Stopped In Time

Stopped In Time

A Story by Solis-Lopez

just something to keep my mind off of finals

Falling, riding, falling, and smiling.
That is what these small memories encase in their everlasting jewelry box.
I see you standing there, smiling back at me,
and I remember feeling nothing in the world could have been better.
There was trouble, embarrassment, scolding, and then more smiling,
simply because I felt there could be no one better.
Person to person contact, simple talking,
and then it ended as soon as it began.
A long period of time passes, and no matter the situation,
a glimmer of the past would become a beacon of hope,
that the feeling would once again return.
Physically the same, emotionally changed throughout the fragment of the century,
and yet there you still are.
It's as I figured though:
things will never be the same.

© 2010 Solis-Lopez

Author's Note

excuse all the spacing. it just makes my thoughts a little easier to put in.

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Added on April 28, 2010
Last Updated on April 28, 2010



Houston, TX

Well it looks like I'm in college, writing and drawing in my spare time. I'm not much of a writer but it gets me going and I like to just sprawl ideas out wherever I am. more..

Prologue Prologue

A Chapter by Solis-Lopez