Sometimes, the world can bring you down. They can laugh at you, call you names, and call your number and leave horrible messages about your mother. Other times you can bring yourself down. Probably to make people feel sorry for you and try to cheer you up. However, there are a few times, when otherworldly things can try to bring you down. Permanently. I call this the "Jesus effect". Why do I call it this? Just to piss off a bunch of Christians who think they know what God is, and means. Any who, there are a few members on the Earth who have been given this blessing, or as some may call it, a curse. Because nobody thinks the same way. And because it's more of a curse anyway. So basically, if you have the Jesus effect, then you most likely have encountered ghosts, spirits, or demons. Yes, this story is obviously going to be about the latter, besides, who wants to hear about another ghost haunting? Look, this story is very straight forward and to the point, and it may offend people who do not like the following: naughty words, and naughty imagery. So if you are offended by either one of those two, I seriously suggest you stop reading now. Seriously. You WILL be offended. I use the bad language as humor, not because I have bad language, I just find the words more realistic and meaningful. Well, actually some of the parts in this are just because I have a little problem with hearing my Macbook cuss. It's pretty funny. You should try it sometime. This isn't actually a chapter is it? This is more like a prologue. Hmm... maybe I should change the actual title of the chapter. Nah. I'll just make a chapter 1 part 2. Oh yeah, back to the point here. This story is about me. Why? Because I wrote it. I wouldn't write a story about you anyway. No one wants to hear about you