Here is a link to my you tube channel where I read my poetry.
It's hard to understand, unless you've been there. There is a pull to the streets. I can't count how many dead end jobs I've held"how many roach infested rooms I've crashed in. The inevitable day comes when I tell the boss, 'F**k You, I don't need this s**t! ' I walk out into the misty afternoon"I look left, then right. I drowned out thoughts of the future with a cheap pint of vodka.
I see one eye George on my travails, he's half-lit living in the woods. 'Don't let the b******s get you down.' He says, as he stumbles by bent, and taking a standing eight count. Mickey the midget stops me a block from my flophouse. 'Tommy boy, I'm sick…gotta a couple of bucks so an old drunk can get well. ' I slip him a five. He says with a tear in his eye, 'God bless you Tommy"you know I had it all, I'm afraid the streets own me now.' 'Keep your chin up' I say as I plummet down the street, pretending tomorrow is a decade away.
I climb the three flights of stairs to my room, slip the key in the lock, turn the knob"it opens. 'I love these little miracles' I say under my breadth. My three-legged cat Walter saunters up to me"he's white with marmalade splotches. He does his best to rub up against my leg"I pet his matted fur.
I passed out in an alley one night, and woke up to Walter lying next to me. I think something crawled into my ear and made a home, it's been there ever since.
I crash down on my chair, and watch Walter scratch at the door with his one front leg. He hasn't been neutered"he gets the pull of the streets. I let him out and take a long swig of the vodka"the potion does its magic. Life doesn't look so bad, there will be other jobs, and I still have two weeks left in this dump of a room. A writer needs four walls"yet there is always the pull of the streets.
I love the poem, I love the cat. While I know him more by reputation than having read much of his work, I half expected to pass Charles Bukowski in your hallway. In all seriousness, I am an addict and it is only through the grace of God that I am not currently living the life you have described.
ya nailed this one pal. most have no idea how it is out there on the streets.
they have no idea the comfort the streets bring to the soul that has nothing else but the street
it is a puzzle unfinished and always missing one piece
your writes come from experience. few can capture the realities of having nothing.
Posted 1 Month Ago
1 of 1 people found this review constructive.
1 Month Ago
You are right. Thank you, my friend. Appreciate you.
Thomas, sir, your words are the proof that behind and within so many human beings, there's a long and.. tragic story hidden by an 'almost smile'. Yours is such a finely written post and - even more, courageous.
This is raw and real. There are many struggle with addictions and alcoholism. Some wind up on the streets because of them and some wind up that way from living on the streets. Bouncing from job to job and room to room or even street to street.
This feels like an honest and real piece of writing from someone who knows exactly what it’s like to live that way. I love the fact that you added in Walter the three legged cat. Pets don’t judge and love us unconditionally
Posted 1 Month Ago
1 of 1 people found this review constructive.
1 Month Ago
That is so very true. Thankfully I have 2 years sober now and my past is fodder for writing.
1 Month Ago
Writing is a get way to tell your story and to get out those thoughts and emotions in a positive way.. read moreWriting is a get way to tell your story and to get out those thoughts and emotions in a positive way the isn’t detrimental to the mind and soul.
Congratulations on the two years of sobriety. It is no easy feat to accomplish
I love the poem, I love the cat. While I know him more by reputation than having read much of his work, I half expected to pass Charles Bukowski in your hallway. In all seriousness, I am an addict and it is only through the grace of God that I am not currently living the life you have described.
Thomas W. Case was born in Oxnard. He has published 3 volumes of poetry. The Bullfrog Dreams of Flying, Artichokes, Avocados, and Van Gogh, and Seedy Town Blues. He has won several poetry contests. Hi.. more..