Spirited away is an animated movie directed by Hayao Miyazaki. This film is a mixture of adventure, fantasy, magic and love. There are many characters from the little girl Chihiro to the mean old witch of the bathhouse Yubaba. This story has many issues that people in the real world deal encounter. Two of the main issues in Spirited away are greed and respect. These issues, when examined in detail, reveal Asian perspectives that are always trying to help us learn.
Greed is one of the main issues. In Spirited away it shows us that greed can lead to a major problem. Early in the film, Chihiro’s parents were greedy and ate a lot of the spirit food. Chihiro thought this was wrong seeing as no one was there, so they couldn’t pay for the food. Because of her parents’ greed Yubaba (the witch of the bathhouse) turned Chihiro’s parents into pigs. Yubaba tried to catch Chihiro but a boy named Haku saved her. Haku helped Chihiro get a job at the bathhouse, when Yubaba gave Chihiro a job, Yubaba stole Chihiro’s name. Yubaba gave her a new name (Sen) and made Chihiro work harder then Chihiro has ever worked. Chihiro tries as hard as she can to work hard so Yubaba doesn’t find out what she and Haku are up to. As Haku and Chihiro try and come up with an idea to save her parents, Chihiro finds a spirit (No face) that keeps following her. Chihiro lets the spirit into the bathhouse and he soon becomes a monster that starts eating the greedy workers in the bathhouse. By showing the monster kindness she saves the monster from the insanity of the bathhouse. By not being greedy and showing kindness Chihiro helps to free the spirit. She also saves the greedy workers. Chihiro’s lack of greed helps her to help her friends that she makes thought out the movie.
Respect is another main issue which was used a lot in this film. Not long after Chihiro gets a job, a “stink spirit” comes to the bathhouse. Yubaba tests Chihiro by making Chihiro look after the “stink spirit”, when Chihiro gives him a bath she finds what she thinks to be a thorn on the side of the “stink spirit”. When she pulls out the thorn a lot of junk comes out and she finds out that the “stink spirit” isn’t really a stink spirit. The spirit gives her a gift for helping him; he gives her medicine that may help her parents return to normal. Also Chihiro help Haku by showing respect to Zebiba (Yubaba’s twin sister). Haku steals Zebiba’s golden seel which has a spell that will kill anyone who steals it, Chihiro gives Haku some of her medicine and take the golden seel all the way to Zebiba’s house. By showing respect and giving back Zebiba’s seel she saves Haku’s life. At the start of the film Chihiro didn’t have much respect for anyone at it’s something she had to learn. And by showing respect to everyone (even those with a frightening appearance) Chihiro doesn’t only get the medicine for her parents, but she also becomes a step closer to returning home.
The issues of greed and respect were a main part of this movie. Chihiro has to overcome the greed and respect people more in order to save her parents but she’s not alone. Many people help her try and return her parents back t normal including Yubaba’s twin sister Zeniba. When Chihiro starts showing kindness she gets rewarded this is common in most Asian film, you do something you get something in return. Also when the workers starts showing greediness they get punished, this is just another example of how the Asian film’s work. Throughout this film Chihiro has to battle many witches and spirits to return her greedy parent’s back into human’s and go home. But by showing respect and not being greedy she makes friend that help her succeed.