

A Poem by Poetic_Vixen

Seeking warmth to fill void gone wrong.

Of havens established in hell;
their blistering sheen blankets
over heart in longing,
still cold and untouched.

© 2024 Poetic_Vixen

Author's Note

This is so raw, parts of it I don't understand from what part of me did this come from, but I can only guess because they are parts that made me so desperate to seek love that I bridged myself to hell then burned it to never be able to return, all for the filling the void and my wailing longings.

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Featured Review

This read to me like a garden of hope planted on a barren field of despair. Going deeper, it speaks to me of hoping against hope that love comes to live in a cold and empty place and thus a heaven built upon the hell realizes its joy and bliss. The impossibility of such a longing touches me and that's what I love about this poem. Our words are so amazing, emerging from such unknown crypts of us. This writing is magical.

Posted 4 Months Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


4 Months Ago

Yes, indeed, it's very magical how unspoken depths of our being feel the need to vent poetically som.. read more


Raw and powerful. Tremendous work.

Posted 4 Months Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


4 Months Ago

Grateful for it!
There is an empty space within us which begs for attention and has a deep longing to be filled with acceptance and love. In the race of life, we are so busy taking care of everybody else, our own needs fall by the wayside of hell. It's like having one leg in heaven and another in hell. Getting the leg out of hell has to take priority if that longing is to be fulfilled and it is only then that the bone chilling cold will be evicted and the warmth of love will ensure it never returns. Please forgive me for my interpretation of your amazing write, dear P.V. It comes from so deep within, I feel like a mountaineer trying to descend from a very high mountain into that place within, but think I got stuck a long way up. That is the only way I can describe what I feel and again, I ask your kind forgiveness, dear P.V. It is amazing how you have enveloped so much in depth meaning in so few words! A succinct and moving write. Thank you for sharing, dear poetess...

Posted 4 Months Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


4 Months Ago

I'd rather not have you ask for forgiveness for your review has given this poem a new depth which it.. read more

4 Months Ago

Thank you so v---e---r---y much, dear P.V. Return warmth to you also, dear poetess...
This read to me like a garden of hope planted on a barren field of despair. Going deeper, it speaks to me of hoping against hope that love comes to live in a cold and empty place and thus a heaven built upon the hell realizes its joy and bliss. The impossibility of such a longing touches me and that's what I love about this poem. Our words are so amazing, emerging from such unknown crypts of us. This writing is magical.

Posted 4 Months Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


4 Months Ago

Yes, indeed, it's very magical how unspoken depths of our being feel the need to vent poetically som.. read more

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3 Reviews
Added on May 26, 2024
Last Updated on May 26, 2024
Tags: heart, love, toxic, Poetry, suffering



I'm an ardent lover hidden within the deep confines of my maturity, a lover of poetry and expressing deep meanings in the most mundane observations. Clearing out the mist crowding my soul and peekin.. more..
