3rd Time Down

3rd Time Down

A Poem by Thomas W Case

Here is a link to my you tube channel where I read my poetry. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VDs9dUjQz58

I'm fermenting in
Covid 19 for the third
time this year.
After a skyrocket of a
writing streak,
I've had a two month
dry spell.
I'm sure the dope and
booze didn't help.

Hell smells like
loneliness and
white paper.
It tastes like
sulfur and burnt toast.
I see ghosts around
every corner, and they
sound like bats,
screeching at the
black night.

I'm in treatment,
and I will spend five
days in my room.
They will bring my
meds and meals.
They also gave me
a tablet and said,
I can watch all the
Net Flix that I want.

To write or to watch
the idiot box.
That is the dilemma.
I sure hope that
febrile state that I am
in produces some
good writing material.
Pun intended

© 2024 Thomas W Case

Author's Note

Thomas W Case
Check out my book, Seedy Town Blues Collected Poems on Amazon.com

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To write or to watch
the idiot box.
That is the dilemma.
I sure hope that
febrile state that I am
in produces some
good writing material.
Pun intended'

Seems life for you is a helter-skelter of never quite reaching where you want to be, sir. No matter the help, no matter the goings on offered you - life just isn't the party you were planning. Keep trying however, your words make far more sense than >< ynam

Posted 2 Months Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Thomas W Case

2 Months Ago

Thank you. I appreciate the comment.


Hi Thomas
maybe you febrile state will enlighten you to write something really strange.... yet Netflix is pretty good if you want just veg out! nothing worse than the Covid...it scrambles your brain and everything tastes bad... I say take a writing break and watch a flick!!! Good luck
Warmly, B

Posted 2 Months Ago

Thomas W Case

2 Months Ago

Thank you, Betty. I appreciate it.
Betty Hermelee

2 Months Ago

You’re very welcome!
I've never been self-destructive beyond tobacco. Bukowski is a horror show, but it made him the best of the best... telling the truth like broken glass on a barefoot path. I have no clue if this is autobiographical... BUT, Erato, is a fickle b***h and only comes when not called, and at the most inconvenient times, don'tcha think? Sometimes she's all over you, in your hair, in your socks, even in your pants. But when you really need her... nowhere to be found. Really liked this one, man.

Posted 2 Months Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Thomas W Case

2 Months Ago

Thank you, Vol. I appreciate the read and comment.
The early days of Covid were dark days indeed. Strangely, my husband and I have never had Covid and the new deviant FliRt is rampant here in Ireland at the moment. We have had our anti-Covid shots from day one and I am so grateful we didn't get it because it is something I never wanted to experience. Bad enough to have it once, but I am very sorry to read that you endured it three times. The second stanza describes what it feels like when one has Covid, I guess. It must seem like hell on earth. Not so bad being in isolation with your meals brought to you, if only you could enjoy them and savour their taste, sadly with Covid that was not possible. Yet, I am sure the rest and being able to watch tv or not, your choice, helped greatly in your recovery. Great that 'Writer's Block' disappeared and you bounced back again physically and poetically. The story of Covid is excellently inked in poetic form, a strong and powerful write which explains exactly what it's like to catch the virus. Thank you for sharing, Thomas. Lovely work...

Posted 2 Months Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Thomas W Case

2 Months Ago

Thanks, Marie. I truly appreciate it.

2 Months Ago

Most welcome always, Thomas...
One time was quite enough for me. I can't imagine a trilogy. As to the writing, a tear is never more than a temporary thing. Be thankful for their usually temporary appearances.

Posted 2 Months Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Thomas W Case

2 Months Ago

So true. Thank you, John. I appreciate the comment.
Inspiration comes from bad places to. I'd choose a pad and pencil any day over the b**b tube.

Posted 2 Months Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Thomas W Case

2 Months Ago

Thank you. I appreciate it.
To write or to watch
the idiot box.
That is the dilemma.
I sure hope that
febrile state that I am
in produces some
good writing material.
Pun intended'

Seems life for you is a helter-skelter of never quite reaching where you want to be, sir. No matter the help, no matter the goings on offered you - life just isn't the party you were planning. Keep trying however, your words make far more sense than >< ynam

Posted 2 Months Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Thomas W Case

2 Months Ago

Thank you. I appreciate the comment.
That is one evocative poem about experiences one gets in their loneliness that is forced upon them, but even with all the troubles this poem is an expressive delight! I wish you good and health and warm days ahead fellow poet!

Posted 2 Months Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Thomas W Case

2 Months Ago

Thank you, so much, I appreciate it.
goddamn man!
i like this outta the park write!
way to grab touchy subject and shake it till it cuts loose and mauls every sensible rule of subject matter!
the world needs pens of broader stroke!
hell smells like all your fears spread upon your last piece of burnt toast
julie meant well ... bon appetite! dine upon my word salad sir!

fact/fiction matters not ... this bucket holds good water!

Posted 2 Months Ago

1 of 2 people found this review constructive.

Thomas W Case

2 Months Ago

Thank you, Keith. I appreciate your insightful comment, kind sir.

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8 Reviews
Added on June 29, 2024
Last Updated on June 29, 2024
Tags: COVID, isolation, writing


Thomas W Case
Thomas W Case

Clear Lake, IA

Thomas W. Case was born in Oxnard. He has published 3 volumes of poetry. The Bullfrog Dreams of Flying, Artichokes, Avocados, and Van Gogh, and Seedy Town Blues. He has won several poetry contests. Hi.. more..

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A Poem by Thomas W Case

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