A Wake Up Call
A Chapter by therisa
Canada's discriminatory prison system. 
You take The easy way out In using segregation With us.
As if We are Agent provocateur Bringing trouble Into the prison system By existing.
And yet You don't isolate All white extremist Like you do With transgender prisoners.
Who are Far more disruptive To other prisoners And guards Alike.
In using Your institutional transphobia To justify your actions Of protecting us From abusive prisoners And guards.
HELLO Inmates get raped Everyday By other inmates.
Whether or not They're CIS Or trans.
Knowing Segregation is One of the ways To break a prisoner's Will to resist.
Never mind Many trans-prisoners Have mental problems Which worsen Under your tender care.
Time for change Is now.
Realizing You can't place The Djin back Into the bottle.
No matter How long You ignore this.
© 2015 therisa
This is a powerful protest piece Therisa to the powers that be and an admirable highlighting of injustice for the reader too. You have to wonder what goes through the minds of the policy makers in these places and their puppet masters. Truly shocking - thanks for your truth revealing writing here.
Posted 10 Years Ago
10 Years Ago
Thank you, Anto. Sadly, change will only come, grudgingly, by those, in power. Have they reform the .. read moreThank you, Anto. Sadly, change will only come, grudgingly, by those, in power. Have they reform the "Maze", yet?
10 Years Ago
The Maze has been demolished - it stands waiting on a verdict for total demolition or part of it to .. read moreThe Maze has been demolished - it stands waiting on a verdict for total demolition or part of it to be made into a conflict resolution centre for world visitors. It is quite the political bone here because the hospital wing where Bobby Sands passed away is there and the Protestant community wants to demolish it lest it becomes a shrine to Bobby and his comrades.
Segregation was fought for by the dissident (New IRA) in the big prison Maghaberry - using dirty protest (smearing excrement on the walls) - and they got it.
10 Years Ago
I think, a total demolishing of the Maze is the right and proper thing to do, with a big plague, hon.. read moreI think, a total demolishing of the Maze is the right and proper thing to do, with a big plague, honouring Bobby Sands and the other prisoners, will gave their lives, for the chance of peace. Just my opinion.
As for the New IRA, those wankers can live, in their own filth.
1 Review
Added on January 27, 2015
Last Updated on January 29, 2015
therisaOntario, Canada
A pre-op transwoman, writing about my experiences, using free verse. Been told my poems are very emotional and personal, almost like a diary entry in verse.
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