Still Uncomfortable, In My Own Skin
A Chapter by therisa
Struggling with my body image, of having both male and female body parts. 
Can feel The anger growing With each day Am trapped
Inside This prison cell I call My body.
Unable to move Either forwards Or backwards.
Rather Am stuck In the middle Of no-man's land.
Wondering Is freedom A word Void from my lexicon.
In being able To be one With my physical And mental self.
When I look at myself Drinking in Every single detail Of my emerging body.
Knowing I still see Male parts Staring at me.
© 2015 therisa
Oh Therisa...
I really hope that you realize how brave you are, getting up in the mornings to face a false you. And on top of that, you suffer from agoraphobia. Every day you get up and and carry on is a testament to your will power and strength. A prison is only a prison if it encloses you.
Posted 10 Years Ago
10 Years Ago
Tobias, there are mornings, I can't look at myself, in the mirror, without feeling repulsed by what .. read moreTobias, there are mornings, I can't look at myself, in the mirror, without feeling repulsed by what stares back, at me. Many transpeople have their body image struggle, just they don't talk or write about it.
10 Years Ago
Thank you, Layi, but I rather, have you say, it was so weak.
10 Years Ago
I believe that weakness develops strength so I don't see it as weakness .
I see it as strength.. read moreI believe that weakness develops strength so I don't see it as weakness .
I see it as strength so I could never say that about a piece of your writing so personal and heartfelt that's why it was powerful to me because not only did I learn something beautiful about you in your writing but you have written about your struggle you expressed yourself brave and strong about this that takes courage that's why I loved it and considered it powerful ...
10 Years Ago
Thank you, Layi, for having more compassion towards me, than I have to myself, at the moment.
10 Years Ago
Anytime my friend and I will tell you something else just because we have thoughts and feelings abou.. read moreAnytime my friend and I will tell you something else just because we have thoughts and feelings about ourselves doesn't make them right or to be true we are often our own worst enemies and it's easy to convince ourselves that we are no good and are portrayed worthless to the world and our thoughts identity and feelings don't matter I call that Blasphemy !!!! You do matter my friend no matter what is your sexual orientation and identity screw whoever passes judgement it's not about them it's about you.... Stay true to yourself and what comforts you my friend ......
10 Years Ago
Thank you, LAyi, for reminding of this message. At times, I forget this, and hurt myself, with destr.. read moreThank you, LAyi, for reminding of this message. At times, I forget this, and hurt myself, with destructive and negative thoughts, towards myself.
10 Years Ago
You & me both sister .... Bighugs maybe you have reminded me of things also happy we can help each o.. read moreYou & me both sister .... Bighugs maybe you have reminded me of things also happy we can help each other . :')
10 Years Ago
thank you, Layi.
10 Years Ago
Thank you, Ana, for your kind words. Many transpeople, before their surgeries, view their own bodies.. read moreThank you, Ana, for your kind words. Many transpeople, before their surgeries, view their own bodies, as traitorous. Some, ever commit suicide to correct this genetic mistake. Myself, transitioning has been part of my own healing, from the abuse, I have suffered from my own family and others, whom I called friends.
3 Reviews
Added on December 9, 2014
Last Updated on January 5, 2015
therisaOntario, Canada
A pre-op transwoman, writing about my experiences, using free verse. Been told my poems are very emotional and personal, almost like a diary entry in verse.
If you want to friend me, please review.. more..