I'm constantly distracted
By all the things in my life
Questions, answers, reactions
For myself no more left of time
But when that time comes for me
I sit and think for hours on end
About what happened to me, all the things
I can work through my emotions and no longer pretend
When I've had enough time
And I just sit in boredom
I still continue to strongly deny
Because I don't want to return to my life of before
And then in trains and circles of my thoughts
My reality seems twisted and in distort
I start to question the ways of life
Traditions, cultures, religions and fights
And to the edges of thoughts I go
My life no longer seems my own
I'm watching as a third-person
My life has stopped, but that I still won't mention
I start to go completely off my mind
So stuck to reality, but trying to find
To find something, only to realize there is nothing
And yet still I continue, desperate for anything
I start to question, am I insane?
Is my entire life a film in a fake window pane?
And yet by asking that very question
I confirmed that I am not yet mental
And then I run back to my old life
And pick up the shattered pieces of my mind
Back there I will never return
To the darkness, the nothingness I cannot be lured