Chapter 1

Chapter 1

A Chapter by Jessi


“Get away from me!” she screamed as the figure moved closer to her. Her eyes darted from side to side as she looked for a weapon. Her eyes landed on a knife that seemed to appear from out of nowhere and she grabbed it. She slammed it into the surprised mans chest and watched in horror and fascination as the man collapsed and his body turned to ashes.

“Bravo my dear,” a woman’s voice spoke from behind her. Alicia jerked her head up to see a young woman, maybe her own age, staring down at her. “Who are you?” she asked, slowly getting to her feet

“I am Andrea, and you my dear are the one I have been looking for.”

Alicia stared at the woman. “Are you crazy? I don’t even know you,” she said, shaking her head. “Just get away from me lady.” Alicia turned to run but then found she was unable to move.

Andrea clucked her tongue and watched Alicia’s face as she tried to fight the spell. “Child do not fight it. I am not here to harm you, in fact my dear, I am here to teach you how to protect yourself.”

Alicia stopped fighting against the invisible bonds and stared at the woman. “Let me go,” she said softly, and almost immediately she was able to move again.

Andrea touched her hand. “Come with me child, and all will be explained.”

Alicia hesitated, knowing that going with this woman would be crazy, but she was curious enough that she nodded slowly and let Andrea led her to a car.

Andrea opened the back seat and allowed Alicia to get in before shutting it. She went around to the front and got in. As she started the car up she glanced in the rearview mirror and looked at Alicia. “I am sorry about this,” she murmured.

Alicia looked up, “huh?” she asked, just as she felt darkness overcome her.

“You did what?” a voice snapped as Andrea stepped into the room with the girl in her arms. “So you heard already?” Andrea chuckled.

“Andrea!” the woman snapped, sound exasperated. “Why do you always choose to do the most irresponsible things?”

Andrea rolled her eyes. “Oh mother, quit being so melodramatic,”

“I am not being melodramatic, I am scolding my daughter for doing something completely against the rules. The rules, may I remind you, that I enforce.”

“Do as you wish mother, but I would like to put her to bed, she isn’t the lightest thing in the world.”

“I resent that remark…” a soft voice spoke from the girl in Andrea’s arms.

“See mother? You woke her.” Andrea said as she slowly helped the girl stand.

The woman stood and Alicia stared in amazement. The woman was beautiful and did not look old enough to have a child of Andrea’s age. The woman straightened the skirts to her dress as Alicia continued to stare. “Child, if you do not mind to quit starting at me.”

Alicia stuttered slightly and then murmured, “sorry.”

Andrea rolled her eyes. “Mother, this is her, I know it, I can feel it.”

Alicia looked at Andrea and then at the woman. “Okay, I am right here, please stop talking about me as though I’m not.”

“Sorry chil…”

“And stop calling me child, my name is Alicia.”

The woman smiled, “of course Alicia, and I am Kay.”

“Okay…” Alicia hesitated. “Then why don’t you tell me why I am here? Because I have no idea why Andrea brought me.”

Kay smiled slightly. “Come over here to me and take a seat,” Kay spoke gently as though to a child.

Alicia walked towards her slowly, not sure how to act around this woman who held herself so elegantly.

Kay smiled as she waved a hand and a chair moved back for Alicia to sit in. As Alicia sat down Kay started to speak. “Nineteen years ago a young woman named Samantha left here because she found out she was pregnant.”

At her mother’s name, Alicia looked up at Kay quickly. “Samantha as in my mother Samantha?”

Kay nodded and watched Alicia for her reaction. “I know this may come as a shock to you, but your mother was a part of this family.”

“And what family is that? So far I have seen you, and your daughter and that’s it,” Alicia snapped as she stood. “If my mother was a part of this family, she probably had a reason for leaving.” Alicia looked at Andrea. “I demand you take me home.”

“I am afraid we cannot do that Alicia,” Kay said softly as she walked towards her. “You are in danger, and that is why you were brought here.”

“Danger from who?” she snapped and turned to Kay. “Because so far the only person I have seemed to be in danger from is Andrea.”

Kay glanced at Andrea and then back to Alicia, “whatever Andrea did it was to make sure you were safe.”

“Whatever,” Alicia muttered. “You will take me home.”

“Listen to me Alicia, it is too dangerous for you to be out on your own,” Kay said, touching Alicia’s arm. “If you do demand to go home at least let Andrea stay with you until we can eliminate the danger to you.”

Alicia rolled her eyes, “fine, but she better stay out of my way.”

Kay turned to Andrea and nodded. “Take a bag of clothes and take her home.”

Andrea nodded and left the room quickly.

Kay looked at Alicia. “I know you miss your mom, her death caused great sorrow for many of us.”

“How did you….?”

“She left us, true, but we watched her, I just wish we could of saved her.”

Alicia shook her head and moved away from Kay. “If you were watching her hen why didn’t you save her?” she asked fighting the tears.

“By the time we got to her…it was too late. Listen to me Alicia, we have reason to believe that the man who killed her, wants to kill you.”

“But why?”

“Because…” she hesitated. “You are you mother’s daughter, and you likely have her powers.”

“Okay now I know you are crazy,” Alicia stated annoyed.

Kay shook her head silently. “You will see child. Now, isn’t your birthday coming up?”

“Yeah…in about a week…I’ll be twenty, but how did you know.”

Kay smiled, “you mother was not the only person I kept an eye on.”

Andrea stepped back into the room. “Okay mother, I’m ready,” she said glancing at Alicia. I will take you home now.”

“Thank you,” Alicia said and turned to walk towards Andrea.

Take care of her Andrea,” Kay spoke, watching Andrea as she walked to the door.

“Yes Mother.”

The two walked out the door and out to the car.


© 2014 Jessi

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Added on September 14, 2014
Last Updated on September 14, 2014



Granite Falls, NC

I have officially graduated from college, but now since I work non-stop, I never have time to write, but I still try to make time, and am going to stop avoiding this site. I write a lot of paranormal.. more..

Chapter 2 Chapter 2

A Chapter by Jessi

Chapter 3 Chapter 3

A Chapter by Jessi

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