My biased opinion...This was great...the picture you painted was one of romance
My unbiased opinion...
This was a great poem...It was choppy though...The flow was pretty good though It just need a little work on flow...otherwise great job...9.7/10
I've came back to review you even more! I'm so evil! And I saw another one that I need to get around to when I can. Anyways, I thought this could've been better. You didn't seem to put a lot of time into this one or you didn't feel inspired. It feels empty of emotion. It -may- help if you add sound to this, via Some of the rhymes feel forced. If you want me to proofread and edit this, just give me a message and I will.
Now, I didn't mean to be rude, but I've read better from you, so I expect better from you. Also, the clarity of the message in this poem lacks some... clarity. xD The flow is good, but the length of the poem is an issue. If I were you, I'd increase the font size by two or by one. It'd make the lines pop out a bit more. Anyways, see you in the next poem to review. n_n 7.2/10.
loved it. loved the metaphoric style. really nice. and the tempo, though different from usual, very difficult to use most of the time, but u used it perfectly.
loved the uncanny feeling to this poem. Keep writing!
AHHHHHH......well then, ignoring those first 2 lines that you forgot to remove (don't feel bad, we've all done it at some point or another) I can't find anything to criticize - rhyming was flawless, imagery was exquisite and flow was well done.
If i may just clear something up for everyone. The first two lines are actually not a part of the poem, they are the inspirational quotes that led me to write this piece. I apologize for the confusion as i usually remove such side notes during the time i take to look over the piece
I thought this piece was amazing. I loved the imagry in this piece.
The flow of this piece was amazing but I agree with Wolf Greytome about the first two lines...they seem harsh compared to the tone of the rest of the piece. Other than that it was a captivating and lovely piece of work that I could tell came straight from your heart!
Outstanding imagery, but the flow could use a bit of work. Overall, your flow is very good, however, the couplet you used to start the piece off is very discordant when view with the remaining stanzas. If your intent was to create a jarring effect right off the bat, then you have succeeded. If that was not your intent, you may want to try softening those two lines up a bit and using 3 lines instead of 2.
I joined this site in 2009, when I was writing poetry exclusively. However my range has expanded and blended. My once short poems are now some sort of descriptive paragraph/free verse hybrid. I .. more..