Holes in my socks

Holes in my socks

A Poem by Ashe Conten

I wrote this late last night, and I hope it's not too depressing

There's holes in my socks
from where I walk
on glass and rocks
you think I should stop
oh please don't talk
I am not
who you saw

you saw who my mask maker wants you to see
my magician plays tricks and they all believe
that I am alright
that I sleep at night
she makes it seem
as if I dream
in reality
I do not sleep

sometimes they find
a hole in her lie
a crack in my smile
they know I'm not fine
but that's when they leave
as soon as they see
so many things
are wrong with me

There's holes in my socks
from where I walk
on glass and rocks
you think I should stop
oh please don't talk
I am not
who you saw
why should i
continue to fight
when I am starving
my conscience in weeping
my heart is still sleeping
I quietly cry
I look to the sky
and still deny
that a simple pill
could fix my mind
There's holes in my socks
from where I walk
on glass and rocks
you think I should stop
oh please don't talk
I am not
who you saw

© 2017 Ashe Conten

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I love how you repeat your first stanza throughout the poem. I also like this idea and correlation of having holes in your socks with being different than other people and having different life problems. The whole poem flows very nicely, and I like how you aligned your stanzas the way you did. I also like the underlying feeling of sorrow, All leading up to stanza five where you pour out this theme that changes the whole poem. There's some hint in the second stanza, but the twist in five is very melancholy. I like how you made it sound generally upbeat, but behind everything, there was a different story. Great write.

Posted 7 Years Ago

2 of 2 people found this review constructive.

Ashe Conten

7 Years Ago

Thank you so much!


I love the way you refer the mask you are wearing as being another person. I understand this feeling of hiding the real self behind a smile that's to hard to hold. Beautiful poem.

Posted 7 Years Ago

I love how you repeat your first stanza throughout the poem. I also like this idea and correlation of having holes in your socks with being different than other people and having different life problems. The whole poem flows very nicely, and I like how you aligned your stanzas the way you did. I also like the underlying feeling of sorrow, All leading up to stanza five where you pour out this theme that changes the whole poem. There's some hint in the second stanza, but the twist in five is very melancholy. I like how you made it sound generally upbeat, but behind everything, there was a different story. Great write.

Posted 7 Years Ago

2 of 2 people found this review constructive.

Ashe Conten

7 Years Ago

Thank you so much!

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2 Reviews
Added on March 6, 2017
Last Updated on March 6, 2017


Ashe Conten
Ashe Conten

Atlanta, GA

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