A long road is ahead of me impossible to turn back now. Everbody had to learn to ride this bike somehow. Endless like my shattered heart, the bruises, the cuts, the hurt I knew it from the start. Time is the only remedie that will make them fade, I could use a bandaid but it is already too late.
Teach me how to ride and these bruises will fade and appear again, just like that night when you knocked on my door and ripped of the bandaid. Go on and just leave me soar.
Teach me how to ride even on your darkest nights Shoutout the lights, and make my covered appearance of disquise visible. Nothing but the truth just lies. As slippery it might be, the tiny grains as crystal so pure melt your thin layer of ice. To improve you need to sacrifice.
Teach me how to ride as the insecurity slowly gets out of your way. Those imperft layers of sweet delay push the pedals and the wheels spins as a consequence of your runaway.
Teach me how to ride and let go of the fragile strings of attachment. Ride with me hide with me untill the unknown colours of the morning will appear. Let me be your reckless mistake. Let loose. Stop pushing the brake.
Very Insightful poem about the struggles of riding your bike on your lonesome ways Standing up for yourself along the way. You may find the path to life is better in the daylight than the night Let up on that break and guide yourself down the big hills of life.
Its an excellent refrain 'teach me how to ride' and throughout this piece you have many written many phrases and lines that say Wow! to me, for example this -
"Teach me how to ride even on your darkest nights
Shoutout the lights..." - I don't know if you meant 'shoutout' or 'shootout' - either works but the image of someone shouting the lights out is remarkable.
Its a little higgeldy-piggeldy in terms of the journey through it but the content more than makes up for that. I really like this shygirl.
I can see how this is very much relatable to quite a few people. It is very honest and really enjoyable to read. In my opinion this is well written. Thanks Shy.