Chapter 1

Chapter 1

A Chapter by Naomi


I woke up to the sound of my alarm clock and silently thanked it for waking me up. Even though I didn’t like the mornings, anything was better than re-living the time when my father left.
          My name is Luise Galbraith, also known as my vampire name. My English name, which I use in public, is Emily Brookes. I’m 17 years old and I live in Concord, New Hampshire. I’m surrounded by Vampire Hunters and humans who hate vamps. So, here I am, stuck in the middle between the vampires and the humans. Whatever, I'm already used to the sneers the full-blood vampires give me and the scared looks that some humans give me. This is all because I’m half-vampire. My dad was a human and my mom is a vampire. Nearly twelve years ago, my father had left me and my mom because the Government had captured him and turned him into a terrifying beast—a Vampire Hunter. So now here I was, living amongst humans with my beautiful, insane mother. I chuckled and glanced at the clock.
          It was nearly 6 A.M. and I hadn’t even got out of bed. I had school that morning and I’m not really a morning person, obviously. I stretched and yawned. I really, really, really hated school. I had maybe one or two friends and they weren’t even that close to me. Then there was Brian Miller.
          A younger version of Brad Pitt and Johnny Depp combined. (If that’s possible) He was like a God on earth; manly, strong, GORGEOUS, and incredibly sweet…tasting. Wait, let me explain. One day during biology class, Mr. Leaber decided we should find out our blood type. So, we all had to prick our fingers. Brian Miller was my bio partner at the time and accidently dropped a couple drops of blood on my arm. The smell was intoxicating, but I ignored it completely. Instead, when he wasn’t looking, I licked it off, savoring the taste. Needless to say, that’s how I found out. I usually don’t do things like that and usually I would’ve skipped class. But because it was my final grade and Brian Miller was my lab partner, I went. The smell of all that blood nearly killed me. It took everything I had not to kill everyone in the room. I remember my eyes had gone slightly red and I was sweating like it was 100 degrees in the room. It was a miracle I got through the class. My mom was very proud of me if not somewhat suspicious.
          I yawned again and sat up. I turned my head towards the clock.
          6:45 A.M. it said.
          The time didn’t register in my brain. After a few moments, it did. “S**T!” I shot up and practically lunged out of bed. S**t, s**t, s**t, S**T!! I thought angrily. How could I have slept in so late?! Now I only have 25 minutes to get ready! S**t…
          I rushed into the bathroom and took a 5 minute shower. Then I brushed my teeth and took forever combing my ridiculously long, brown hair that reaches my butt. I rushed back into my room and threw on a pair of jeans and a t-shirt. Then I ran downstairs to my kitchen and grabbed an apple. I bit into it and checked the time on my watch. 6:56 A.M. I had four minutes. With that in mind, I took another large bite from my apple and put it on the counter. I walked swiftly into the family room, picked up my book bag, and hurried out the door. Then I remembered to say good-bye to my mother. I smacked my head, groaned loudly, and opened my front door. “Bye Mother! I love you!” I yelled and slammed the door before I could get a response. As I hurried across the street, I saw my bus coming around the corner. I once again wished I wasn’t half vamp. The bus stopped in front of me and I got on. Usually, I try to find a seat by myself since no one like me because of my attitude towards them. (Usually I act rude to humans because they’re worthless and annoying) In reality, I just don’t want to be close to humans. They’re all the same anyways; no originality. Today, however, everyone felt as though they should sit alone. So now I had to choose who to sit with. In millisecond, I limited my choices to two; either Mary Lambert, who was extremely nice to people, or Amelia “A.C.” Mandred, who actually sits with me at lunch and talks to me. I call her Ace for short. I chose option two.  
          “Hey Ace, can I sit with you?” I asked, as nicely as I could. Ace looked at me, her eyes boring into my skin. “Whatever.” Then she turned away.
          I shrugged and say down next to Mary. Ace was in a bitchy mood this morning.
          “Oh, um…H-hi, Emily…” mumbled Mary, flushing a bit.
“Hi,” I said and flashed her one of my rare smiles. She flushed a deeper red and turned away to stare out the window. I turned away also and looked at Ace. Something was up and normally I wouldn’t care, but this was the one human that I could talk to. I started to grind my teeth. This was so stupid! I’m not even allowed to talk to humans let alone live with them! Damn it all; I’m breaking all the rules now. I mean, if she ever found out my secret…
I sighed angrily and crossed my arms. Sometimes I wondered whether or not I was getting a soft spot for humans. How depressing. Finally the bus pulled to the school. We all filed out of the bus and into the Gates of Hell. (This is ironic because when I die, that’s where I’ll be going) I went to my locker, got my books and stuff, and headed towards to my homeroom. Once there, I saw Ace sitting there looking depressed and angrily. I decided to actually give a crap about her feelings and sat down next to her. “What’s up?” I asked casually.
“The ceiling,” Ace replied nonchalant.
I rolled my eyes. “No-o, you think? Seriously, what’s up?”
She looked at me then. “Are we friends, Emily?”
Oh crap. “Uh, sure. Why wouldn’t we be?” I asked nervously. If this continued, Ace would think something was wrong.
“Look, we’ve known each other throughout the school year and you still haven’t told me anything about yourself or anything for that matter! I mean, I haven’t been over your house once this year! Whereas, here I am, spilling my soul out to you!” she said, nearly shouting and looking peeved. “Explain that.”
I was about to answer then closed my mouth. What the Hell was I suppose to say? “I’m sorry, but I still don’t trust you”? I bit my lip and look into her green eyes. Instantly, I thought up a good lie. “It’s just,” I rubbed my neck to make it seem like it was hard for me to admit this, “I’m not a sociable person. Like, it takes a while for me to open up to people.” I took a breath and look away from her, acting embarrassed. Now, part of that lie was true; I don’t open up to people often, but I do talk a lot to people I trust.
Ace shrugged. “I suppose so. It just makes me feel as though you don’t trust me.”
“No, no, no!” I made myself looked appalled. “I completely trust you! Just give me some time; I’ll open up.” I smiled weakly. God, my acting was getting a little too good. The look on her face said she was completely buying into this. I swallowed. More lies and empty promises; aren’t I caring? While we were discussing this problem, the room had started to fill up slowly. I started to notice the sound of blood rushing through peoples’ veins. I swallowed again and focused on Ace. Good thing I wasn’t thirsty or it would’ve been one Hell of a day.
Ace scrutinized my face, looking deep into my amber eyes and I stared back, waiting for a response. I could tell she wasn’t going to argue, but eventually she’ll want some answer as to why I’m so cautious and closed off. Well, tough for her; she was going to have to wait if she wanted my trust.
“Ok,” she said finally and looked away. “I understand. Just fill me in from time to time, alright?” She looked back then and smiled hesitantly.
I smiled back, starling her for a second. I guess it was my good looks and my set of shining white teeth. “Sure can do.”
She turned back away, looking a little flushed. She was probably surprised at how this conversation went. I practically said everything she wanted to hear. Christ, I can’t even read minds and I knew how she felt; betrayed, lonely, and left-out. Those feelings were all too familiar to me. I pondered this for just a moment. Was she… just like… me?

© 2008 Naomi

Author's Note

Please tell me if there's any mistakes! I'd really appreciate it! Thanks~

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Read your story, liked it so far. Let me know when you get the next installment. I've sent you a friend request if you're interested.

You mention vamps, but a vamp is different from a vampire.
She's a half-vampire, but she has no problem in broad daylight.
6.45 am + 25 minutes makes it 7.10. Later you say that 6.56 means she has 4 more minutes.
I'd expect the taste of blood to have more of an effect on her, like make her eyes glaze over, or arouse her, or something. When she says he's sweet-tasting, does she want to suck his blood or make out with him?
Amber is not a natural color for eyes. Wouldn't Ace know that?

Just a suggestion, but it seems to me that you've already revealed the surprise. In the second paragraph, you tell us she's half-vampire. If you leave this detail out until the next chapter, but leave in all the eerie details, it might make it more exciting and interesting to the reader.

I await your reply announcing what a pompous a$$ I am.

Posted 16 Years Ago

2 of 2 people found this review constructive.


I really like it, I can't really critique it much more than what bailish said though...

Keep up the good work!

Posted 16 Years Ago

Read your story, liked it so far. Let me know when you get the next installment. I've sent you a friend request if you're interested.

You mention vamps, but a vamp is different from a vampire.
She's a half-vampire, but she has no problem in broad daylight.
6.45 am + 25 minutes makes it 7.10. Later you say that 6.56 means she has 4 more minutes.
I'd expect the taste of blood to have more of an effect on her, like make her eyes glaze over, or arouse her, or something. When she says he's sweet-tasting, does she want to suck his blood or make out with him?
Amber is not a natural color for eyes. Wouldn't Ace know that?

Just a suggestion, but it seems to me that you've already revealed the surprise. In the second paragraph, you tell us she's half-vampire. If you leave this detail out until the next chapter, but leave in all the eerie details, it might make it more exciting and interesting to the reader.

I await your reply announcing what a pompous a$$ I am.

Posted 16 Years Ago

2 of 2 people found this review constructive.

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2 Reviews
Shelved in 1 Library
Added on July 13, 2008
Last Updated on July 13, 2008




Let's see... Well, I'm a sophomore in High School and I can write really gruesome stories about the circus. Other than that special "talent", I'm just a regular girl writing stories about nonsense a.. more..

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