Denizens of Perdition. Let's see. How can I put this... Denizens of Perdition is an illustrated fantasy book about strangeness. Strange things we have seen, strange things we think we have seen and strange things that we can't see at all. I use the word "fantasy" loosly. It is a word that has been attached to the art and the genre. To most, it is the stuff of nonsense. Mere fiction and utter silliness. Ridiculous notions of childish fears. Stories to scare children into being good. But then, to some, these grotesque and shadowy characters are all too factual. They exist... they live and breathe and bleed and eat in a place just outside of our senses. In a blind spot just to the left of the far side of periforal vision, and very, very real. Real enough to touch you. To those few, life is both vision and nightmare, beauty and curse, lightning and fire. To those, this book will be a chance to pin down and dissect those angry fears that are usually at least an inch or two just out of kicking distance. And to the rest of you... those who choose to believe that when the small hairs at the base of your neck stand on end for seemingly no reason, it is just the wind, just silliness and nonsense, it is you, that when you are alone, in darkness or light, when it is quiet... It is then you will think about the Denizens of Perdition and it is then that they will see YOU...