Here's a link to my you tube channel where I read my poetry.
There is an eternal winter that lingers around my heart. It beckons with icy music, gray clouds, and marches by Wagner. Vultures, like ghastly puppets picking at my brain.
I drive it away with sunflowers and walleyes, fish fries and the gathering together of friends and saints, old soldiers that beat the odds, and the neutered con game. Leonard Cohen overcame, and so did I. Life was playing chess, While I was playing checkers. Well, baby, it's checkmate.
I didn't need lucky bamboo or a four-leaf clover, I needed to use the wisdom that God gave me. I made some changes in my actions. When I behaved differently, I found serenity and a Winnie the Pooh and Piglet sort of happiness. I was drowning, so I grew gills and swam away to a river that flowed through the Million Acre Woods, and now when I am on land, I waltz down Love Street.
Yeah...this hits. sometimes I feel when I am thinking in veins such as this that I am the only one that I personally know who does. It makes life at large look and feel shallow, then I think maybe I am being arrogant in some way. But life on the surface has a way of enveloping and drowning out the deeper thought, pit because I think that people would be happier if they just dived for the bottom every once in a while. Great writing, like always. You are over full with reality.
Simplicity is for many - self included, a need for what there is, simplicity be its middle name. Although beautiful, a life chasing for that special star can delete the chase and sight of that glittering rain-shone daisy outside one's window.
Oh damn every line brought a smile to my face. Metaphors and imagery... everything is used wonderfully, it will definitely be in my favorites. I hope you always use the wisdom God gave you and share it with us.
"Leonard Cohen overcame,
and so did I.
Life was playing chess,
While I was playing
Well, baby, it's checkmate."
Yeah...this hits. sometimes I feel when I am thinking in veins such as this that I am the only one that I personally know who does. It makes life at large look and feel shallow, then I think maybe I am being arrogant in some way. But life on the surface has a way of enveloping and drowning out the deeper thought, pit because I think that people would be happier if they just dived for the bottom every once in a while. Great writing, like always. You are over full with reality.
We have to make changes...sometimes we are too stubborn going down the wrong path.
And we make easy moves when life is checkers, but when it becomes chess, we need wisdom and patience to play it well...and we need to stop and consider each move carefully before we move on.
Sounds like a rescue from the darkness, which not everyone in similar situations is able to make. Listening to Leonard Cohen's "Hallelujah" is one way I lift myself.
Hi Tom, life teaches though you lose hope and couldnt. But though life teaches few still drown saying i need that only, but you need to understand you are controlling yourself and others too. Live yoyr life not wasting even now, give life to otgers who lost much.
It sounded the lines above as if you wrote aboyt yourself. If yoh could modify the lines saying
My life drive it away with
sunflowers and walleyes,
fish fries and the gathering..
I didn't need lucky bamboo
or a four-leaf clover, but my life needed to
use the wisdom that God gave ...
My life made some changes in my actions.
When I behaved what life made me to , but it found...
Could you change these lines,
It will not sound selfish. As our lifes we l8ve for not just for ourself, it is for every being who trusted us especially the needy inmocents who pray us and care us.
Great use of metaphor, simile and other figures of speech in this finely penned poem, Thomas. I love how you picked yourself up, dusted yourself off and started all over again. No more at sea, fully aware and with feet firmly on land now. I love that you have grown to love yourself in an unselfish way! That is so important for all human beings. A captivating write which I thank you for sharing, Thomas. Well done!
Intriguing words and metaphors follow one right after another until as it meanders through memories of the past to fantasies of the mind and rests in a happy place. Very nice Thomas
Thomas W. Case was born in Oxnard. He has published 3 volumes of poetry. The Bullfrog Dreams of Flying, Artichokes, Avocados, and Van Gogh, and Seedy Town Blues. He has won several poetry contests. Hi.. more..