You are incredible in so many aspects.

But no matter what happens, 
I am me.

© 2018 Lyghea

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Added on June 26, 2018
Last Updated on June 26, 2018



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