How often do I charm with cool vocabulary? Never? Oh, okay !
Let me share with you a story, a tale of me finding fancy words to write a smashing ballad, maybe a rhyme here and there too so I could make my cookie sweeter, well, I scramble the eggs right away in my dough with this expectation. You are supposed to chuckle here, for your information.
I'm quite troubled these days, quite unfortunate, even my fish blew a bubble in my face and turned away to stick its face in the artificial weed we installed for it, even artificial stuff is preferable over me. Some rejection it was, it was only interested in the shrimp pellets I was offering it. This isn't the only rejection I got, though, but somehow rejection from pets hit the hardest, though I can't say my words are my pets, they don't do tricks when I order them to, unlike my fish ever ready to do somersaults.
This day was tiring already, and I was churning inside to write something but I only start with a dumb full stop, and here I was expecting a rhyme when even a free verse is defying my idea. Yet I sit with my thoughts zooming past, and words out of the conveyor belt passing through my heart. There was this writer, a long time ago, who said, "fancy words are a turn-off for me" and I couldn't love him enough for saying that, everyone loved his simple poetry speaking the deepest of emotions, one of them was I, a lover of simple words and deep poetry. It reminded me of a few lads who tried to outsmart me with their heavy vocabulary, one time, a girl commented 'pulchritudinous' on one of my poems, and I literally had to google that word only to find out it's a synonym of 'beautiful', I was gobsmacked by the stupidity of her using a complicated word just to look cool.
Well, my sole point is, it's quite unnecessary to use fancy words to articulate a simple idea, what's the use when you can't even make them understand your point and don't even properly use those words, sometimes heavy vocabulary doesn't even fit in the lines, for instance, we use words according to the genre we are writing on, we don't use solemn words in humour, it's like putting salt in dessert instead of sugar. Even my rhymes hiss at me when I write an odd word to suit the flow, and so I closed my journal again to let the hint of idea sleep there, maybe this dough will rise, but then, I didn't sprinkle sugar in it.
I do understand the below lines dear poet.
"Even my rhymes hiss at me when I write an odd word to suit the flow, and so I closed my journal again to let the hint of idea sleep there, maybe this dough will rise, but then, I didn't sprinkle sugar in it."
I use music and I must read to awake my mind. I did enjoy your flow of thoughts. A entertaining read. Thank you for sharing the amazing story and your thoughts.
Posted 8 Months Ago
1 of 1 people found this review constructive.
8 Months Ago
Indeed, I get your point. Grateful for this review.
I do understand the below lines dear poet.
"Even my rhymes hiss at me when I write an odd word to suit the flow, and so I closed my journal again to let the hint of idea sleep there, maybe this dough will rise, but then, I didn't sprinkle sugar in it."
I use music and I must read to awake my mind. I did enjoy your flow of thoughts. A entertaining read. Thank you for sharing the amazing story and your thoughts.
Posted 8 Months Ago
1 of 1 people found this review constructive.
8 Months Ago
Indeed, I get your point. Grateful for this review.
What an amazing writer/poetess you are dear P.V!!! So many writers feel the need to dulcify the words they write not realising that it is the pure simple words which win the day with most readers. I adore the image of words being on a conveyor belt passing your heart and hoping that you will choose them! Beautiful! I don't have any pets so I can't empathise with rejection from your beloved fish. Though I feel certain he was only teasing you a little, dear P.V. and he loves you dearly in truth. I love the comparison between the baking and writing! I love everything about this narrative write. It is so skillfully created and penned with humour! As I read I could almost see you having a little giggle as you wrote. Wondrous write! Thank you for sharing, dear P.V. Wishing you a very lovely evening to enjoy!
Posted 8 Months Ago
1 of 1 people found this review constructive.
8 Months Ago
My little fishy has an attitude of its own, I must say, you have given my story a delightful review .. read moreMy little fishy has an attitude of its own, I must say, you have given my story a delightful review my friend, you always pick parts of my writing I write so carefully and heartily and that makes me truly happy. I'm glad you found humour in my work and meaning behind this idea, you are ever a sweet and kind reviewer, Marie! I'm so grateful for these sweet words and encouraging review. I wish you a day full of love and joy!
8 Months Ago
MOST welcome always, dear P.V. and I too, wish you a very blessed and relaxed evening. Enjoy, dear f.. read moreMOST welcome always, dear P.V. and I too, wish you a very blessed and relaxed evening. Enjoy, dear friend...
This is funny. We all have those moments where the emotion and thought is flowing but the words struggle to fill the lines and pages.
This is done creatively and there is a poem and a story for each word but some words simply don’t fit even if the flow is good. Trust me I go with wording over rhythm most of the time. That is why most of my poems done flow smoothly and are a bit off kilter but I’m okay with that for it’s a unique style like me.
Write the way that feel natural to you and fine tune that. Be you then evolve that unique style the way you want to tweak it.
Posted 9 Months Ago
1 of 1 people found this review constructive.
9 Months Ago
I'm glad you could relate to this piece, I tried challenging myself to write humour and I think it t.. read moreI'm glad you could relate to this piece, I tried challenging myself to write humour and I think it turned out well, I was rather afraid if it may cause some offense to anyone, glad I didn't do far. I appreciate this encouraging review PB, very grateful for these words. Have a lovely day ❤️
9 Months Ago
So im a bit old school but that has to do with my age. I write what I want to write. I let my voice .. read moreSo im a bit old school but that has to do with my age. I write what I want to write. I let my voice be heard. I don’t purposely try to offend anyone. Too many people get offended over too many things these days.
I can have a difference in opinion than someone and still be respectful in the fact that we differ in opinion,
As long as you are disrespectful about my belief or opinion I will be respectful of yours.
9 Months Ago
I did find it humorous. Sometimes we don’t need to use fancy words to get our idea across. It all .. read moreI did find it humorous. Sometimes we don’t need to use fancy words to get our idea across. It all depends on what you are writing and how you feel at the moment. Sometimes fancy words are needed and are fun to say. It just depends. Speak your own voice
9 Months Ago
Having difference in opinion is very natural, and yes we still can be respectful and appreciate each.. read moreHaving difference in opinion is very natural, and yes we still can be respectful and appreciate each other despite that, despite our styles being different, our language and way of talking, it is all cool unless it is meant to harm or to demean knowing very well that there is no necessity of doing so, I had come across some certain figure as such, hence my distress was shown that way, I appreciate your opinion towards it, I never bring aspects such as age, gender or anything personal like that in between sharing perspectives or ideas, I respect your words and your style, and am grateful you appreciate my words and the reviews I drop even though I sometimes may fail to understand a poem, I try my best to appreciate the writer and give them credit enough for the beauty they have reflected. If I fail to do so, I would gladly like to listen to your meanings if you wish to share.
Yes, while I may have dissed the idea of too much fancy words in a write up, I do know and appreciat.. read moreYes, while I may have dissed the idea of too much fancy words in a write up, I do know and appreciate the magic they invoke in a poem when used right.
9 Months Ago
I completely agree. Each person has their own unique style and voice they bring to the table. .. read moreI completely agree. Each person has their own unique style and voice they bring to the table.
I agree with the the statement that to use fancy words to make others feel less than or not as intelligent is nothing but ego filled. I don’t like those that think because they are rich or smart that they are more important than another person.
I knew what you were speaking about in your poem and I do agree with the whole idea of it. I only meant I like certain fancy and the way they sound sometimes lol. I actually have words I love. It’s weird. I like the word Obsidian, onyx, flutter, electric, fiery, primal, carnal and many other. They are favorites for their sound and spelling. A wide array but would say their are fancy lol
9 Months Ago
I'd agree with a lot, we all have our favorite words to use in a poem or sometimes our poems revolve.. read moreI'd agree with a lot, we all have our favorite words to use in a poem or sometimes our poems revolve around them, I think 'obsidian' is a very suggestive word for the beauty of night with its divinity and perfection that just seems to speak of everything stark and starlit, I would I have a fancy for words like wine, bejewelled, symphony and many synonyms of romance. I often love how these lovely words would turn a poem into a charming spell.
A beautiful analogy of baking, dear Muskaan. This is such an impressive write! So many points you make here that strike a chord with me and my own process of writing.
I loved how you expressed your frustration with words and compared them to pets. I too compare my words to my cat. They love me but they have a mind of their own. You chase them, they run faster, you stop and they come looking for you with a raised backside in friendly bonhomie and purring.
Another thought I loved was regarding rhyming. Indeed, forced rhyme is pathetic. One must not fall into that trap. If it comes naturally, use it and if it doesn't, you rightly shut your journal for the idea to bake longer and better. It always results in something good, somewhere, eventually.
I smiled at the fancy words used with no purpose. And if you carry the baking terminology further, difficult, fancy words are like hard and bitter orange peel in your batter or like unhealthy, over sweet fondant. It just subtracts from the good wholesomeness of the baking experience.
Lastly the thought of writing seems fanciful at first but in the long run becomes an inextricable (fancy word :)) part of oneself. So keep persevering and you'll reap dividends some day.
Personally, I think you are a born writer. This is so wonderfully, meaningfully written. Kudos!
Posted 9 Months Ago
1 of 1 people found this review constructive.
9 Months Ago
I was overjoyed when I read your related you related with my pet reference and how right you are abo.. read moreI was overjoyed when I read your related you related with my pet reference and how right you are about them betraying us when we go to them but then try to lure us when we are finding our own business, they are cute regardless, somehow they always know when the time is right.
Yes, some of these extra fancy words, or too much sugar, or fondant as you have suggested often ruin the original zest of the poem, I have read those stuff way too often that I became puzzled about my own poetry.
I love your coy and story like reviews every time, with that another fancy word being the cherry on top, haha, I must say this review is a sweet delight, Divya :P
I hope I prove true to your words, this means so much to me, I'm very grateful for this review Divya! I hope you beautiful day ahead! You're a kind one ❤️
Yes, say it as it is without feeling the need to sugar coat one's writing with use of quite unnessary, estoric words, like who are we trying to impress?
One should as this personable prose with its quaint internal rhyme, really just aim to impress oneself, that's what really counts, then the dough will surely rise, improve, the end result doubtless shall taste beautiful without all that added, extra sugar superfluous to the required skill of quality writing i say!!
Bravo, is your baking is as good as your honest, straight forward and sincere writing?
Posted 9 Months Ago
1 of 1 people found this review constructive.
9 Months Ago
Aha! I love this new and laid back review that came to me that tickled my heart, I'm very happy to l.. read moreAha! I love this new and laid back review that came to me that tickled my heart, I'm very happy to learn to relate and agree with my story, this humorous recipe was a delightful task for me to churn, I hope I can say the same about my baking skills but I have only baked a cake once :')
I'm an ardent lover hidden within the deep confines of my maturity, a lover of poetry and expressing deep meanings in the most mundane observations.
Clearing out the mist crowding my soul and peekin.. more..