Act Of Remembrance
A Chapter by therisa
For Trans Day Of Remembrance 2014. 
Oh My brothers and sisters Please know Your struggles aren't forgotten. Nor In vain Now you have left This mortal coil. From your falling hands The torch is taken To hold aloft In this time Of sorrow and pain. When Death comes Whether Summoned by Your actions Or by the hands Of others. To which I bow my head Etching your name Upon my soul In frustration At the tears fall Down my face. In offering A silent prayer That this year Is the last . Any more names are added For Trans Day of Remembrance.
© 2015 therisa
Author's Note
Originally written, June 11, 2014.
Every November 20th, or there about, the Transcommunity hold a vigil, for those, who have died, either by their own hand, or by others. This poem was suppose to be part of a bigger presentation to honour, and remember their deaths, except I had a relapse of my agoraphobia, which prevented me, from leaving my apartment, and going to the studio, to work on the other parts of this presentation. Maybe, next year, I can do, what I had planned.
a heartfelt aching tribute - honest and real.
Posted 9 Years Ago
10 Years Ago
Thank you, Julie. Just wish, I was healthy enough, to attend the local remembrance vigil, this year... read moreThank you, Julie. Just wish, I was healthy enough, to attend the local remembrance vigil, this year.
10 Years Ago
Thank you, BlackRose. I am surrounded, by loving people, who care for me, as a person.
10 Years Ago
Oh, you're so very welcome. As it should be for you and for all others too dealing with the like or .. read moreOh, you're so very welcome. As it should be for you and for all others too dealing with the like or other related. Love should abound everyone whether this or not without any kind of hatred or other whatsoever.
10 Years Ago
Your welcome, Icelandicblue, but I wish I didn't have to take on this role. Rather, be able to live .. read moreYour welcome, Icelandicblue, but I wish I didn't have to take on this role. Rather, be able to live my life, in peace.
10 Years Ago
Thank you, KL, I plan on it.
10 Years Ago
Thank you, Momzilla. I got all of the research done, just need to make it, now.
10 Years Ago
You're welcome. Good luck.
6 Reviews
Added on November 12, 2014
Last Updated on January 5, 2015
therisaOntario, Canada
A pre-op transwoman, writing about my experiences, using free verse. Been told my poems are very emotional and personal, almost like a diary entry in verse.
If you want to friend me, please review.. more..