Standing Up
A Chapter by therisa
A thought, which wouldn't leave me, during the wee hour, of this morning. 
Don't understand.
Why A simple act Of holding My lover's hand Is a crime In God's eyes.
And yet Not For you.
As we walk Down the street Before your family.
Is your "God" So capricious "He" needs to Keep you In the mentality Of 2 000 years ago?
Where Numbers meant Survival for Family clan And tribe?
Treating woman Like broodmares To produce The next generation Of males At whatever cost.
A game Which I won't And can't play To appease Your sense of morality.
Without drowning myself In the blood Of more innocent people.
© 2015 therisa
You nailed it! This poem sums up exactly how I feel and I find the whole thing about how Christians are anti-gay or anti-lesbian hypocritical. If we are ALL gods children and god created EACH one of us than how can being a lesbian be a sin? How can loving someone, no matter what sex they are, be a sin? Love this poem, great job!
Posted 10 Years Ago
10 Years Ago
Thank you, Abigail. I must state, there are some Christian, who love everyone, no matter, their gend.. read moreThank you, Abigail. I must state, there are some Christian, who love everyone, no matter, their gender or sexual orientation. It's those, who don't that create this toxic relationship.
10 Years Ago
Oh I totally agree and I have nothing against Christians. It is a great poem!
10 Years Ago
Thank you, like any religion, there are those, who use it, as a weapon, against a minority, they fee.. read moreThank you, like any religion, there are those, who use it, as a weapon, against a minority, they feel uncomfortable around.
10 Years Ago
Sadly, it's a fight, which we must keep a constant vigil for. The last mayor of Toronto was, an admi.. read moreSadly, it's a fight, which we must keep a constant vigil for. The last mayor of Toronto was, an admitted homophobic, who wanted nothing to do, with the LBGT+ community, even though, Toronto had World Pride, in 2014. The first time, it was held outside of Europe, on North American soil. Go figure.
10 Years Ago
Oh the pink dollar - or pound here - speaks volumes - like all councils and businesses they welcome .. read moreOh the pink dollar - or pound here - speaks volumes - like all councils and businesses they welcome the money but they wish the people spending it would go away - or be quiet while spending. My cousin owned Belfasts premier gay venue and he retired very handsomely thank you a few years back - money talks
10 Years Ago
There's an old saying, "money talks, and bull s**t walks". Sadly, this mayor just didn't get it. Lea.. read moreThere's an old saying, "money talks, and bull s**t walks". Sadly, this mayor just didn't get it. Least, the new major does. Your cousin got very lucky, given how the global economy has been, since 2008.
10 Years Ago
my cousin got out just as the bubble burst - it has changed hands a few times now but he had it from.. read moremy cousin got out just as the bubble burst - it has changed hands a few times now but he had it from inception - belfasts first gay nightclub - it caused quite a stir at the time with protests outside it regularly.
money talks bullshit walks - lol - i only ever heard the first part of that - I led a sheltered life lol
10 Years Ago
Don't know, about the sheltered life part, Anto.
10 Years Ago
lol I know ... lolol
2 Reviews
Added on January 2, 2015
Last Updated on January 5, 2015
therisaOntario, Canada
A pre-op transwoman, writing about my experiences, using free verse. Been told my poems are very emotional and personal, almost like a diary entry in verse.
If you want to friend me, please review.. more..